Don’t miss our 🍀 $16/bale #ALFALFA SPECIAL 🍀 on three-tie second cutting for PICK-UP & DELIVERY - going on NOW THROUGH THE END OF FEBRUARY while supplies last!.. …We offer ALFALFA + TIMOTHY + ORCHARD GRASS + TEFF + MIX + LOCAL & more, for PICK-UP / DELIVERY / SEMI LOAD! Send us a message or call/text 253-929-9110 for more information about our product and service offerings!.... #hay #alfalfahay #haybale #haybales #haystack #pressedhay #haypress #haybarn #haydelivery #livestock #animalnutrition #farm #farmanimals #farmlife #feedstore #haydeal #haysale #wahay #washingtonhay #cattlefarm #cattlefarming #pnwfarm #pnwlife #equinenutrition #horsefeed
AN EXTRA $1 OFF ➡️so only $16/bale⬅️ our already-low-priced three-tie 2nd cutting #ALFALFA?!VISIT US IN STORE or BOOK A DELIVERY through 2/28/25 to take advantage of this great deal on quality alfalfa! Available on a first-come, first-served basis - while supplies last......#hay #alfalfahay #haybale #haybales #haystack #hayisforhorses #haydelivery #haybarn #haydelivery #livestock #animalnutrition #farm #farmanimals #farmlife #horsefarm #horsebarn #horse #horses #haydeal #haysale #wahay #washingtonhay #haysale #hayforsale #pnwfarm #pnwlife #equinenutrition #horsefeed
LET’S TALK about this cost-saving intervention that allows us to move hay more efficiently ➡️ Since the cost of a bale of hay increases each time it is moved - directly in-line with the fuel/labor/equipment costs incurred throughout the moving process - one thing we do is load and unload with equipment whenever possible. Automated on/offloads (using equipment such as forklifts, squeezes, tractors, tele handlers etc.) compared with manual on/offloads (using men, elevators, and hooks) can be quite a bit more cost-effective because it requires less labor and time.If you are wanting to be able to purchase hay in a more cost-effective manner, one consideration to make would be to acquire your own equipment so that you can offload own hay into your storage space.For example - if we take a 6 ton hay delivery, we would typically be sending two guys to unload and stack via hooks and elevator. However - if you have a tractor that can unload, we only need to send one guy on the delivery, saving time and money. A few things to consider if you are thinking about purchasing hay-moving equipment for your facility:🌟 you want to be going through enough volume - or be able to use the equipment for other tasks - so that the investment actually makes sense for your operation🌟 you will need to have plenty of room and good ground to operate the equipment effectively🌟 ideally you would want to purchase in larger volumes to save even more $ - so you would want to have enough storage capacity and driveway access for a semi load or large delivery/trailer loadWhat other factors can you think of that might be worth considering when it comes to hay-moving equipment and moving hay in a cost-conscious manner? #hay #alfalfahay #haybale #haybales #haystack #pressedhay #haypress #haybarn #haydelivery #livestock #animalnutrition #farm #farmanimals #farmlife #feedstore #haydeal #haysale #wahay #washingtonhay #cattlefarm #cattlefarming #pnwfarm #pnwlife #equinenutrition #horsefeed