Natural Puppy class featuring Mandy and Stella!
Puppy Class working on focus and confidence building. And Josie in Fearful Agility class!
Stanley is a dog from the dog meat trade in South Korea. We don’t know if he is a Village Dog or a breed. He was shipped to Canada where he had an awful time, before coming to me in Buffalo, where Jeannine and I were working to set him up for success. Stanley arrived in December of 2019, found his adopter in January 2020 and have been with us ever since! He is a dog who was so stressed out with chronic and toxic stress, had no coping skills and needed to feel safe. He did several sessions of Fearful Dog class before graduating to Fearful Dog Agility.
Stanley has never really jumped over the jumps before, he would stop and wait and needed his goodie to step over the jumps for the most part, when he could. Normally he “jumps” 2-4. Tonight the jumps were at 6 or 8 and he was jumping!
It’s been quite the ride with Stanley, and I can’t tell you how wonderful the feeling is of seeing him have fun in the classes at CCF. This is one incredible dog and human combo right here!
Bravo, Stanley! We are so happy to see you happy!
Social Cues Class and Fearful Dog Class. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, AUGGIE!!! 🎉🥳🎉😘🎂 #dogsofccf#socialcues #fearfuldogclass#fearfuldog #trauma
Social cues class @CCF #dogsofccf #social #socialcues #doglanguage #dogbodylanguage #skills