Team ABBF is working on wrapping up the competition season in style. We all enjoyed the weather this past weekend at Waredaca and we even had a super finish by Liz Brothers in her first classic format 3 day event! The fall classic at Waredaca is a favorite of mine and I always enjoy seeing people getting to experience it for the first time! Great job everyone!!
🎥 Katie and Mr. Mayhem
Check out our full results here:
Summer is wrapping up, and team ABBF is getting back into the swing of things and gearing up for an exciting fall season!
Check out our full results here:
Shout out to Voltaire Design USA & Canada for keeping me balanced during little Lani’s first-ever jumper round at a show! This little mare is really growing up!
Team ABBF had a great weekend out about making the most of the gorgeous sunshine we were gifted with in between raindrops!
Check out our full results here:
Q is really becoming a lovely event horse! At her very first recognized Horse Trial she brought home a 3rd place in Beginner-Novice. Snap her up now before we get her out more and her price goes up! Check her out more photos and videos!
Freyja making easy work of our jump chute. She’s looking great and feeling good thanks to Purina and Four Oaks Farm Products Muscle Release Spray!
Freyja and I had a great time knocking off the dust for her first outing this year at Loch Moy’s Spring Fling! I’m so happy to have her back out again, and I am looking forward to our spring season finally getting started!
Check out our full results here:
And we can’t not share this video from yesterday’s shenanigans. We can’t decide who gets the bigger gold star … Tilghman for taking one for the team to collect eggs and beer, or Crystal for not rolling or running away! 😂😂😂
Thanks again Waredaca Pony Club!
Huge congratulations to Addison and Tate who knocked the dust off quite effectively this weekend at Morven Park to get their season going in style!
Check out the full results here:
Nickle proved himself in his first official jump lesson! I am so thankful to have Voltaire Design USA & Canada on my team- these saddles make staying balanced on talented youngsters like Nickle super simple.
Before this week’s weather roller coaster some of our riders got out to enjoy the milder temps this past weekend with some really great results! Special congratulations to Margaret on her and Stilts’ debut at 3rd level!!! Way to go!!
📹 Margaret and Stilts warming up!
Check out our full results here:
#horseshow #abbf #abbfeventing #dressage #dressageschoolingshow #equestrian #areaii