More recently added! Bred mares, and a riding mare!
🔥🔥Downsizing!! Here is a current list of what we have available. All horses are located in Brillion Wisconsin. Please pm for more information. Prices between $2,### and $8,###.🔥🔥
●Brand Nu Chex Tocash, "Blake" 2012 buckskin
-been used primarily for breeding, but has been trail ridden
-5 panel negative, imm/n, color tested Ee Aa
-mid-high x,###
●Cowboys Red O Lena, "Bourbon" 2023 Red Roan c**t
-5 panel negative, imm/n
-color tested ee aa RNrn
-very quiet and laid back, good manners
-Low-mid x,###
●CE Poco Smoothy, "Honey" 2004 Dun
-Green broke, but mostly has been a broodmare
-Sells with free live cover breeding to any KRK stallion if local sale
-not panel or imm tested
-low x,###
●Contnentl Sadie 4444, "Sadie" 2005 Dun
-broke, but selling as broodmare (we haven't ridden her)
-offered as a 2-1, confirmed in foal to Brand Nu Chex Tocash
-5 panel and imm negative
-Low-mid x,###
●MJK Ms Poco Glo, "Lena" 2015 Smoky Cream Dun
-not started under saddle, sound, but
sells as broodmare
-5 panel negative and imm/n
-color genetics EE aa Dd CRCR
-Mid x,###
●KRK Nifty Blu Bailey, "Bailey" 2015 Grullo Roan
-offered as a 2-1, confirmed in foal to our silver brown stallion, KRK Silver Gentleman for 2025. His genetics EE Aa nZ, 5 panel and imm negative
-not started under saddle, sound but sells as broodmare
-5 panel negative, imm not tested
-color genetics EE aa Dd RNrn
-Mid x,###
●KRK Peppy Nu Poco, "Fergie" 2019 Sorrel
-Fergie is broke to ride, had 30 days consistent riding fall of 2023, and has been ridden since inconsistently by all ages. Has been down the roads and trail ridden. She is not finished, but is a laid back all around point and go kind of girl.
We were planning on exposing her to cattle, roping and or barrels, mostly for fun next year.
-Color genetics ee aa nd2/nd2, she does have 1 blue eye
-5 panel negative and imm/n
-Mid-High x,###
2024 Foals
•"Kasper", AQHA pending (APHA eligible)
-April 29th 2024 smoky cream splash
-homozygous black and cream
-5 panel negative, imm/n
-Justa Splash Bomb & MJK Ms Poco Glo
-Mid x,###