34 Seconds Of Pullets
Either the little Barred Rock was oblivious to me looming over the coop, or was taking advantage of the uncrowded feeder.
Late start notwithstanding, Spring is shaping up nicely...
Enroute to Tractor Supply Company.
Grower's Exclusive #1
CSA members who took the "Heat It Up!!!" option p̶r̶e̶p̶a̶r̶e̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶m̶e̶e̶t̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶r̶ ̶d̶o̶o̶m̶ Your first Grower's Exclusive is ready for harvest, and will be in your next share.
The eggs are as good as they are because we spoil our hens.
No need for a rototiller, or BCS on smaller plots if one has access to a few chickens. In this case, I used a broadfork to turn the compacted soil a bit, then tossed a couple of handfuls of scratch grain into this 700 sq ft plot and let the girls in.
They will till every square inch of this plot, leaving me with a top layer of finely tilled topsoil 2 1/2 inches deep, covering 24 inches of broken up compacted soil.
There is also the added benefit of them eating any unwanted insects they encounter.
In about two hours, I will return to this plot, remove the chickens and put in a Concord grapevine, along with 45 linear feet of organic Kaleidoscope Blend carrots alternating with 45 linear feet of organic lettuce, and 22.5 linear feet each of Mesclun, and Spinach.
New generator first run. We'll stay in operation regardless of the status of the grid.
The girls are big, healthy, and should start laying soon.
A snow-free November gives the girls an opportunity to work the last of the late maple leaf fall into the Mother Pile, and add their own nitrogen-rich goodness in the process.
Organic. Sustainable. Urban.
It's really happening. Right here in Buffalo, NY.