We so appreciate all of the efforts to protect the vulnerable and prevent the spread of disease over the past two years of this Covid-19 Pandemic! ❤️
With the current low number of cases locally, we think this is the right time to dial back some of the measures that we have taken.
⭐️Beginning Monday, March 21, we will open our lobby and will no longer be requiring masks. If you prefer, you may still call the office upon arrival and enjoy the excellent curbside service that we have offered the past two years.
Thanks for your contribution to the health of our community! We look forward to seeing your smiling faces!🤗
Come by and see us today!
If you’re too cold, your pet’s are too!🥶 Keep them inside whenever possible.
#brownwoodtx #vet #browncounty #brownwoodvet
Cats allowed to roam freely outside come in contact with a number of risks, including:
• dangerous traffic
• diseases transmitted by other cats and rodents
• larger animals like loose dogs
• cat fights
• and abuse from humans
Indoor cats are able to get plenty of exercise while avoiding many of these hazards. Protect your cats from harsh weather and other threats by keeping them inside.
That feeling your dog gets when they see you after a long day of napping 🥺
We’re open until 5:30pm today and from 8:00-9:00 am on Saturday.
Run on down and see us!
BRR... Brown County is expecting more winter weather this week with lows in the 20s and 30s. If you’re cold, your pets are too!
No pet needs to be outside in this weather, no matter how good your dog house is!
If you cannot bring your pets in the house, please bring them to the clinic for boarding.
Call (325) 646–0514 to reserve a spot today!