Tanglewood Wolfdogs

Tanglewood Wolfdogs Thank you for your support and love. Low content wolfdog pups. Sire is Baron Diablo (45%) and dam is Tauriel (12%). FULL Embark results available upon request.

Tanglewood Wolfdogs is NO LONGER breeding at this time, but will keep this page open for our Tanglewood family and fans to continue to share updates and resources. Price is $1000 with deposit of $300 needed to hold a puppy spot. Breeding will take place once I have deposits to fill 6 spots. Then buyer expected to pay $300 more of total cost by pups 5th week and final $400 before pup leaves at 8 we

eks. Cost includes multiple wormings, ver health check and first shots, microchip, and extensive socialization and training (including crate).

Tanglewood is no longer breeding (and hasn't in many years now). Due to some financial and personal health concerns we a...

Tanglewood is no longer breeding (and hasn't in many years now). Due to some financial and personal health concerns we are having difficulty caring for our animals to the level they deserve. With that in mind we have made the difficult decision to offer some of our beloved adults to be available for possible rehome if we find the proper situation. If you are interested and feel you may be a good fit please reach out.

Nymeria is our oldest and is lonely now that her cagemate daughter Boston has passed on. She is a very good and affectionate girl and loves all people. Her only concern is a high prey drive which impacts her ability to coexist peacefully with smaller animals so no cats, small dogs, or other animals are safe in the household with her. We sadly have too many other types of pets to bring her into our house as she'd prefer, and she deserves to be indoors for her older years. She gets along great with other large dogs and is a very social girl, but can be dominant with other females so its important to make sure they establish who's in charge. Boston was super submissive so they had no issues. She is not yet spayed but will be before rehome. She would love to be a housepet again and is great in the car. If given an outside area it is critical to note she's a Houdini dog and can escape from Alcatraz, no joke. Just because of her unpredictability with other animals she may meet I do use a muzzle when I take her out in public or to the vet, but it is not for any reason directed at people.

Juju is a great girl and presently gets along great as a cagemate to her daddy Baron. She is spayed and utd on vaccinations. She can be a bit shy at times but overall a very sweet and obedient girl. Can also be a good housedog. She used to live with cats fine but of course that should be re-evaluated since it's been a while. She is good in the car. She is becoming a bit dominant so has not been cohabitating with mom Nymeria since I'm not sure either will back down and want to be sure they are safe. She and Boston HATED each other which is why they were separated into parent/daughter pairs the way the were. According to a previous owner, she did get startled by a domineering stranger (male) and lightly nip once but the way it sounds I don’t blame her for that at all. I think most dogs would do so if a total stranger tried to manhandle them that way. I put a muzzle on her when I brought her to the vet just in case but I’ve never seen any sign of an issue.

Baron is a good boy but is a big clumsy oaf in the house and can reach and get into everything so can be destructive in the house. He is good for car rides, can be a bit of an escape artist but very obedient. He's very sweet and submissive with people but like most wolfdogs he can be timid so we usually muzzle him when going to the vet just in case he gets scared enough to nip, even though he never has. He's used to living outside and enjoys it (with proper shelter of course), but he'd love more attention and activity. Must have a companion, either Juju or Nymeria or another. He is not yet neutered but will be before rehome.

Rohan is still here also. He is super sweet but has had aggression issues so any new possible placement would need to be patient and understanding to build rapport with him. He is not yet neutered but will be before rehome.

Rohan is still with me and his previous owner was hoping to take him back after the winter but sadly will not be able to...

Rohan is still with me and his previous owner was hoping to take him back after the winter but sadly will not be able to do so. He is available to the right owner but he has had unpredictable behavior so that owner must be prepared and patient and have the proper environment to give him time to adjust and for all involved to be safe. His first owner was male but his second was a couple and he bonded strongly with the woman. Once he bonds he’s a super loving boy.

Video posted in comments so please check it and reach out to discuss more. Also, he is not yet neutered but would need to be. He gets along great with other big dogs. Not sure about cats or small dogs. He definitely needs a secure pen for downtime, and probably to live in until he decides he trusts you. Too much going on can make him anxious. He loves ice cream as a treat and will sit on command for it. I’ll prepare to keep him as long as necessary, but my long-term goals to find him good placement.


Sad report today. Our pretty girl Boston crossed the rainbow bridge. She had another seizure after not having one for over a year, and she did not pull out of it this time. Nymeria was laying near her as she passed. I’m not sure what the trigger was but she had updated shots about a month ago, so it makes me wonder. We will miss our girl very much 😢

ADD: Of course this had to happen in cold weather, and when I have no funds for cremation 🙁. Is there anyone local and strong who might be able to help my son dig her grave? I recently injured my wrist so I’m not much help. If so, please reach out asap

FINAL UPDATE: Boston has been buried in the best dug grave I’ve ever seen, thanks to a friend named Donald. Seriously this guy has some skills. 👍

Thanks to everyone who wished her well on her journey over rainbow bridge. The pack howled for her last night and it was so beautiful and sad. Farewell, Boston Cream 🐺 💔

Tauriel with the weird puppy, Dodger, that she helped raise. They are best buds 🐺 ❤️🦝

Tauriel with the weird puppy, Dodger, that she helped raise. They are best buds
🐺 ❤️🦝




Update and additional information about Jojo:

I apologize in advance, and give you fair warning that this is a very long read.

Tanglewood family, I’d like to update you all to clarify, and make clear all information concerning the adoptable girl Jojo. First I want to tell you she is not in my possession, and likely will not be without a court battle. Her original owner is homeless, but will not return the dog to me like our contract stipulates. Her puppy name was Rogue in case anybody wants to go back and look at pics of her as a pup.

The owner of JoJo also was the owner of Luna and she later decided she also wanted Rohan who had recently been returned to me.

It all started when I was contacted in mid December and told by her owner that Jojo had gotten loose from her and killed some chickens. It turned out they were her own chickens but her Landlord did not want the dog there anymore. So I was too nice and stupid as usual, and I agreed to help her while she figured out her housing situation because she told me she was looking for a new place.

The agreement we made was that she was borrowing some Kennel space here, but the dogs were still clearly hers, not being rehomed or fostered to me which for some reason she indicated on a recent social media post.

She came back-and-forth to my property and I even gave her a house key so that she could go wherever she needed to, even when I wasn’t home. She continued to take care of her dogs, which I could not help her too much with because JoJo was aggressive to anyone but her, as far as I could tell. I really would’ve loved to be able to go pet Luna because we absolutely loved her, and she us, but JoJo’s presence prevented that, which her owner was very well aware of. I had let the owner take Jojo, then named Rogue, at seven weeks old as soon as she had gotten her first puppy shots. The owner wanted to bond very strongly with her, which she absolutely did but she obviously did not continue her proper socialization with others.

The reason I’m posting all of this detailed information is because this owner has had the gall to post in wolfdog groups claiming some completely fabricated and absurd lies, including that I did not properly socialize the pup before she got her, but when I called her out on it, pointing out that the entire litter was well socialized, and everyone else who got one can attest to it so it was her that did not continue the job after getting the pup. Her reply was, “How was I supposed to continue to socialize her during Covid?“ which just proves that she knew she was lying all along.

If my son, or I noticed that the water bucket was low, we would fill it with the hose from outside of the pen. We would also occasionally put dog food into the kennel from the outside if the owner asked us to, but usually she fed them since she used different food than we did anyway.

After deciding she wanted Rohan, who was housed in an adjoining kennel to her girls, she began working with him and was doing very well developing a trust bond with him. The situation continued like this and we had differing schedules so we often didn’t se one another. I never got rent or anything from her for using my kennels and property, as I was trying to help her be able to afford a new place to move the dogs. She did help me by getting a friend of hers to finish building my second dog pen and shed for my dogs. He was a big help even though he could’ve listened a bit better and paid more attention to detail. It could’ve been better built but it contains the dogs and that’s the most important thing.

On May 12th my son, Connor, and I were not home because it happened to be my birthday and we were visiting with my twin sister. I got a text from JoJo’s owner that Rohan attacked her. After questioning to find out exactly what happened it turned out she had deliberately put all three dogs together in the girls’ pen even though she knew that Jojo and Rohan were not yet fixed. We had previously discussed this and I made it clear to her that I did not think it a good idea to them put together until at least one of the animals was fixed even if Jojo was not in heat, but she took that chance anyway and it turned out it was far worse than just risking an unwanted pregnancy. According to her, she corrected one of the girls and Rohan went crazy in a protective manner and attacked her, biting her leg pretty badly and trying to pull her down. Luckily, she was able to slide out the kennel door and shut it behind her. She told me she secured the kennel and left, I assumed to get medical attention. The dogs were secured together when I got home so I continue to text with her to find out if she was OK and see what she needed from me to help. She said she would not be around for a couple days so she asked us to put food and water into the kennel from the outside because we could not go in safely and just to keep an eye on them so that’s what we did.

Now here’s the part that really involves JoJo. On May 16. Connor came home before me from school and went out back to check on the dogs like he always does and he found the girls having a bad fight. JoJo kept attacking Luna, and Luna was hurt and bleeding very badly. Luna was only attacking back as much as she could in self-defense, which sadly was not effective enough. This situation traumatized my son terribly because he wanted so much to go in and save Luna but he could not safely enter the kennel and I had to stress to him on the phone not to try. He was very close to Luna.

During the intervening time before this occurred, I had reached out to Rohan’s original owner to see if he could come help me remove Rohan from the pen with the girls, and I was expecting him to be available in a day or so, but it just so happened that he called me right when all of this was occurring and told me he was on the way to my house after returning to the state early, so that was very lucky.

I quickly contacted Jojo and Luna’s owner to tell her what was happening and let her know that we needed her to come help because Jojo wouldn’t let anyone but her handle her.

The owner had not even been back to the property since Rohan bit her. Connor and I had been checking on her dogs every day and giving them fresh food and water as best we could without going into the pen.

So we all rushed there and had to create an extra airlock type structure to try to lead Rohan and Jojo out by throwing treats where we wanted them to go, and then blocking that section off so we could finally contain them both and enter the pen where Luna was completely down with two badly broken front legs. At this point we had to guard a bit against Luna biting us out of pain when we tried to move her. Rohan’s original owner, who is a police officer, manage to come up with a plan to get Luna out of the pen and the owner and I rushed her to the vet.

During the exam, the vet discovered that both of Luna’s front legs were very badly damaged and there was a previous wound that was infected and had some maggots in it. The vet did not believe this wound was only a few days old so it’s very likely that JoJo had bitten Luna on previous occasions as well, not just a result of having Rohan put in with them. This was confirmed to me by their owner, who told me that the girls had fought before, so she never should have contained them together at my place in the first place.

Sadly, Luna’s injuries were too extensive and the vet felt that she likely would not have survived, even if we had spent a lot of money on her treatment so the decision was made for her to be euthanized. I was with the owner at the vet, so I know everything that was said.

I was very very upset with the owner after this whole ordeal. Her stupid choices have lead to beautiful and sweet Luna dying far too young. But I was still supportive and compassionate towards her in spite of my inner feelings about it. What I did not expect was for her to turn around and act like it was Rohan‘s fault even though he had never bit either of the girls, and it had been her own dumb choice to ignore my advice and put him in there with them, which made Jojo get jealous enough to get more aggressive than she had already been to Luna. After this event, the owner decided to take Jojo back with her, even though she was homeless and living out of the store of her new job or something like that.

Then I didn’t hear from her for three months, which was great and during that time we’ve been working a little bit with Rohan and things were blessedly peaceful, quiet, and drama free which is the norm here at Tanglewood. Handling wily wolfdogs is so much easier than dealing with stupid humans.

Then on September 3rd she reached out to me again and said she was having medical problems and that there were issues with Jojo, mostly because no one else could care for her since she did not allow many others to handle her safely. So I asked the owner if she needed temporary help or if she was looking for a permanent rehome situation. She told me at that time that she wanted a permanent rehome for Jojo so I began to talk to other Wolfdog people to help. I also offered the temporary place on my property again if there was a time crunch involved just so I knew that she would be safe even though I did not really want her here after what had occurred.

We were texting back-and-forth open till Friday and then I texted her back something on Saturday before I stumbled upon a post she had made that she thought I could not see where she replied to someone who inquired if the breeder could take her back, and she completely lies pretending I refuse to help or answer her and then lies about what had occurred, implying that the dogs were in my care when all this occurred, and that I had been neglecting them, and that Rohan had somehow “gotten into” the girls pen, and that he was responsible for hurting them both.

I have never read a more dishonest fabrication in my life. So, of course, I replied to her post and told everyone the truth. Then the admin’s decided to delete her post, which I don’t blame them for at all.

I texted her and told her to return the pup in my house, key immediately and get the few parts of a kennel that she had been storing here. I was home on Sunday and I instructed her that is when I wanted her to come but of course she did not. She decided to come today, when no one else was home. And would I cannot believe is that she somehow got a state trooper to come with her and believe her about what belonged to her. She did not return the dog, she did leave my house key (hopefully without copying it, which could be a possibility), and she took many kennel panels. Oddly, she left one that I know was hers because I did not ever own any that had the rounded corners because I hate them. And she took all of my other spare panels that have been mine and moved with me from three properties. She claims they were hers and they absolutely were not.

So, in a nutshell, I have been slandered, traumatized, mistreated, and robbed, all for the crime of being too damn nice and a responsible and honest breeder.

These are the facts and nothing but the facts, and I have all of the text messages between us that I will gladly post or send to anyone who would like to read them all. This woman was a total mistake on my part and leaves a trail of disaster behind her. She has no business owning a wolfdog. At this point, I honestly believe there is a mental illness involved because so much of what she has done and said does not make any sense. No one is to blame for the catastrophe that occurred on my property except for her. The Wolfdogs cannot be blamed for being the animals that they are. Their people are supposed to be smarter.

If anyone wants to contact her to see if they can find out what is going on with Jojo, and if she still needs placement, please feel free to do so. You also have my blessing to share this post as you wish.. My only goal, as it has always been with any of my pups, is that Jojo ends up somewhere where they can safely address the concerns so that she, people, and other animals are all safe and properly cared for. She is still young, so I’m hoping that if she is spayed and worked with her behavior can turn around, just like I hope for Rohan.

The owner’s name is Victoria and on Facebook it’s Tori Iacono from Cherry Hill. I’m not giving her info for you to bully her or anything like that even though she really deserves it for stealing my property, but unlike her I don’t have any problem with people hearing from both sides, because I have nothing to hide and I believe you’re all intelligent enough to see the truth shine through. Anyone who knows can attest that I am honest to a fault, and I guarantee, probably the most honest person you’ve ever met.

I live by total truth and believe that lies and omissions do not belong in the world at all, let alone when speaking about a Wolfdog. Hiding facts is not the way to go and only endangers everyone involved, including the animal, so I will not allow that to happen to any of mine.

One last addition: I have seen a picture of Jojo sleeping peacefully with the owner’s standard poodle, who also reports that they get along great (trust that as much as you will), so I think she is dog friendly when there is no male around. I’d still be cautious but I’m not saying that she can’t ever be trusted.

JoJo is 3 years old, unspayed and utd on shots.  Her owner is sadly going through a medical situation that is also imp...

JoJo is 3 years old, unspayed and utd on shots.  Her owner is sadly going through a medical situation that is also impacting her housing situation and as a result is in need of new placement for her ASAP. She is located in New Jersey. Please reach out immediately if you think you can help temporarily or permanently. JoJo has never been with another owner and can be funny with people she doesn’t know so I hope to find someone experienced and understanding of wolfdog behavior who is willing and able to work with her.

Ice cream day. Yum 🍦🐺

Ice cream day. Yum 🍦🐺


Tanglewood family, I could really use some help. I still don’t have the kennels bills for the dogs at my new location. The person that was helping me is unable to finish and I just need someone who is better experience than I am at building a shed from a kit I purchased. I can’t do it alone and I am really not good at this sort of thing. Is there anybody local that might be available this weekend to help me get it done? The dogs and I would greatly appreciate it

ROHAN IS STILL LOOKING FOR A NEW FOREVER HOME ASAP. He is available for adoption and needs an owner who understands wolf...

ROHAN IS STILL LOOKING FOR A NEW FOREVER HOME ASAP. He is available for adoption and needs an owner who understands wolfdogs and will offer him opportunities for socialization while also plenty of quiet time since he can get overwhelmed and have anxiety issues.

He may do well with another calm canine companion, and he will need to be neutered. I believe that will help with his anxiety. Secure containment is a must and a kennel situation may be good for him to have calm time while his owner is out of the home so he does not have any anxiety based destructive behaviors. He enjoys going for car rides but is not a fan of baths so he will have to be worked with to build trust. If you’d like to come meet him please reach out.

Greetings from Tanglewood 🐺

Greetings from Tanglewood 🐺

Some pics of the floofy goobers. The top isn’t finished yet on the new enclosure so for the moment this is how they go o...

Some pics of the floofy goobers. The top isn’t finished yet on the new enclosure so for the moment this is how they go out when I’m there to watch them.

I have everyone separated so that they can have their yummy food without any jealousy. They always have dry kibble in their kennel and share it with no problem. They are kept in pens in pairs: Baron and Juju, and Nymeria with Boston.

Nymeria is blowing her coat so she looks kind of ridiculous right now. Boston and Juju can never be close to each other because they wanna kill each other because they’re both jealous about spending time with daddy. Baron loves both his daughters and doesn’t take sides anymore. Nymeria pretty much ignores them too.

You can see Baron holding up his injured foot in some of the pictures but he puts weight on it when he wants to like when he’s playing with Juju.

While I was taking these pictures Juju wrapped around me and almost caused my death. She charged to play with Baron and I realized just in time that my body was in her path and shifted my weight just enough to keep myself from splatting on the ground with my feet pulled out from under me. Juju realized what she had done and rushed over to see if I was OK. She’s so sweet ❤️


ADD: he let me look at his leg and move it and he is putting a little bit of weight on it. There are a couple of minor superficial wounds on his foot. Other than the limp he is acting fine and eating and pooping fine so I don’t think it’s really worthy of an emergency bill.  I’ll keep you all posted

Well here’s today’s update…

I came home to find Baron limping with an obviously injured right back leg. Now I have to take him to a vet… once I even find one that isn’t too far away… and deal with him possibly injuring it worse because he hates getting in the car so bad. Plus I don’t have the funds available for this right now. 😢


Well I don’t know if we just had a very horrible night or a very good/ lucky night. It kind of depends on your point of view. This will probably be a very long post and very mind-boggling.

Today was the day we decided to move the dogs to our new home. We were transporting two of them, Barron and Juju, in the back cab of my friends Chevy pick up truck. It was a completely enclosed locking cab so I thought for sure it would be fine. I knew that baron did not enjoy car rides and he was kind of big to fit in the backseat of the truck especially because that meant that Juju would have to be in the backseat as well. We always take them to at a time because it seems to make them calmer when they are with another, and Juju is usually very good in the car.

Well we drove for about 40 minutes when somebody beeped behind us. They went by and we thought they were just beeping because they saw the dogs and like them or something. Then we took our exit and were just about to turn when somebody else beeped at us and drove up next to us and told us that the dogs jumped out of the truck 2 miles back. 😳

Insanity ensued as you can imagine when we rushed back to the mile marker ready set the dogs were seen. I called police to see if they could help and told them the situation. I was actually walking along the road and calling the dogs names while my friend drove up to see what he could see. Another truck pulled over and asked me if I was looking for dogs and told me where he had seen them.

He asked me what kind of dogs they were and I told him they were northern breed and shepherd mixes because I usually do not mention wolf since you never know how people are going to react. He kept saying he thought they look like wolves and made up the story about seeing them eating a deer on the side of the road. He also said he’s afraid of like coyotes at one point. He was very helpful in telling us where to start our search and the police finally showed up about an hour later and we’re hopeful as well because of their many flashlights and we located the dogs who were acting very shy of course and just hiding in the bushes at the side of the road. It was no deer inside anywhere and the dogs did not have any signs of having eaten anything and they came out for me but it took a long time to get them to trust enough to go back into the vehicle. One of the police officers told me he knew they were part wolf because he used to raise them. Anyway that is not the end of the story.

Apparently either dogs are incredibly smart which we know could be the case, or the handle jiggles enough while the truck is driving that it became unlocked and the dog was able to push the back open. We secured it better with gorilla tape and bungee cord so that it was much more secure for the ride home and we continued to my new house.

We actually stopped off to check that both dogs were secure along our way. Then we arrived at my new house and cut the tape off of the back to get the dogs out. And we found only Juju in the back of the truck. At this point we were absolutely flabbergasted and kept looking over and over again inside the truck because we had to be missing it or blind or something because there’s no way that Baron was not in that truck when we secured it.  Even the police witnessed us securing it. So we checked over and over again and banged on all the windows and look for holes anywhere in the vehicle and we finally found that Baron had somehow broken the seal of one of the windows and pushed it open and again jumped out of the vehicle while we were driving. Luckily this time Juju decided not to follow him.

So we retraced our path and found him again on the side of the road. He was near someone’s house and look like he had decided that that was our new house and that’s where he wanted to stop his journey and we live there now. Took a lot of convincing to tell him that is not our house and we were only 10 minutes away from our house and he had to get back in the car with me to go there. This time we emptied the backseat of the truck into the cab so that I could climb into the backseat and coax him to get up there with me which he did with no problem, so he just wanted to sit with mommy and be cuddled.

So we finally arrived home and I brought him into his new kennel where he saw that Juju and Tauriel were waiting. So we all finally arrived safe and home at 3 o’clock in the morning.

It is amazing to me that we heard and saw nothing both times the dogs jumped out of a moving vehicle. It’s also amazing that they both appear fine and healthy with no sign of injury. I am more beat up then them because I am too old for this and exerted myself a little too much picking them up to put them back in the truck. I had to do it myself because they wouldn’t allow anybody else to get close to them. 

Anyway I am exhausted and I have to get up for work in a couple of hours. Let’s hope tomorrow is not as eventful as today was.

We still have to bring Nymeria and Boston but this time we're going to start right out with them getting in the back seat with me. They’re both much better in the car than Baron though. He just really does not like car rides. I keep trying to tell them we cannot walk everywhere we need to go.

Tauriel supervised our progress today, then inspected the new kennel yard

Tauriel supervised our progress today, then inspected the new kennel yard

Tauriel’s first visit to our new home and she already met the ice cream man 🙂❤️👍

Tauriel’s first visit to our new home and she already met the ice cream man 🙂❤️👍


Ok Tanglewood family and friends, we are in need of advice and assistance.

Tanglewood is moving to a new home location in Bridgeton. YAY It’ll mean MUCH nicer and more roomy pens for our pack in a nice more private setting.

The issue is that we need to build those VERY SECURE enclosures for the woofers asap and I’m not having much luck finding someone who can help or where I can buy sturdy heavy gauge chain-link panels that we could use to try to do it ourselves. It’s just Connor and I to really try to do this and to be honest it’s out of our league a bit to physically handle it. He’s too unskilled and I’m a bit past my prime in the muscle category.

If anyone has any availability over this weekend or knows where I can look for good materials that are not gonna break my bank please let me know. I have considered using the cattle panels that some have but I don’t have the skill to set them up and I am a little concerned that small animals can still get into the enclosure and I don’t want my guys to harm any stray cats or even bunnies or groundhogs or, god forbid, any tiny dogs just in case the neighbor’s little baby gets loose. We are prey pacifists lol

So PLEASE if anyone has some time and a pair of hands to spare… OR has advice or info to share about materials… OR anyone who wants to possibly donate some funds to the cause (God knows we could use it)… ANY AND ALL aid is greatly appreciated!

If anyone wants to visit from out of state you are more than welcome to stay with us. There’s not much furniture moved in yet but we have plenty of crash space.

We’re really hoping to get the pens up if we can this weekend in order to move the dogs over so that the weekend after this one we can just finish moving the rest of our people stuff and be done the move.


47 Liberty Road
Bridgeton, NJ





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