The Training Tree

The Training Tree Former Licensed MA wildlife rehabilitater helping animals to get back to where they belong. Now reti

We are closed as of October of 2021.I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone of you for caring about wildlife a...

We are closed as of October of 2021.

I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone of you for caring about wildlife and doing all that you can to help them. You have all made a difference!
Closing was not something we had planned on doing. We love wildlife! We love working with them and caring for them on their road to recovery. Unfortunately, things happened in our private life and we had to move out of state unexpectedly so we had no choice but to close our doors.
Thank you for all the love, support and compassion over the years. It did not go unnoticed.
Please visit to locate another licensed wildlife rehabber for Massachusetts.

Official website of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts


A quick update on our fabulous 5!
Their prerelease pen is finally done! They are completely enjoying the sun and some lunch as they explore their surroundings.


The latest, and probably last, update on the EGS who came in as a quadriplegic.
He has gained full range of motion and mobility in all limbs. He is currently working on strengthening his rear legs.
He should be ready for release by the weekend. What a little miracle he is!


A quick update on our EGS that came in presenting as a quadriplegic.
He has gained full range of motion in both front legs. His rear legs are a bit slower to catch up. But he is mobile!

We took in this young adult,  Eastern Grey Squirrel (EGS) after Officer Parker (Brockton Animal Control) found him on Ma...

We took in this young adult, Eastern Grey Squirrel (EGS) after Officer Parker (Brockton Animal Control) found him on May 27th.
This EGS presented as a quadriplegic with no visible signs of injury or swelling.
As of this afternoon he is attempting to use his back legs to move around the incubator and his front legs to try and feed himself.
This is him discovering the eye closing, yumminess of watermelon.

With temperatures rising,  education is key!

With temperatures rising, education is key!

We had the privilege of helping Dawn (from Berkshire Wildlife Services) get these 4, accidentally orphaned, babies to he...

We had the privilege of helping Dawn (from Berkshire Wildlife Services) get these 4, accidentally orphaned, babies to her wonderful care. With most rehabilitators full, these guys found themselves in quite the predicament here in Brockton.

Berkshire Wildlife Services, way out in Washington MA, has opened their doors to take these babies! The problem then became:how to get them from the gentleman who has them to Washington?

In comes Officer Walter Bettuchi. He received the phone call from Dawn, about the situation and he did not hesitate to help! He retrieved them from the gentleman and brought them to us. He continued to follow up until he knew they were all set. They were picked up, from us, this evening via a wonderful group of volunteers whose sole purpose is to make sure wildlife gets were they need to go.

Sometimes, it truly takes a village to save some babies...and we have an amazing village!

🎼If you like my bunnies🎼And you think they're sexy🎼Come on sugar tell me soWhile we said we would not do eastern cottont...

🎼If you like my bunnies
🎼And you think they're sexy
🎼Come on sugar tell me so

While we said we would not do eastern cottontails this year, we did.
These 3 came in at different times, with different injuries. We are hopeful for full recoveries.

This Argentine tegu was found, unattended,  in Brockton.  He will be adopted out after the  mandatory 14 day hold and ON...

This Argentine tegu was found, unattended, in Brockton. He will be adopted out after the mandatory 14 day hold and ONLY to an approved home.
While he may look cool, he is not a beginner pet.

This Canada gosling came via Brockton Animal Control. He is the sole survivor of an intentional car strike, that killed ...

This Canada gosling came via Brockton Animal Control. He is the sole survivor of an intentional car strike, that killed his entire family. The man, behind the wheel, continued to go forward and reverse (running over mom, dad and siblings) until an amazing bystander ran out to stop him. Unfortunately, the useless sack of flesh drove away before the police could arrive.
Our gosling is incredibly sad and lonely. We are currently trying to find another rehabber who has other goslings for him to bond with.

*Yes, he does think our hose is shady as **ck*

We are still "tweaking" their prerelease pen (for our fabulous five) as there are several places, on the top, that they ...

We are still "tweaking" their prerelease pen (for our fabulous five) as there are several places, on the top, that they can escape. But, they have moved to outside!

Before you hire pest control to remove wildlife,  make sure it's not a nursing mom.  These babies don't understand why t...

Before you hire pest control to remove wildlife, make sure it's not a nursing mom. These babies don't understand why their mother never came back, and they don't understand that she never will.
Spring is baby season, always check to see if the animal causing you "problems " is a mom. Then remember these faces when you choose to have her killed.

While we are still closed to public intake,  due to COVID,  we are accepting patients from animal control. We stopped ta...

While we are still closed to public intake, due to COVID, we are accepting patients from animal control.
We stopped taking raccoons 2 years ago as our prerelease pen is broken. However, these 4 siblings were orphaned after pest control (PAC) took their mother and euthanized her. The home owners heard crying in the walls 24 hours later.
After tearing down their wall, they found these 4 huddled and crying. They called the PAC back, only to be informed the mother was euthanized claiming they didn't know it was a nursing mom. And while typing this, the homeowners have just discovered a 5th, who is on his way here, for critical care.
*For the record, I believe the PAC is full of crap.

Seeing as they were truly orphaned, and no other rehabber would respond when the request for help was sent, we took them.
We don't know how we are going to deal without a prerelease pen, but we couldn't let them be euthanized.


Public Service Reminder: 🐶🐾🦨
Beginning in February and extending into March is Skunk breeding season. Before you let your dogs out make a little noise and give skunks time to move out of your yard.

If you come face to face with a skunk, stay calm and talk softly to let them know you’re there, skunks have poor eyesight. Skunks are very sweet natured animals and don’t want to spray you. Go about your business and avoid startling them.

Skunks will give you several warnings if they are scared:
1. They will stomp their front feet
2. They turn their backs to you
3. They will do a handstand
4. They will spray

There are various methods to wash your dog if he/she should (unfortunately) get sprayed. You should research this yourself, and find the best technique for you and your dog, based on their size, fur texture, and skin sensitivities.

Another reminder: PLEASE WASH YOUR RECYCLING AND PLEASE DON’T LITTER. Every year, skunks are rescued with cans, yoghurt cups, domed lid fast food drink cups, etc., stuck on their heads. Stay safe, be kind, be prepared. 🤍🖤🦨🐾🐶♥️


This Eastern Cottontail came in, about a week ago, as the sole survivor of a nest attack. He has been beating the odds every day!
*Please excuse human in the background. I am currently fighting mononucleosis. 🤦‍♀️*

These 5 Virginia Opossums were rescued by an amazing ACO! Nancy was tasked with removing their deceased mom from the roa...

These 5 Virginia Opossums were rescued by an amazing ACO! Nancy was tasked with removing their deceased mom from the road. She knew to check her pouch. These were the sole survivors from the impact.
They are very young, so it will be touch and go. Proper heat is vital for them and one reason we are trying to get another incubator.

*UPDATE *Our incubator was funded! Thank you all so much!We are in desperate need of another incubator! This can't happe...

Our incubator was funded! Thank you all so much!

We are in desperate need of another incubator! This can't happen without your support. All donations are tax deductible!
Please help us to help the animals who can't speak for themselves!

How has your first Baby Warm incubator helped you? I have been able to stabilize the tiniest of patients due to the steady, consistent temperature. Thank you!!!!!!!!!!

While we are still closed to public intake,  we are taking animals from Animal control.  Their job is hard enough alread...

While we are still closed to public intake, we are taking animals from Animal control. Their job is hard enough already. Having a place for ACOs to bring wildlife, in need, is a priority.
This cygnet came in last night from the wonderful Abington Animal Control Officer. He was failing to thrive at the Island Grove pond.

It's baby season and all wildlife rehabilitators are incredibly busy and often at capacity.  The most common call we rec...

It's baby season and all wildlife rehabilitators are incredibly busy and often at capacity. The most common call we receive is for "orphaned baby bunnies ", better known as Eastern Cottontails (ECT). The vast majority of these calls do NOT require intervention, but rather some quick education on ECT behavior.
If you have come across an ECT, that you feel needs help, check these 3 things before calling:
1) Is there a visible injury?
Meaning can you see any blood, punctures, breaks or abrasion.
2) Do you see any insects, such as maggots, on the rabbit?
3) Is it thin?
Meaning can you see ribs or saggy skin.

If the answer to those three questions is no, it probably doesn't need intervention.
Mom only feeds her young twice a day, at dusk and dawn.
She is a prey animal, and not a mountain lion, she will not approach if you are near her nest.
Rabbits are self sufficient when they are around 160 grams, or about the size of a softball.

The pictures below are of 2 different rabbits.

The one on the bottom is a good, healthy size and does not need help.
The one on the top is a emaciated and needs help.

Thank you for caring about our wildlife!


Enjoy this great release video by one of our amazing assistants, who also happens to be an amazing Animal Control Officer!


Always start your day with a good breakfast.

These Eastern Grey Squirrels were more than thrilled with their frozen tile and fan today! How do you keep your animals ...

These Eastern Grey Squirrels were more than thrilled with their frozen tile and fan today! How do you keep your animals cool on hot days?

This young, Virginia opossum was found walking in circles,  in the middle of a parking lot.  She is much to young to be ...

This young, Virginia opossum was found walking in circles, in the middle of a parking lot. She is much to young to be one her own. She will be held over for size.

This young Virginia opossum was found clicking and calling for his mom, who was no where to be found. He was picked up b...

This young Virginia opossum was found clicking and calling for his mom, who was no where to be found. He was picked up by Brockton AC and brought here. He is enjoying the warmth of the incubator and food. He is being held over only for size.
The Virginia opossum has 50 teeth and is North America's only marsupial.

It's Great Horned Owl "baby" season.  This is our 2nd brancher in a week. This one was found in a puddle,  wet, lethargi...

It's Great Horned Owl "baby" season. This is our 2nd brancher in a week. This one was found in a puddle, wet, lethargic, diarrhea and cold. The amazing Milton ACO brought him here for care. In less than 24 hours he was ready to go back.
He is being re-nested, back in his nest, by the Milton ACO and Norman Smith.

Every now and then Animal Control gets in "exotic " pets. We are always honored to hold the animal until the owner is fo...

Every now and then Animal Control gets in "exotic " pets. We are always honored to hold the animal until the owner is found.
It didn't take Brockton AC more than a few hours to reunite Maverick with his family. Great job BAC!

While we are aware that many people don't see White Footed Mice(WFM) as worth saving,  we here at the Training Tree do.W...

While we are aware that many people don't see White Footed Mice(WFM) as worth saving, we here at the Training Tree do.
WFM are nocturnal omnivores. They consume destructive species such as the spruce sawfly and the gypsy moth.

This Great Horned (GHO) brancher was called into Animal Control as possibly being injured.  After a quick once over he w...

This Great Horned (GHO) brancher was called into Animal Control as possibly being injured. After a quick once over he was cleared of all injuries and brought right back to where he was found.
Being on the ground is a normal part of growing for GHOs and a few other raptor species. Mom and dad are still caring for them and know where they are!

While we are closed to public intake,  due to COVID 19, we are still helping our local ACOs.This Northern Gannet was fou...

While we are closed to public intake, due to COVID 19, we are still helping our local ACOs.
This Northern Gannet was found, sitting on the pavement, in Brockton.
He has been transferred to our partners at the New England Wildlife Center.

Thank you  BabyWarm for the meme!

Thank you BabyWarm for the meme!


Due to Covid-19, we are temporarily closed to intake. We are deeply sorry for the inconvenienc we know this will cause, but the health of our volunteers is paramount.
While we will not be taking animals in, unless from Animal control, we will do our best to answer questions.
Thank you for your understanding.

Merry Christmas! Santa arrived here early tonight, he had a patient who could not wait, and the reindeer did not appreci...

Merry Christmas! Santa arrived here early tonight, he had a patient who could not wait, and the reindeer did not appreciate his copiloting skills.
She is being referred to as Noel.


Killing a fox to protect your chickens is not only ineffective; it often makes matters worse. Foxes are territorial and will exist in any suitable habitat. When you kill a big, mature, chicken-eating fox, his territory will almost immediately be filled by two or three younger foxes. Even if you kill them too— even if you somehow kill every fox in North America— that won’t stop coyotes, raccoons, skunks, cats, dogs, and hawks from taking your chickens.

The *only* effective solution to wildlife predation is to properly secure enclosures and use humane techniques to dissuade predators. This includes securing coops and runs, top to bottom, with hardware cloth or sturdy chicken wire, installing motion-activated lights, and sometimes using weak electric fencing.

Our most recent loss was a mouse,  no more than 24 hours old. Although we knew it was impossible,  we still tried and ar...

Our most recent loss was a mouse, no more than 24 hours old. Although we knew it was impossible, we still tried and are forever grateful for our incubator that provided her with the proper warmth and comfort for the short amount of time she had.

This "Ring-billed pigeon " (as we are affectionately calling her) was brought in by Officer Piche of Brockton Animal Con...

This "Ring-billed pigeon " (as we are affectionately calling her) was brought in by Officer Piche of Brockton Animal Control. She appears to have escaped a predatory attack. She is expected to make a full recovery.
Great job BAC!

A glimpse of what we have been up to, including releases and our newest addition!

A glimpse of what we have been up to, including releases and our newest addition!


Pineview Ter
Brockton, MA



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Screech owl release
Kara Touzos my friend who is the ACO in Bridgewater suggested you contact this place about your bird situation.
Hello the Training Tree! You really should have an hour or two on weekends to allow parents being kids to see the baby animals in care and leave a donation. Kids would really enjoy seeing baby animals and parents would be happy to donate cash for such visitations. Everyone wins.

Also, there should be some easier way to donate other than Amazon cash. Maybe you can share PayPal account so people can transfer money to as donations? If it is too difficult, people won't do it. It should be an easier way to donate.

I would love to bring my boys to see baby squirrels and other animals in your care and bring a donation in cash or goods.