Shed Dog Testing parameters and costs
NTSD Shed Dog Testing
Shed Dog 1 (Easiest)
Cost $50.00
Field Size – 1 acre (200 feet x 200 feet)
Shed Medium – approved shed paste
Number of Sheds – 10
Time Limit – 15 minutes
Number of finds to pass - 6
10 clean sheds or approved synthetic antler will be cleaned then treated with an approved shed paste, the judge will then place the antlers and mark them with GPS.
The boundaries of the shed field will be shown to the handler. The handler will inform the judge how the dog indicates a find, for example, “dog retrieves antler to hand”, “dog points antler”, “dog sits by antler”, “dog barks or bays antler”. This must be written on the scoresheet before the test begins, an antler find will only be scored if the indication matches the scoresheet. The dog must find 6 of 10 antlers in the allotted time to pass. The dog must show willingness and interest in shed hunting, the handler may not direct the dog to a shed with voice command, body language or hand signals.
If the dog is registered the result will be listed on the pedigree. If the dog is not NTSD registered a certificate will be issued. Owner/handler will have 1 year from test date to register dog to NTSD to register the results on the pedigree.
NTSD Shed Dog Testing
Shed Dog 2 (Midlevel)
Cost $50.00
Field Size – minimum of 2 acres (400 feet x 400 feet)
Shed Medium – approved shed paste
Number of Sheds – 14
Time Limit – 20 minutes
Number of finds to pass - 11
14 clean sheds or approved synthetic antler will be cleaned then treated with an approved shed paste, the judge will then place the antlers and mark them with GPS.
The boundaries of the shed field will be shown to the handler. The handler will inform the judge how the dog indicates a find, for example, “dog retrieves antler to hand”, “dog points antler”, “dog sits by antler”, “dog barks or bays antler”. This must be written on the scoresheet before the test begins, an antler find will only be scored if the indication matches the scoresheet. The dog must find 11 of 14 antlers in the allotted time to pass. The dog must show willingness and interest in shed hunting, the handler may not direct the dog to a shed with voice command, body language or hand signals.
The shed field shall consist of field and forest.
If the dog is registered the result will be listed on the pedigree. If the dog is not NTSD registered, a certificate will be issued. Owner/handler will have 1 year from test date to register dog to NKC to register the results on the pedigree.
NTSD Shed Dog Testing
Shed Dog 3 (Hardest)
Cost $50.00
Field Size – minimum of 2 acres (400 feet x 400 feet)
Shed Medium – approved shed paste
Number of Sheds – 14
Time Limit – 20 minutes
Number of finds to pass – 11 (1 of 2 wetland placed antlers)
14 clean sheds or approved synthetic antler, of which 7 will be cleaned then treated with an approved shed paste, the judge will then place the antlers and mark them with GPS, 2 antler paste treated antlers will be placed partially submerged in water. 7 non treated and 5 treated antlers will be evenly dispersed between field and forest.
The boundaries of the shed field will be shown to the handler. The handler will inform the judge how the dog indicates a find, for example, “dog retrieves antler to hand”, “dog points antler”, “dog sits by antler”, “dog barks or bays antler”. This must be written on the scoresheet before the test begins, an antler find will only be scored if the indication matches the scoresheet. The dog must find 11 of 14 antlers, of which 1 must be a partially submerged wetland shed in the allotted time to pass. The dog must show willingness and interest in shed hunting, the handler may not direct the dog to a shed with voice command, body language or hand signals.
The shed field shall consist of field, forest and wetland.
If the dog is registered the result will be listed on the pedigree. If the dog is not NTSD registered a certificate will be issued. Owner/handler will have 1 year from test date to register dog to NTSD to register the results on the pedigree.