The tree is just about ready for the tree lighting celebration going on in downtown Brush this Friday (12/6/24)! Festivities run from 4:00-6:00 and include hot cocoa, cookies, fire pits, s'mores, Regi the Reindeer, caroling, fun activities provided by individual businesses, a guest appearance by Santa himself, and a free movie "Elf" at the Sands Theater after the celebration! Festivities begin at 4:00 and the tree lighting ceremony is at 5:00. For more information, visit the Brush Area Chamber of Commerce page and website.
Be sure to explore downtown Brush to kick off the holidays!
We were obviously pummeled by the storm last night; especially the west side of town. Here is the radar from 6pm-8pm yesterday. You can see how it simply stayed right on top of us.
Thanks to all the response crews who were out throughout last night and this morning to keep things managed and safe for the community. Cleanup work will be ongoing over the next couple of days. Let us continue to look out for the well-being of one another.
We've heard various numbers of individual's rain gauges around town collecting 2.5 inches to 5+ inches over the course of approximately an hour and half. If those numbers are accurate, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Point Precipitation Frequency (PF) Estimates chart, those higher precipitation numbers would place the storm as a 500 year or 1,000 year storm event!
We do have additional rain forecasted for today...
Thanks to the Brush Rodeo for another great July 2-4 event! The Rodeo Board works throughout the year planning the event for the community; and there are plenty of local organizations supporting the work such as the Brush Area Chamber of Commerce who coordinates the great July 4th parade, and the Brush Volunteer Fire Department who takes care of the firework show we love so much! There are plenty of other individuals, businesses and organizations who help make it all happen too, so thank you everyone!
Here was the Christmas Tree lighting this past Friday night. Thanks to all those who participated and endured the frigid winds! Thanks to the Brush Area Chamber of Commerce for coordinating everything! Enjoy the Christmas month everyone!
Untouchaballs are your 2022 City of Brush Women’s Champions!!!
Be sure to stop by the Community Development Building at 304 Clayton Street tomorrow during the Trick or Treat Street in downtown Brush from 4:00-6:00! Trick or Treat Street will have lots of goodies and fun!!!
The Annual Arbor Day Celebration was a big hit! A special thank you to all the saplings from Beaver Valley ElemenTREE school who joined us to plant 6 very much-needed trees at the Brush Memorial Cemetary.
Great turnout today at the groundbreaking ceremony for the new Brush School District high school and middle school. "Move that dirt!"