Welcome to Buffalo Pet Supply!
Conveniently located at
1345 Military Rd in Kenmore NY!
We specialize in Freshwater fish, Reptiles and Small Animals but we carry supplies for all animals from bugs to dogs!
Stop in and see us for all of your animal needs!
New store hours!!
Monday - Friday 11am-7pm
Saturday 11am-7pm
Sunday 11am-5pm
#BuffaloPetSupply #PetStore #BuffaloPet #BuffaloPets #PetsOfBuffalo #Buffalo #BuffaloNY #Kenmore #KenmoreNY #Tonawanda #TonawandaNY #buffalolocal #buffalosmall #buffalolocalbusiness #buffalosmallbusiness #kenmorelocalbusiness #kenmoresmallbusiness
So many fish orders landed this week!Stop in and check out the new inventory! #BuffaloPetSupply #PetStore #BuffaloPet #BuffaloPets #PetsOfBuffalo #Buffalo #BuffaloNY #Kenmore #KenmoreNY #Tonawanda #TonawandaNY #buffalolocal #buffalosmall #buffalolocalbusiness #buffalosmallbusiness #kenmorelocalbusiness #kenmoresmallbusiness #discus #discusfish #fish #tropicalfish #buffalofish #fishofbuffalo #discusofbuffalo #tropicalfishofbuffalo
Your one stop shop for all of your pet needs! Conveniently located at 1345 Military Rd, Kenmore N.Y. 14217! Were open 11am-7pm Monday - Friday and 11am-5pm Saturday & Sunday
REPTILE SHOW DAY! Join us Today! at the American Reptile Show! 4885 Southwestern BlvdHamburg NY 14075(New location!) Saturday September 28th From 10am-5pm!#BuffaloPetSupply #PetStore #BuffaloPet #BuffaloPets #PetsOfBuffalo #Buffalo #BuffaloNY #Kenmore #KenmoreNY #Tonawanda #TonawandaNY #buffalolocal #buffalosmall #buffalolocalbusiness #buffalosmallbusiness #kenmorelocalbusiness #kenmoresmallbusiness #americanreptileshow #reptileshow #reptiles #reptile #lizards #snakes #frogs #geckos #chameleons #tarantulas #invertebrates
Back in stick! The entire line of SpongeBob SquarePants aquarium decorations are ready for your aquarium!#BuffaloPetSupply #PetStore #BuffaloPet #BuffaloPets #PetsOfBuffalo #Buffalo #BuffaloNY #Kenmore #KenmoreNY #Tonawanda #TonawandaNY #buffalolocal #buffalosmall #buffalolocalbusiness #buffalosmallbusiness #kenmorelocalbusiness #kenmoresmallbusiness #soongebob #spongebobsquarepants #nickelodeon #nickelodeonspongebob #spongebobaquarium #spongebobaquariumdecor #spongebobaquariumsetup Nickelodeon @pennplax #pennplax
Me on the way to @BuffaloPetSupply when they post new reptiles are in 🦎 🐍 🐸 🐢 🕷️ 🦂 🐉 🚙💨
Trying out Stick'ems fish treats by Aqueon Products Spoil your aquatic pets with an Aqueon Stick'ems Freeze-Dried High Protein, Picky Eater or Color Boosting Treats! These nutrient-dense treats feature spirulina seaweed, freeze-dried brine and Mysis shrimp that meat-eating carnivore and omnivore freshwater and marine fish enjoy. Stick the treats to the inside of the aquarium glass to make feeding time fun! You'll enjoy watching them up close and personal as they nibble away at the 1/2-inch treat cubes. #BuffaloPetSupply #PetStore #BuffaloPet #BuffaloPets #PetsOfBuffalo #Buffalo#BuffaloNY #Kenmore #KenmoreNY #Tonawanda #TonawandaNY #buffalolocal #buffalosmall #buffalolocalbusiness #buffalosmallbusiness #kenmorelocalbusiness #kenmoresmallbusiness #fish #fishfood #tropicalfish #aqueon #aqueonproducts #aqueonstickems #stickems #fishtreat #aqueonfishfood #fishfeeding #littlemermaid
Painted Mantellas Frogs. Native to Madagascar. Provide a spacious terrarium with plenty of hiding spots, live plants, and a shallow water dish. Maintain temperatures around 70-80°F during the day and a slight drop at night. Humidity should be high, around 70-80%. Use a substrate like coconut husk or sphagnum moss, which retains moisture well. Offer a variety of live insects such as crickets, fruit flies, and small worms. Dust their food with calcium and vitamin supplements. Provide clean, chlorine-free water in a shallow dish for soaking and drinking. A low-wattage UVB light can help simulate natural sunlight, but make sure there are shaded areas for the frogs to retreat to. Limit handling to avoid stressing the frogs. When necessary, handle them gently and briefly. Painted mantellas are social animals and can be kept in small groups, but ensure there’s enough space and hiding spots for each frog. ***#BuffaloPetSupply #PetStore #BuffaloPet #BuffaloPets #PetsOfBuffalo #Buffalo #BuffaloNY #Kenmore #KenmoreNY #Tonawanda #TonawandaNY #buffalolocal #buffalosmall #buffalolocalbusiness #buffalosmallbusiness #kenmorelocalbusiness #kenmoresmallbusiness #frogs #frog #dartfrog #mantellafrog #mantellafrogs #mantellasfrogs #dartfrogsofinstagram #frogsofinstagram #mantellafrogsofinstagram
Just go to buffalopetsupply.com, Add items to your cart, Head to checkout, Choose local delivery or pickup in store, Select a time slot, Submit payment, And wait for your order to arrive!#BuffaloPetSupply #PetStore #BuffaloPet #BuffaloPets #PetsOfBuffalo #Buffalo #BuffaloNY #Kenmore #KenmoreNY #Tonawanda #TonawandaNY #buffalolocal #buffalodelivers #petdelivery #delivery #feederdelivery #dogfooddelivery #petsupplydelivery #buffalopetsupplydelivers #buffalopetsupplydelivery
Stop in for your FREE Buffalo Pet Supply x Buffalo Bills lawn sign today!
Stop in for your FREE Buffalo Pet Supply x Buffalo Bills lawn sign today!( No purchase necessary. Limit one per customer.) ***#BuffaloPetSupply #PetStore #BuffaloPet #BuffaloPets #PetsOfBuffalo #Buffalo #BuffaloNY #Kenmore #KenmoreNY #Tonawanda #TonawandaNY #buffalolocal #buffalosmall #buffalolocalbusiness #buffalosmallbusiness #kenmorelocalbusiness #kenmoresmallbusiness #lawnsign #advertising #freelawnsign #heresyoursign #freesign #buffalobillssign #buffalobills #buffalo #billslawnsign
This school year is coming up fast, we hope your little hamsters are ready! 🐹✏️🏫 #BuffaloPetSupply #PetStore #BuffaloPet#BuffaloPets #PetsOfBuffalo #Buffalo#BuffaloNY #Kenmore #KenmoreNY #Tonawanda#TonawandaNY #buffalolocal #buffalosmall #buffalolocalbusiness #buffalosmallbusiness #kenmorelocalbusiness #kenmoresmallbusiness #hamster #buffalohamster #buffalohamsters #hamstersofbuffalo #pet #pets #petstorefacebook #petstoresfacebook #hamstersoffacebook
Located in Buffalo NY 1345 Military rd Kenmore NY 14217 Another amazing video from our friend Ava! Stop by and check us out!
Located in Buffalo NY
1345 Military rd
Kenmore NY 14217
Another amazing video from our friend Ava!
Stop by and check us out!
#petsnakes #snake #snakes #petkit #snakekit #crocodileskink #dragon #dragons #petdragons #fyp #foryourpleassure #skink #crocodile #petstore #pet #petshop #reptilestore #reptileshop #reptile #reptiles