A recall from a sit or down stay is important, and an awesome start, but will your pup come when called when they’re out having fun elsewhere? Getting them to come to you (especially with enthusiasm) when they’re engaged/distracted/being drawn towards something else is the tricky part. We hear so often that the dog will only come when they feel like it, or if they’re shaking a bag of treats. Or, they do recall, but it’s slow and sad and giving Eeyore vibes. Instead of “Come” meaning fun is over, time to stop playing, time to come inside, time to go in the kennel, etc… we make coming when called fast, fun, and reliable. Comet is having the time of her life running in circles and burning off energy, but quickly turns and runs back to her trainer when called. Way to go, Comet! 💪😍————————🐶 Need help getting your dog under control? 🐶📲 Send us a DM to speak with one of our trainers today☎️ (813) 434-3108🐕 Board & Train, and Private Lesson programs📍Serving the greater Tampa area—————————-#tlcdogtrainingtampa #tampadogtraining #tampadogtrainer #dogsoftampa #doodle #doodlelove #florida #dogtraining #puppytraining #happydog
Does your pup know the difference between “time to play” and “time to hang out and chill?”Kratos and Rowdy are 2 young Doberman pups, who are learning how to chill out and find their off switch. We use the words “Relax” and “Ready?” to let them know when it’s time to just hang out and relax, vs when it’s time to get pumped and play. Putting it on cue brings clarity to the dog as to what you want. Once they know the cues, and as long as they are biologically and physically fulfilled, you can tell them “Right now we need to hang out for a minute, and we’re gonna go play later.” The start of this process takes a lot of time and patience. So if I know I’m going to be hanging out in one spot for a bit (watching TV, sitting on the computer, folding a mountain of laundry…), I will take that opportunity to step on the leash and show my dog how to hang out and chill. —————————🐶 Need help getting your dog under control? 🐶📲 Send us a DM to speak with one of our trainers today☎️ (813) 434-3108🐕 Board & Train, and Private Lesson programs📍Serving the greater Tampa area————————————-#tlcdogtrainingtampa #tampadogtraining #tampadogtrainer #dogsogtampa #puppytraining #doberman #dobermanpuppy #puppytraining #housemanners #calmdog
How do I teach my pup not to jump? It starts with a leash.At first, we were allowing, if not encouraging, Betty to jump on people. She was very shy and untrusting, and needed lots of encouragement to boost her confidence. Now that she gets excited about people (at least people she is comfortable with), we want to teach her how to get love and affection from people without slamming into them and jumping up for attention. If she went to jump up, and then got heavy aversive for doing so, there is a good chance we would break all trust and justify her weariness of people. You should not do this to any dog to prevent jumping, much less a softer dog with trust issues. We start by preventing the behavior by stepping on the leash. She can stand up, but if she goes to jump she applies pressure on the slip lead to herself. Not only are we preventing it, but we’re making it uncomfortable to do so. She knows that she can turn off the pressure of the leash by keeping 4 on the floor.We also help her out by telling the person to step back, and be less of a draw to jump when there’s more distance. The calmer she stays, the more likely the person is to come in and pet. If the jumping up is never successful (pushing, petting, laughing, making contact, etc with the dog when they jump is all reinforcing for the dog and making it more likely to happen again), they learn that jumping up will never get them what they want, and keeping 4 on the floor is how to get affection and attention. ——————————🐶 Need help getting your dog under control? 🐶📲 Send us a DM to speak with one of our trainers today☎️ (813) 434-3108🐕 Board & Train, and Private Lesson programs📍Serving the greater Tampa area—————————-#tlcdogtrainingtampa #tampadogtraining #tampadogtrainer #dogsoforida #dogtraining #pitbull #fosterdog #floridadog #dogsoftampa #adoptme #dogtrainingtips
This is only Betty’s 2nd session with loose leash walking. She’s picking up quick!We have preserved the feeling of pressure on the neck by walking her in a harness and letting her pull us around. This is so that when it did come time to teach her about coming into the leash instead of pulling against it, she wouldn’t have had all that time getting used to the feeling of pulling against her collar. Once she masters this in a neutral environment (which shouldn’t take long), we start bringing in things to draw her away from us, so we can work her through it and teach her to still walk next to us even with distractions. This can be things like other dogs, kids, toys, food, changing the environment…anything we can think of that will be a competing motivator to staying with us. When she’s gotten that under her belt, she will be ready to go out into the world to work on it in real life situations. 🐶🐶 Betty White will be getting spayed soon, and is still looking for her forever home! 🐶🐶
All of our Christmas campers are enjoying the weather and waiting for Santa to visit!
We had such an amazing time at the @thedogmomsoftampabay Howliday Market. We showed off some tricks and met some awesome new pup friends 🐾
Thank you Dog Moms for putting on another great event! 💝
Come see us at the Howliday market tomorrow!
Betty White came to us unsure of what toys were, and how to play with them. She definitely did not know that playing with toys WITH us was a thing.Not only is it useful to have toys and play available as a reward for training, but it builds engagement and strengthens our relationship. It is also an excellent way to direct her drives and fulfill her genetics. Thank you to @xjayjackx13 for showing us the way of play! It’s really helping us to bring this little girl to her full potential. We went to Jay’s seminar on play earlier this year, and it really upped our game and showed us how to use play to strengthen all aspects of training.Miss Betty White is learning how to trust people, enjoy life, and of course some manners and obedience along the way. She will be looking for her permanent home in the new year!————————🐶 Need help getting your dog under control? 🐶📲 Send us a DM to speak with one of our trainers today☎️ (813) 434-3108🐕 Board & Train, and Private Lesson programs📍Serving the greater Tampa area————————————#tlcdogtrainingtampa #tampadogtraining #tampadogtrainer #tampapitbull #rescuedog #dogsoftampa #dogmomsoftampabay #floridadog #happydog #adoptabledog
Consistency and clarity is key in dog training. Consistency and clarity on commands, what they mean, and the reinforcement that follows. We also have to be cognizant of where the dog is in learning and maturity, and our surroundings, so we can be fair in our expectations and our follow through. A key phrase that can be applied to almost all aspects of dog training:⭐️ “As little as possible, and as much as necessary” ⭐️Lumi is still a baby and in the foundation stages of learning, but she has a handle on the “sit/stay.” We are pushing her by asking for it in a new and highly distracting environment, including a high motivator walking right past her. By controlling the environment, using clear and fair communication with the leash, helping her when she needed it, and repeating the exercise multiple times so she could work her way through and learn from her mistakes, Lumi figured it out and held that sit while another dog walked by. Way to go, Lumi and mom!———————-🐶 Need help getting your dog under control? 🐶📲 Send us a DM to speak with one of our trainers today☎️ (813) 434-3108🐕 Board & Train, and Private Lesson programs📍Serving the greater Tampa area—————————#tlcdogtrainingtampa #tampadogtrainer #tampadogtraining #puppytraining #dogfriendlytampa #dogsoftampa #dogtrainer #samoyed
🛑 Stop approaching dogs you don’t know without asking 🛑 😠 Not only is it a huge pet peeve of trainers (and dog owners) when people come up and pet the dog or try to call it to them, but it’s dangerous and rude. 🙏 Please ask before approaching or reaching for a dog, don’t try to call/distract/antagonize/scare dogs when you see them out, and don’t be offended if someone says “no” when you ask to pet. There are many reasons for this, and for someone to say no to petting: ✅ The dog is in training and not ready for that level of distraction✅ The dog is working on neutrality and ignoring distractions ✅ The dog is not friendly✅ The dog is scared or nervous ✅ The dog is working or in training and you are making things more difficult for the dog✅ You don’t know the dog and don’t know how they may perceive the interaction, especially if the owner is unaware/unprepared to help them through it✅ The owner is just trying to go for a walk and doesn’t have time to/want to/can’t work them through the interaction✅ The owner is just trying to enjoy a walk with their dog and doesn’t have time to/is unable to/doesn’t want to talk to a stranger ✅ Walking up to someone and grabbing their belongings without asking or insisting on doing so is weird and uncomfortable✅ Just because someone is outside of their house with their dog, does not mean you are entitled to touch itA negative interaction with a stranger can have a lifelong effect on a dogWe live in a weird time where people think it’s ok to touch people’s dogs without asking. Or even weirder, people will call to, whistle at, and even bark at dogs when they see them. I’m assuming to get a reaction out of the dog. Some people even get angry when you say no to an interaction. We have gotten yelled at and called names more times than we can count if we say, “I’m sorry, he can’t be pet right now.”Remember, just because a dog is out in public, it doesn’t give anyone the
Hudson is really coming along with his “out” and back away. Now that he understands the process, and is relying less and less on the help from the leash, we have started backing it up with the remote collar. This exercise has become a big game for him, and instead of us coming in the take his resources, he is happy to give them to us. ——————————-🐶 Need help getting your dog under control? 🐶📲 Send us a DM to speak with one of our trainers today☎️ (813) 434-3108🐕 Board & Train, and Private Lesson programs📍Serving the greater Tampa area————————————#tlcdogtrainkmgtampa #tampadogtrainer #tampadogtraining #germanshepherd #dogsoftampa
Mr. Hudson is here for resource guarding his food bowl. He has some big feelings about his food, and we’re working on1) Giving him some rules and skills to keep everyone safe around food, and 2) Showing him he has no need to worry about us taking his resources. By teaching him these skills in an environment absent of the food bowl, he can learn these new things without having to stress out over the food. Once he has these skills down solid, when we do introduce the food bowl, he should have an understanding of what we’re asking of him, even though there’s a big “distraction.”————————————🐶 Need help getting your dog under control? 🐶📲 Send us a DM to speak with one of our trainers today☎️ (813) 434-3108🐕 Board & Train, and Private Lesson programs📍Serving the greater Tampa area—————————-#tlcdogtrainingtampa #tampadogtraining #tampadogtrainer #dogsoftampa #germanshepherd #tampadogs #resourceguarding #dogtraining