Picture it. Sicily. 1912....
JK - it was Buffalo. 2015. ๐คฃ
I was standing outside with Bisha, the young, terrified, fear aggressive, black pit bull I had just brought home to rehab, praying to allllllllllllllllll the things holy that no car drives by long enough for her to finish going potty before getting startled - again.
See, every single time Bisha got startled, she either BIT or BOUNCED, and she was ALWAYS getting startled by some rando MFn thing.
We worked through alllll that, and she transformed into a confident and friendly pup.
Fast forward to about a year or so ago -
Bisha suddenly became ridiculously triggered by the sound the buckles of her harness made, and her reflex reverted back to, bite, or bounce.
My heart shattered into 87 bajillion pieces, and it utterly wrecked me, to the point I legit COULDNT bring myself to even work on it with her.
Until today!
When I woke up this AM, I vowed that today was the day we were gonna start changing how she feels about the clipping sound.
I'm not feeling the best - I have a wicked headache, BUT I made a promise, so...
I gather all the things I need, get my phone set up to record, and we are good to go.
๐ The first couple reps went off w/no probs.
That's when I fu**ed up...
I moved too far into Bisha's space bubble to click the buckle and --- she BOUNCED!!
๐คฃ Bisha booked it around the first floor like she had, "I'm fast as f**k boi!" playing on a loop in her head, doing laps around me.
Legit the only thing I could do was sit there in my dumbf**kery, feeling like a dumbf**k, waiting for Bisha to be ready to try again.
Which she totally did, and was a total rockstar!
(๐ my stories to see us in action)
๐ฏ Moral of the story - errybody f**ks up.
ERRY.MFn.BODY, even professionals.
So...stop treating yourself like s**t because you made a mistake with your dog!
๐ Who else can relate to this? Lemme know ๐
#dogtraining #dogmomprobs #whoopsie #trainingmistake #dogmomaf #d
Feeling spicy AF today, so buckle up!
Let's be real...
Erryone loves them a shortcut. A quick fix.
But, no.MFn.body ever wants to accept the consequences of taking that shortcut or choosing the quick fix.
Imma be blunt cuz that's how I roll...
Are you a sucker?
Well, if you choose what's easy, over putting in the got damn work -
Survey says...
And I have a river to sell you...๐
๐ If you wanna keep wiping your ass with your $$$, AND not get lasting results with your dog -
go on ahead and hire another con artist.
S**t, I mean slick talking, guarantee making, shortcut taking, trainer.
If you are ready to actually change s**t, comment CHANGE below, and I'll DM you to chat about your choice to make actual progress.
#dogbehavior #dogtraining #reactivedog #fearfuldog #reactivedogmom #fearfuldogmom #dogmomsofbuffalo #716dogs #dogmomtips #trainingtips #reactivedogmomsunite #reactivedogmomproblems #trainwithoutpain #dogswithbigfeelings #dogbehaviorcoach #dogtrainersofbuffalo #buffalodogmom #716dogmoms #dogsofbuffalo #dogmom #dogmomlife #mustlovedogs #buffalodogs #rebelpaws #dogsdonedifferent
I want you to tell the ignorant pearl clutchers, any or all of the following:
๐ฏ S**U and keep it movin Karen/Chad.
๐ฏ Nobody asked you, Bitch!
๐ฏ Don't like em? Don't get one. Problem solved!
๐ฏ Your willful ignorance is WAY more dangerous than my dog!
๐ฏ My dog is a sweetheart. I'm a bajillion times more likely to rip your face off.
I am not delulu to the fact that some folks are afraid of my dogs.
That's 100% acceptable.
What's NOT acceptable, is being a hateful thundercunt who lets your mouth write checks yo ass can't cash, about s**t that you have less than Z E R O first hand experience with.
Miss me with ALLLLLLL that bulls**t!
Here's a lovely idea...
How bout we don't give our unsolicited opinions about s**t we know nothing about???
That sounds absof**kinglutely fantastic to me.
๐ I would LOVE to hear from you on this, so...
Share your thoughts about responding to those who talk s**t about bully breeds.
#bullymamaAF #bullyadvocate #bullybreeds
#buffalobullys #bullymomprobs #pitbullmom #pitbullmomprobs #pitbulllover #pitbullmama #bullysofbuffalo #bullysofinstagram #716dogs #pitbullsofbuffalo #dogsofbuffalo #dogmom #dogmomsofbuffalo #pitbullmoms #educatedontdiscriminate #dontbullymybreed #f**kBSL #endBSL #ifightsotheydonthaveto #buffalobullymom #BSLisbulls**t #loveabull #rebelpaws #dogsdonedifferent
Let's unpack this, shall we??
For as long as I can remember, I have railed against injustice, prejudice, and ignorance.
Even as a small (but mighty AF) girl, I would raise holy hell over any perceived injustice.
See, I grew up in a REALLY bad neighborhood, and was poor as a MFr...
Like, for real for real!
I'm not just talkin about being on welfare, or having our lights cut off eleventy teen times...
I'm talkin:
๐งGovernment cheese - think Velveeta, but not.
๐ฅGovernment powdered milk - yep, is EXACTLY what it sounds like.
๐ซ Going to bed so hungry your stomach hurt.
These experiences helped shape my views on fair distribution of resources in a HUGE way.
On top of all that...
I was a white girl who lived in a predominantly black neighborhood & had lots of black friends.
To say that I saw and experienced the worst of people in power, and all of humanity is a complete f**king understatement!
I couldn't do much about any of this as a kid, but as a powerful AF, rebellious, unafraid, whole grown ass adult...
๐ there's LOTS I can do.
In a greedy, capitalist society like ours, we can best effect change by being super f**king choosy about where, how, and with whom we spend our money.
I am choosing to NOT perpetuate the culture of exclusion the dog training accreditation agencies have created, by abstaining from getting my certification.
โก๏ธNo, that doesn't mean I don't have the skills.
โก๏ธNo, that doesn't make me incapable of providing the highest level behavior help.
โก๏ธNo, that doesn't make me less than.
๐ What it DOES mean is that I value humanity and want to see ERRYBODY win!
โ๏ธAre you pickin up what I'm puttin down?
Let's take it to the comments.
#dogtraining #dogbehavior #dogmommindset #dogmomsofinstagram #racismindogtraining #changemaker #bethechange #dogmomlife #justiceseeker #f**kracism #dogmoms #dogmomsofbuffalo #dogcommunity #dogsofbuffalo #rebelpaws #dogsdonedifferent
Can I get an AMEN up in here?!?!
#doghumor #dogmoms #dogmomprobs #dogmomproblems #dogmom #716dogs #dogmomsofbuffalo #dogmomhumour #dogloversonly #dogmomlife #dogsofbuffalo #buffalodogmom #dogmomAF #lifewithdogs #hurryupandwait #pickypooper #rebelpaws
Which team are you on?
๐ฃTeam Verbal
๐ Team Clicker
I used to be wholly on Team Verbal, but now I am a proud member of Team Clicker.
Simplicity, clarity, & consistency in how you communicate with your dog plays a ridiculously C R I T I C A L part in how they behave.
If your dog's behavior isn't up to s***f, don't you dare blame them by saying they're being "bad", "stubborn", "dumb", etc!
Instead, check yo self!
โ๏ธ How do you communicate what you want?
โ๏ธ Is it crystal f**king clear?
โ๏ธ Are you consistent with HOW you communicate, and WHAT it means?
โ๏ธ Is it as simple as humanly possible?
My experience teaching this to hundreds of dog mamas tells me that you ABSOLUTELY have some big work to do here.
Your dog's "naughty" behavior will NEVER get better until YOU do YOUR part.
On a scale of POTUS to Maya Angelou, where do you rate your ability to EFFECTIVELY communicate with your dog?
#clickertraining #dogtraining #dogbehavior #dogmomsofinstagram #dogmomprobs #dogmomproblems #dogcommunication #dogmomsofbuffalo #716dogmoms #716dogs #dogsofbuffalo #buffalodogmom #buffalodogs #lifewithdogs #buffalodogtraining #mustlovedogs #trainwithoutpain #dogloversonly #compassionovercompulsion #professionaldogtrainer #dogmom #dogmoms #dogmama #dogmamalife #dogmomrebelution #rebelpaws #dogsdonedifferent
FFS, make it make sense!
Humans - do better!
Brace yourself - this is gonna sting a bit...
If you're not giving your dog enrichment activities EVERY.SINGLE.DAY, you are doing them a HUGE disservice!
I get it - You're busy AF, and life is expensive as a MF'r so you don't think you have the time or cash for enrichment stuff.
๐ฅTruth Bomb
You do.
There are literally hundreds of fun s**t you can create using...
Wait for it -
๐โป๏ธ Your trash/recycling!
Here, you see me prepping an enrichment activity out of TP rolls and an empty Clif bar box.
Obvs the video is sped up, but in real time, it took me less than a minute.
You read that right -
โช๏ธ And...the only cost involved was whatever I paid for the treats used.
(which you should absolutely already have on hand any MF'n way)
โ๏ธ Tell me again how you don't have the time or money to do enrichment with/for your dog?!?!
So... on a scale from, Never to F**k Yeah, how likely are you to give enrichment a try?
#dogenrichment #funwithdogs #dogsofbuffalo #loveyourdogagain #dogbehavior #dogtraining #dogtrainersofbuffalo #forcefreedogtraining #relationshipbasedtraining #Rplus #716dogs #snackdealernotpackleader #compassionovercompulsion #dogmom #dogmomsofbuffalo #DIYdogenrichment #dogsdonedifferent #rebelpaws
โ๏ธAre you making THIS mistake??
Answer me this...
Do you think you are patient with your dog?
Hold your answer in your mind and ponder this -
๐ When you cue your dog to do something, and they don't IMMEDIATELY oblige, what do you do?
Do you:
A) Repeat the cue until they do it
B) Get frustrated and move on
C) Take a beat and give them a sec to process
โช๏ธ If you said A or B, not only are you ruining the relationship with your dog, you are eroding their ability to think and figure s**t out on their own!
โ๏ธDo you still agree with your previous answer?
- no need to tell me; it's way more important that YOU know!
Mentally, dogs are very much like a 3 year old skin puppy, so...
Make sure you are giving your dog the same opportunities to process information and problem solve that you would a young kiddo.
Mash that follow button if this resonates!
#havepatience #loveyourdogagain #relationshipproblems #dogmomprobs
#dogtrainer #dogbehavior #dogmomtips #dogownertips #dogmomsofinstagram #716dogmoms #dogsdonedifferent #rebelpaws
โผ๏ธThe juicy deetsโผ๏ธ
Play has been PROVEN to benefit humans by:
* relieving stress
* improve brain function
* ability to learn & retain info
โช๏ธ Playing with your dog would absolutely improve YOUR life.
Play has been PROVEN to help animals by:
* improving behavior
* acting as an energy release
* better self-control & focus
โช๏ธ Dogs NEED to play in order to have a full and healthy life.
๐ฅSuper important extra nugget of info - playing with your dog exponentially enhances the bond and the relationship between you.
And... if you've been here for a hot minute, you know that I preach that a rock.f**king.solid relationship is CRITICAL to having a well-behaved dog!
Playing with your dog will decrease your stress AND help your dog behave better...
Ummmm, that sounds like a huge f**king win-win to me!
Now, of you would kindly get the f**k over yourself and play with your dog as much as possible - that'd be great!
Your dog thanks you.
โ๏ธBe honest, how much do you REALLY play with your puppo?
Lemme know in the comments.
#playwithyourdog #dogbehavior #dogtraining #dogmomsofinstagram #716dogmoms #dogsofbuffalo #716dogs #dogmentalhealth #mentalhealthmatters #lifewithdogs #dogsdonedifferent #rebelpaws
โผ๏ธ Let your dog enjoy THEIR walk!
I get it - you wanna look like you and your dog got your s**t together when strolling through your hood.
But, when you require that your dog remain in the heel position the whole walk, you just look like a do*****ag drill sargent who let's their dog have zero fun.
โฌ๏ธ is tiny ๐ energy!
So long as your dog isn't dragging you down the street, what's the harm in letting them walk up ahead a bit?
There's no harm in allowing it.
*NOTE - there's no harm so long as you maintain all safety precautions, and remain attentive!
I got a challenge for ya...
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is for you to allow your dog to walk out ahead of you on your next walk.
If you accept this mission, drop a ๐ in the comments.
#walkyourdog #dogtrainer #dogtraining #lifewithdogs #dogsofbuffalo #dogmom #buffalodogpro #dogsdonedifferent #rebelpaws
๐ HERE ๐
I get it - you have spent more time doing training reps with your dog than you have disappointing your mother-in-law.
Yet, your dog is still wild AF...
โช๏ธ a furry, four-legged terrorist who drains your energy, bank account, patience, and who you are low-key starting to hate.
The solution you need is:
๐ฅ You gotta do LESS training, and MORE filling of their needs.
I said what I said!
Don't get it twisted - teaching the behaviors you wanna see is an important part of having a well-behaved dog, but in the grand scheme of things, it's only a tiny part.
I know, I know, you are thinking, "Fill my dog's needs...WTF does that even mean? I give em food, water and shelter, what else is there?"
โช๏ธ so much. So very, very much!
I break a dog's daily needs down into five categories:
1) Relationships
2) Emotions
3) Body
4) Environment
5) Learning
It's like this...
๐ Would you be able to perform optimally if you only had horrible experiences with your boss?
๐ Would you be able to behave appropriately if you didn't feel safe or were scared AF?
๐ Would you be able to do the things expected of you if you were in pain?
๐ Would you be able to relax at home if your family was CONSTANTLY bothering you by pulling on you, poking you, yapping at you?
๐ Would you be a receptive learner if, when being introduced to new topics and concepts, an impatient Drill Sargent who spoke a different language was in charge of teaching you?
Go ahead... I'll wait.
If this is hitting home, and you are ready, once and for all to tame your wild beast, reclaim your free time and sanity, and actually love your dog again - then you absolutely need my proprietary program, Wholly Good Dog.
Wholly Good Dog takes the confusion, guesswork, late night Google sessions, anger & frustration, and finger crossing out of how you address your dog's naughty behavior.
๐ฅ Are you ready? LFG!
Shoot me a DM to discuss.
#dogbehavior #dogtraining #dogmomproblems #dogo