Here's a few custom paint schemes we just finished for our work flow. It's a shirt week around here, with a Texas Predator hunt only days away, but we are fired up to get these birds into production.
Let's take a minute to talk about what goes into our paint jobs. First of, we start with a blank canvas, the white pintail head in the 1st picture is an example. From there, we pull up reference photos of live birds, not the dead bill from a client bird, as that is no longer live reference. We us a mix of powder paints and acrylics to layer and achieve the depth and realism found in nature. As with every aspect of taxidermy, we can never get it perfect, but in striving to continually get it closer, we land on something that is a pleasing version of the real deal.
Even something as subtle as adding a layer of raw umber to a black golden eye bill creates depth and the leathery look they have. It's a fun game we play, trying to hit the mark. Anyway, enjoy your Tuesday and get after it!