Bitter sweet... Our last joeys have a new home in a couple of weeks. Mara and Poppy are such sweet girls, perfect ending to our breeding program. Well socialized, sweet girls from amazing lines!! ❤
Eddie, you are so wonderful with ALL of the gliders. 😘🥰
Beautiful fall day to get that last deep pressure wash clean done outside, before winter sets in. Thank you Russell and Eddie for your help!🥰😘
When life gifts you fresh kale, freeze it for sugar glider chow through the winter!
It's not hard to stock up on fresh produce when it's in season.
Love sharing glider 'treat night' ideas with you all! <3
Freezer stocked for winter with garden green beans, kale, melons and will do squash soon. Prepping, if you have freezer space, can really help during the winter months, when fresh produce is yucky locally. If you feed frozen f/v, please keep up on recalls. I have a dear friend, who suffered great glider loss due to contaminated frozen food.
Happy harvest season to my gardening friends! 🥰
For those who grow fresh for gliders, tips on green beans. :)
Almost ALL naturals and materials need to be sanded. Manzanita, grapevine, bamboo, sunflower stalks, etc.
I got poked TWO years ago, prepping and sanding sunflower stalks for safety. TINY little sliver.
I bumped it the other day, it wasn't painful prior just annoying and tiny. Well, that changed. Kept me up all night, time to get it drained.
Imagine if it was a glider in this pain.
Five years ago, how cute are the little ones voices?!! 😍
Education, "Maybe one day." I say to them. <3
Finally we have warm weather and can get ready to plant! 😊
What a beautiful venue Playland Junction had in Shorewood today!!
Thank you Jen Pallies for a fun day catching up on all things glider. 🥰
How do we properly clean and care for our natural toys? 😉
🤩🤩Dawn dish soap and hot water!! 🤩🤩
I do NOT use the concentrated as it doesn't rinse as well in my experience. Especially if you have to wash a glider as part of medical treatment.
Sugar gliders love to mark everything in their cages. They love it all to smell like them. It does leave a greasy film on cage items but Dawn is a degreaser and works fabulous!😍
Naturals need to dry completely before going back into the cage. In the summer, sunshine works great, winter in a warm room works just fine.
Stay safe in this late winter storm my glider friends! 💜💕
Very excited for the expo with Playland Junction this Sunday in Shorewood, MN! Russell and I grew up there. 💕💜
Here's a sneak peek of new toys and a lesson on 'Safe Naturals for Sugar Gliders".
We'll also be bringing larger, tent time floor toys and gently used glider safe wheels.