This is my favorite video. I loved this little one pound bean more than anything. He taught me how to be a mom. My sniper ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Play time shenanigans 🤣❤️❤️
This is heaven!!! I am the lucky one here even though they were all saved from the streets. I raise them as family as it shows ❤️❤️❤️. I couldn’t ask for more in this world because I have everything when they are with me. When you raise them as family it shows
Seriously we have the best fosters. Baxter is amazing daddy to the little ones and they LOVE him !!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Addie likes to sneak attack. 🤣. It’s always play wrestling here.
Sneak attack.
Addie just sneak attacks. 🤣🤣Addie loves everyone ❤️❤️. He bonded as a member of this family. Even little girl loves him. She is amazing. A two year old pregnant barn cat when she came here. She was so scared. It took along time to get where we are but Over the years she has become the sweetest angel. I love her so much. So glad I didn’t bring her back to barn. She belongs here. She is 8 now.
No cages.
Our bonded fosters. We are truly a family here
My family.
I love my rescue. I love my family that I have here. After a long day we are all relaxing watching house.
This is how we rescue the little ones. Baxter is the best foster daddy. Both are ear tipped semi feral trapped cats. Neither one ever saw a cage again. And this is the result of how we turn them. We make family here ❤️❤️❤️❤️
This is how relaxed our rescues are. They are raised as family. No cages here. They know safety and love They are engaging and not skittish because we raise them in a house environment. We are a different kind of rescue ❤️❤️❤️
Addie loves Baxter
So cute. These two ❤️❤️
Little girl.
She was a two year old feral barn cat. She came here to nurse her baby then she was supposed to go back. But she was just scared. she made me so sad to see all the fear. Never nasty or mean just petrified.
I kept her because she bonded with sniper. He became her “everything “. She was glued to him as her protection and leader. She developed into family and it took along time to get her to be family but it happened. And she is so happy here.
I absolutely love her and can’t imagine her as a barn cat. She is sweet and so vulnerable. My little girl.
It’s takes time and effort to change a feral but it can be done