Today is not a good day, as we learned of the passing of another Puppy Playpen friend, Teddy, seen here with her Basset brother, Griz, who preceded her over Rainbow Bridge just two short months ago. Teddy, affectionately referred to as T***s by her dad, was among what we called our invisible dogs. Those are the dogs that never barked, never made a fuss, always played appropriately, always came when called, never caused any problems. This may sound wrong but these are the dogs that we sometimes forget are with us, because we never have to call out their name to correct a problem. They don't behave like they're attention starved and are happy for whatever pets they get, and will gladly step aside to share the love. In other words, the perfect dog, and with no disrespect to Griz, I believe her parents agree.
The only problem with a dog like Teddy is that if you should decide to get another dog, you're bound to be disappointed because no other dog could live up to that perfection.
Here's to a perfect pup, may she be happy to once again be running and playing with her big brother. Please join us in expressing our sincere condolences to her parents who now have two big holes in their hearts.