Branex Hay

Branex Hay 🌾 HAY by SEMI LOAD 🌾
*Family Owned & Operated*
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{PICK-UP & DELIVERY by Branex Feed & Supply}

Branex Hay, LLC is a family owned and operated hay service based in Buckley, Washington. We are committed to providing quality hay at competitive prices to fit the needs of our customers and their animals. For SEMI LOAD inquiries - please call/text (253) 670-0577 or (253) 929-9110. IG -

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In order to better meet the needs of our PICK-UP and smaller DELIVER

Y customers, WE OPENED A STOREFRONT in October 2022 - see below for details:

Branex Feed & Supply, LLC

LOCATION: 23417 SE 436th Street, Enumclaw, WA
HOURS: M-Sat 9am-6pm & Sun 10am-4pm
CONTACT: (360) 625-8663 | [email protected]

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✨NEW✨ in the Branex barn: three-tie 1st cutting   HAY!Not only is this stuff beautiful - it’s also a great price for the...

✨NEW✨ in the Branex barn: three-tie 1st cutting HAY!

Not only is this stuff beautiful - it’s also a great price for the quality at just $25.50/bale - and we just sent out a sample today and look forward to having test results back within about a week!

We’ve already sold about couple hundred bale’s since it came in yesterday, so if this looks like the kind of hay you might want in your barn it might be a good idea to come take a look and maybe grab a few bales to try!

JUST A FEW DAYS LEFT to take advantage of our 🍀 $16/bale   SPECIAL 🍀 on three-tie second cutting for PICK-UP & DELIVERY ...

JUST A FEW DAYS LEFT to take advantage of our 🍀 $16/bale SPECIAL 🍀 on three-tie second cutting for PICK-UP & DELIVERY - normally $17/bale!

This offer is available in a first-come, first-served basis - for PICK-UP until 6pm on 2/28/25, or for DELIVERY when booked before 6pm on 2/28/25 with delivery occurring within two weeks of booking. ☎️ CALL /TEXT 253-929-9110 for booking & details!
Other in-stock alfalfa options (for pick-up & delivery by the bale) currently include:
🍀two-tie 5th cut
🍀three-tie 3rd cut
🍀pressed 2nd cut
🍀chaff sleeves
*can mix/match/split smaller deliveries and can also deliver other farm products such as feed/bedding/supplements etc.

We also have the following ALFALFA small bales available BY THE SEMI LOAD AT A DISCOUNTED DIRECT TON RATE ⤵️
🌟$350/ton three-tie 2nd
🌟$375/ton two-tie 3rd
🌟$400/ton three-tie 4th
🌟$450/ton three-tie 5th
*haul & unload of full load to one location within 30 mi of 98022 included in above pricing
*tons of different hay types/quality-levels/packaging-options available by the semi load
*can also bring a smaller delivery of other hay etc. free of additional delivery fee when we bring a semi load to you
We offer ALFALFA + TIMOTHY + ORCHARD GRASS + TEFF + MIX + LOCAL & more, for PICK-UP / DELIVERY / SEMI LOAD! Send us a message or call/text 253-929-9110 for more information about our product and service offerings!


With over 15 years in business - our top priority always has been, and always will be, to match each individual with the right hay for them and their animals 🐎🐑🐐🦙🫏🐄🦬

With options for…

➡️ by-the-bale PICK-UP with complimentary loading seven days a week…

➡️ mix-and-match DELIVERY up to 10 tons…

🌟or bulk purchase by the DIRECT SEMI LOAD at a discounted ton rate🌟


Need low NSC? We got you!

SEND US A MESSAGE or cal/text 253-929-9110 to let us know how WE CAN HELP YOU!

*Family Owned & Operated*
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{PICK-UP & DELIVERY by Branex Feed & Supply}

💬 TEXT MESSAGE: “Good morning! I would like to place another order for a pallet of pressed timothy again and was wonderi...

💬 TEXT MESSAGE: “Good morning! I would like to place another order for a pallet of pressed timothy again and was wondering if you could please get me on the schedule? You were right the pressed hay is so much better!!”
I put so much effort into trying to match people and their animals up with the right hay for their individual needs. So does my whole family and our entire team - it’s probably the most important task we take on, on a daily basis. And it probably comes at no surprise that it can be pretty challenging, time-consuming, and sometimes even labor-intensive to get it right.

But to me there is probably no greater feeling than getting feedback like this when I have went out on a limb to suggest something new for someone because I think it might work well for them and their animals. For me - and our team - this is why we do what we do. This is what makes all the hard work worth it. This is why we choose to go the extra mile.
FOR THOSE INTERESTED IN OUR PRESS PACKS - here are just a few reasons why some horse-owners have given them a try and have ended up choosing them time and time again ⤵️

—> made by slicing/rebinding big bales = more cost-effective production process = $$ saved

—> can be loaded and unloaded by the pack with equipment = time saved = $$ saved

—> can also be unloaded and handled by the individual bale = smaller than traditional bales = easier to move

—> partially wrapped = some automatic protection from the elements = less effort needed to fully cover

Available for PICK-UP with complimentary loading seven days a week, with delivery available for an additional fee. Also available by the semi load at a discounted direct ton rate. SEND US A MESSAGE for more information and to find out if press packs might be a good option for your feeding program!

*other hay varieties also available in press pack


coming at ya - this weekend only


This is a FIRST-COME, first-served offer for ONE FULL SEMI LOAD of this beautiful two-tie third cutting grown in Washington’s Columbia Basin.

HOW TO KNOW if you may qualify for this offer:
☑️ your animals are fed a straight alfalfa diet (suitable for horses - this stuff is fed to a lot of race horses)
☑️ you have DRIVEWAY ACCESS that can easily accommodate a semi truck and trailer(s)
☑️ you have enough storage for roughly 25-30 tons / 600+ two-tie bales
☑️ you are ready for us to deliver on Monday 2/10/25 (exact date may vary depending on weather)

READY?! GO!! TEXT 253-929-9110 for booking & details!

*Family Owned & Operated*
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{PICK-UP & DELIVERY by Branex Feed & Supply}

FROM THE FARM - - - > TO YOUR BARN If you have adequate:1️⃣ HAY STORAGE CAPACITYand2️⃣ TRUCK DRIVEWAY ACCESSpurchasing h...


If you have adequate:




purchasing hay in bulk via semi load - at a discounted direct ton rate - may be an option for you, and it’s definitely one you’ll want to consider if you haven’t already!

And if you regularly purchase hay by the semi load and are interested in learning more about our product offerings, pricing, and services - we would love to share how we can help your operation to run on a more efficient basis when it comes to sourcing and procuring hay and feed. Send us a message - or call/text 252-929-9110 if you are interested in learning more about what we could do for you!

Wondering how to read a hay test? 🧐 We’ve got you covered! ⤵️As Sampled vs. Dry Matter:As Sampled: Reports nutrients in ...

Wondering how to read a hay test? 🧐 We’ve got you covered! ⤵️

As Sampled vs. Dry Matter:
As Sampled: Reports nutrients in the natural state (w/ moisture)
Dry Matter: Reports nutrients with moisture removed 

Moisture: Moisture is the water content of the hay. Ideally around 10-15%; less than 10% may be on the drier side & contain less nutrients; higher then 17% risks molding. 

Protein (Crude Protein): (For adult horses) ideally between 10-12%; for horses that are high-intensity, younger, or broodmares a higher CP is needed. 
CP can range from 8 to 14% in grass hays - 14 to 17% in mixed hays - 15 to >20% in legume hay such as alfalfa.

Acid Detergent Fiber (ADF): ADF shows the cellulose and ligin; aka measures how digestible the hay is. Most ADF values should be between 30-45%. Lower the ADF is, the more digestible the nutrients of the hay are. 

Neutral Detergent Fiber (NDF):  NDF shows cellulose, hemicellulose, and ligin. The higher the NDF levels more then likely the less the horse will eat. Between 40-65% is generally the ideal ranges. 

Non Structural Carbs (NSC)(WSC + Starch): NSC is the result of the analysis between the starches and sugars. To find out the NSC of the hay, it is 
WSC + Starch = NSC
Typically, in order for a hay to be considered low NSC, it must have less then 12%. 

Nitrates: Nitrates are a normal plant protein that is absorbed from the soil. High levels of nitrates can pose certain risks toward animals. Typically, it is ideal for hay to be under 1,000ppm. 

DE: Digestible Energy is a calculation that take all aspects of nutrients into consideration and is used to balance the energy portion of a diet. Most hay will range 0.76Mcal- 1.1Mcal. However, horses is different working classes will require different measurements of DE. 
🚨Remember every hay is different based off where it’s grown or how/when it’s harvested, etc.…which is why it is important to test and check!

We have tests available upon request for most of our hay offerings. Stop by and let us help you feed your furry friends right!

When we see the words ❄️WINTER STORM WARNING❄️ in the forecast - the first thing that comes to mind is ‘what can we do’ ...

When we see the words ❄️WINTER STORM WARNING❄️ in the forecast - the first thing that comes to mind is ‘what can we do’ to help make sure everyone has what they need to get their animals and their family through whatever weather is headed our way?!

For starters - ROUNDS and two-tie ALFALFA will both be on sale through this Sunday - so visit us to get stocked up on those!

Then - hop on over to to check out what else we have available to help make your life a little easier headed into this storm cycle.

POV - it’s the middle of winter…you are having a tough time finding good quality   for your 🐎 horse…until you visit Bran...

POV - it’s the middle of winter…

you are having a tough time finding good quality for your 🐎 horse…

until you visit Branex Feed & Supply in …

and are finally able to exhale a big sigh of relief…

when our team lets you know WE’VE GOT YOU ♥️
Our team is DEDICATED to helping you find the right hay and feed to meet the needs of your animals. Send us a message to request more information about our product offerings and delivery services.

‼️GUESS WHAT‼️ This week we are offering $1 OFF per bale on both two-tie   & two-tie ORCHARD/ALFALFA MIX! See below for ...

‼️GUESS WHAT‼️ This week we are offering $1 OFF per bale on both two-tie & two-tie ORCHARD/ALFALFA MIX! See below for details ⤵️

🌟ALFALFA: two-tie 3rd cutting (reg. $20/bale) you will open up a bale of this alfalfa to find fine stems + nice green color + plenty of leaf and some flower (pictured)

🌟MIX: two-tie LOW NSC 2nd cut (reg. $24.50/bale) this hay is produced by one of our most consistent farmers + has a great test to back up the quality + comes highly recommended for metabolic horses

VISIT US this week to get stocked up on some of this green goodness at a great price!

**Discount may also be applied for 50+ bale deliveries taking place within this week - limited space available in our calendar so please send us a message ASAP to book.

{10 bale minimum | through 1/31/25 | same-day / in-store / pick-up only | first come, first-served | while supplies last}

While this   in particular is a more budget-friendly hay option we have in stock (not a top-shelf variety - though we do...

While this in particular is a more budget-friendly hay option we have in stock (not a top-shelf variety - though we do have high quality options available) it is absolutely one we would feel good about feeding to our own horses all-day-long and it’s so great to hear that it’s working well for others as well!

SEND US A MESSAGE for assistance finding the right hay to meet the needs of both your animals and your budget - we are happy to help find the right solution for you!

And if you happen to be willing to let us know what we are doing well and where we can improve - we would love to hear from you on that as well❤️

SWIPE to take a closer look at all that leafy green goodness inside a bale of this $20 two-tie 3rd cutting   😍😍We curren...

SWIPE to take a closer look at all that leafy green goodness inside a bale of this $20 two-tie 3rd cutting 😍😍

We currently have 5️⃣ different options for alfalfa in stock for PICK-UP or DELIVERY - and even more available by the semi load, and we’re here to help you find the right hay for you and your animals!

SEND US A MESSAGE or call/text for more details!

Shoutout to our press-packs for making quality   affordable + simple to feed and transport! Just pulled this flake out t...

Shoutout to our press-packs for making quality affordable + simple to feed and transport! Just pulled this flake out to feed and can certainly see why so many people have tried this stuff once and have never gone back to what they were feeding before.

Here are a few reasons why some horse-owners have chosen to give it a try and have ended up sticking with this packaging option time and time again ⤵️

—> made by slicing/rebinding big bales = more cost-effective production process = $$ saved

—> can be loaded and unloaded by the pack with equipment = time saved = $$ saved

—> can also be unloaded and handled by the individual bale = smaller than traditional bales = easier to move

—> partially wrapped = some automatic protection from the elements = less effort needed to fully cover

Available for PICK-UP with complimentary loading seven days a week, with delivery available for an additional fee. Also available by the semi load at a discounted direct ton rate. SEND US A MESSAGE for more information and to find out if press packs might be a good option for your feeding program!

🅰️ - as in   of course!—> These are just 2️⃣ of our 6️⃣ current in-stock ALFALFA options for pick-up or delivery!—> If y...

🅰️ - as in of course!

—> These are just 2️⃣ of our 6️⃣ current in-stock ALFALFA options for pick-up or delivery!

—> If you are interested in more information regarding direct ton rate semi loads please send us a message or call/text 253-929-9110.

ON OUR DELIVERY TRUCK TODAY 🚛 three-tie 2nd cutting   HAY 🤩🤩2024/25 has been a tighter year for timothy - especially goo...

ON OUR DELIVERY TRUCK TODAY 🚛 three-tie 2nd cutting HAY 🤩🤩

2024/25 has been a tighter year for timothy - especially good quality second cutting - but we have worked hard to have a good consistent supply available at our store for pick-up and delivery, as well as by the semi load.

While we do always have second cutting timothy in stock year round, it might not be a bad idea if you are wanting good quality stuff to get your barn stocked up now with enough to last until late summer when 2025 second cutting will be harvested.

LET’S TALK about some of the different   packaging options ⤵️🌟PELLETS🌟CUBES (pictured - top)🌟PRESSED BALES (pictured - b...

LET’S TALK about some of the different packaging options ⤵️


🌟CUBES (pictured - top)

🌟PRESSED BALES (pictured - bottom)
*several bales in a “pack”

🌟SMALL BALES (two-tie & three-tie)
*can sometimes be “bundled” together

🌟BIG BALES (3x3x8’ + 3x4x8’ + 4x4x8’)

🌟ROUND BALES (various sizes)

🌟SLEEVES (wrapped chaff)

All of these different packaging options - as well as others that are not listed - serve a bit of a different purpose, and one may be a bit of a better fit for each individual operation than another.

For example - on the Enumclaw plateau and in surrounding areas, the majority of equestrian-focused farms and stables do not have adequate access and/or storage (or they may also not have the right equipment) to accommodate the larger packaging options such as big bales, rounds, sleeves (or whole press packs).

Alternatively, it would not be very practical or affordable for a large-scale commercial dairy farm to waste time feeding out small bales to a large herd.

The key is to try to find the quality of hay you are looking for, within a price range that works for your budget, that is also packaged in a manner that makes the most logistical sense for your operation.

WE WOULD LOVE TO KNOW - what type of packaging has worked best for you?

**FOR A LIMITED TIME** get stocked up on this LOW NSC orchard grass hay for just $22/bale when you purchase 40+ bales! T...

**FOR A LIMITED TIME** get stocked up on this LOW NSC orchard grass hay for just $22/bale when you purchase 40+ bales!

This is a DELIVERY ONLY special available on a first-come, first-served basis while supplies last. Offer subject to restrictions and may change at any time without notice.
If you are looking to pick up some LOW NSC - we currently have the following options available for pick-up with complimentary loading seven-days-a-week:
—> teff
—> timothy
—> orchard
—> orchard/alfalfa mix
—> pasture grass blend

**FOR A LIMITED TIME** get stocked up on this LOW NSC orchard grass hay for just $22/bale when you purchase 40+ bales! T...

**FOR A LIMITED TIME** get stocked up on this LOW NSC orchard grass hay for just $22/bale when you purchase 40+ bales!

This is a DELIVERY ONLY special available on a first-come, first-served basis while supplies last. Offer subject to restrictions and may change at any time without notice.
If you are looking to pick up some LOW NSC - we currently have the following options available for pick-up with complimentary loading seven-days-a-week:
—> teff
—> timothy
—> orchard
—> orchard/alfalfa mix
—> pasture grass blend


Buckley, WA





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