Our mill is an ionophore-free facility.
Although the incident is completely unrelated to our mill or its feeds, the tragic loss of a large number of horses in Oklahoma who consumed monensin, an ionophore, has brought the danger of this medication to our customers’ attention. This was a tragic incident, and we offer our condolences to everyone involved.
Union Point Custom Feeds does not use monensin – or any ionophores – in any of its feeds. Though monensin and other ionophores are commonly used in cattle, sheep and goat feeds as a growth promotant, they are extremely dangerous to horses in even tiny amounts. Because of our commitment to only natural ingredients, and even more so – the risk of accidental exposure or cross-contamination between feed batches – we have never and will never use ionophores in our feeds. This includes our house formulas and custom formulas.
Besides buying only ionoshore-free feeds for your ruminants and choosing a mill that is entirely ionophore-free, you can improve safety by keeping horse and ruminant feeds separate from each other and labeled. Careful training of anyone in your barn – especially those helping with feeding – is essential. It’s far too easy for someone who does not know animals to accidentally give the wrong feed to the wrong animals.
Our hearts go out to the people who lost their horses in such a horrible way. We can't imagine the sorrow that they are experiencing.