Melissa Deal's Victory Land Dressage

Melissa Deal's Victory Land Dressage Positive Reinforcement and Reward Based Training information and support for riders, horse owners an We serve (through ri

Victory Land is a state of thoughtful being - a place that any rider may choose to journey with a horse. The only requirement is a heart that seeks to honor the horse above all other equestrian endeavors. We too are passionate about our relationship with each horse that we encounter. We consider it a privileged opportunity to help riders and horses find greater joy in their lives together. Like yo

u, we know the importance of happy, sound horses, safe interactions, and kind, yet effective training for horse and rider. Riders and handlers can learn much from horses, when we are listening. We invite you to share perspectives and experiences as you journey to explore the mind, body, and soul of your horse with us. By respecting your ideas, refining your techniques and compassionately developing your horses' abilities, you will find that your very own victory awaits. Victory Land Dressage exists for the compassionate horse person.


A little joy for the new year!


Horses are often forced to engage in unnatural feeding positions depending on the height hay nets are hung. An Italian study examined the effects based on specific feeding postures: ground, low hay net, high hay net.


Are your grey horses always dirty and tails yellow? Ironically, conventional whitening and detangling products can cause horses to roll more and hair to suck up stains and discolor in the sun.

It can all be easier! After braiding12,000+ horses, thinking there must be a better way... I cracked the code to simplify the highest quality care.

For coats, manes and tails that not only glisten, but also stay cleaner longer, Lucky Braids Shampoo works great. With weekly baths: stains hardly stick, tails stay easy to manage (comb wet as directed), skin issues are minimized, bugs are not so interested, etc. Different game.

Dogs love it, too! It's especially handy if they tend to be itchy or sensitive.

Feel free to DM me with any questions or particular issues. I'll help in any way I can.
Thank you,

Lucky Braids Hair & Skin Care


Stay back šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

Spring is the typical time for vaccine boosters.  Here's an article to help make informed decisions

Spring is the typical time for vaccine boosters. Here's an article to help make informed decisions

Regular, strategic vaccination is a safe, effective method to greatly minimize the chances of deadly diseases impacting your herd.


Your invited to our Connection through Consistency Challenge, for šŸ“ positive change, created to help:

šŸ’« inspire you
šŸ’« motivate you
šŸ’« get out doing what you love to do with your horse šŸ¦„

This challenge is meant to help you experience the positive changes that can come from accountability, community and coaching!

Break out of the winter doldrums this spring by joining us in committing to Connection through Consistency while interacting with our fuzzy shedding friends....weā€™ve created this challenge to help us all get over the winter blues hump and spring into positive action followed by continued momentum created by new habits.

Learn about why consistency is important to horses on many different levels and how and when to implement it in a way that your horse will value and that will produce results while you both enjoy the process.
Check out the Challenge here:

Join our Connection through Consistency Challenge
and Positively reinforce yourself and your horse!!

PS Compassionate Horse Click Public Page Online Community Members this is a perk for you - look for a coupon code in your private FB group!

Questions? We love them. PM me or post in the comments below. šŸ˜

You're invited to a Positively Reinforcing Clinic for Horses & Humans šŸ“Insight, Solutions, Inspiration positively create...

You're invited to a Positively Reinforcing Clinic for Horses & Humans šŸ“
Insight, Solutions, Inspiration positively created specifically for your horseā€™s needs. ALL DISCIPLINES WELCOME. ā¤ļø

One-on-one with Melissa Spell Deal, CERTIFIED COACH AND INSTRUCTOR for 20 + years - youā€™ll build trust, connection and joyful relationships with horses while learning to positively create and modify equine behavior using food and non-food reinforcers.

Whether you're new to +R, use only verbal praise, are a seasoned clicker trainer or don't use clickers or food at all and are just curious, there's lots of value for those committed to having happy safe horses. Topics and training will be determined by horse/human attendees.

We keep our clinics small so that horses and humans can have MULTIPLE sessions per day to create and establish familiar behavior patterns before they head home.

Watch others, ask questions and participate in discussions throughout each day while your horse takes a break or as an auditor.

Food will be provided each day, and we often attend a Sat night social outing/party ā€“ participants and auditors are welcome.

Early Bird Registration Discounted link, pay in full: price will increase Sunday 19th. (We have one dry paddock ($20/night) left for overnight accommodations and one slot left for horses who can calmly haul in). No horse, no problem, we do have extra horses and there's tons to take in as an auditor too. Contact us for details on our horses availability.

Prefer 2 payments to participate? Hereā€™s the link for 2 payments, the second investment is due Mar 19th.

Auditors must register in advance. šŸ‘ˆ We will accept a limited number of auditors to ensure active engagement is possible. Auditors: can register for 350$ for 3 days if register by Mar 19, before prices increase. If you can't attend all three days, contact us to see if we can accommodate. 910-471-5445

Horse time is the best time!

Horse time is the best time!

Thursday is Book Club 2/16 at 6pm EST- we so hope you join us!Join Zoom Meeting

Thursday is Book Club 2/16 at 6pm EST- we so hope you join us!

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 859 9897 9557
Passcode: 752522

Horses Never Lie- by Mark Rashid
2/16- p125- starting with 'Will it Work' - to the end of the book

Let's not talk about the bank account...

Let's not talk about the bank account...



Previously the complexities of saddle fit, and the importance of correct saddle fit in relation to equine health and performance have been discussed (see previous blogs). To add to the complexities, we must not neglect the effect that the rider has on the horse (and saddle) but also the effect that the saddle has on the rider. In respect of the saddle, there are multiple factors which can have an influence on rider biomechanics, seat size/shape, waist/twist, panel content, stirrup bar positioning just to name a few.

Knee blocks come in all shapes and sizes and their function, to provide support to the rider and aid positioning. Over the last decade, knee blocks have increased in size and design, largely driven by the rider, in an attempt to provide greater support and security. Although this mechanism could be interpreted as a benefit, the effect that knee block design/size can have on rider biomechanics and consequently the effect this has on the horseā€™s locomotion should not be underestimated.

During locomotion, whilst maintaining dynamic stability, the rider has to manage and absorb propulsive forces being generated by the horse. In gaits where there is a suspension phase (trot and canter) the ridersā€™ segments (pelvis, trunk, limbs etc) respond differently during each component of the stride. In the context of the knee block, following the suspension phase, during stance, the riderā€™s knee/thigh moves forward and can be pressed up (restricted) against the knee block. Depending on the size and shape of the knee block and anatomy of the rider, if restrictive, the riderā€™s pelvis can restricted. In a rider model, the segments are stacked on top of the pelvis, if the pelvis is restricted as a result of the knee being restricted by the knee block, then the segments above will have to compensate.

Recently we have demonstrated the effect that knee block design can have on the riderā€™s biomechanics and equine locomotion. With knee block modifications, allowing the knee to move forward (i.e. not being restricted by the edge of the knee block) the riders pelvic function was improved with a more neutral position being achieved throughout the motion cycle. The riders were more synchronised with the movement of the horse. This makes logical sense, if the pelvis is neutral (not restrcited) then force absorption and transmission can be better achieved. It would seem logical, like other parts of the saddle, that knee block design would influence rider biomechanics, however, we should not underestimate the effect that knee block design can have one equine locomotion, as a function of altered (restricted) rider biomechanics. With knee block modifications, allowing the riderā€™s knee to be less restricted, allowing the pelvis to be in a more neutral position resulted in alterations in the horseā€™s back movement and limb kinematics in trot and canter.
As previously said, horses will develop a locomotor compensatory strategy to alleviate any discomfort caused. In the case of a knee block, where the riderā€™s knee is restricted by the knee block, resulting in the pelvis being restricted, may have an effect on the horses back and limb movement.

Following on from the previous blog(s), I hope this helps and further highlights the complexities with saddle fit for both horse and rider and the importance of working with a qualified saddle fitter who understands these complexities from both a horse and rider view point.
Please like / follow our page for more blogs and please share to raise awareness ??
Dr. Russell MacKechnie-Guire Centaur Biomechanics

B10: SHOULD WE RIDE WITH ODD STIRRUPS?Find that you have one stirrup that appears shorter than the other? Here's an arti...


Find that you have one stirrup that appears shorter than the other?

Here's an article with some interesting insight..

The answer to this may seem obvious however, sometimes riders are unaware that one stirrup is longer than the other and furthermore, riders (and trainers) may deliberately alter one stirrup as a possible solution to help ā€œimproveā€ the ridersā€™ position or manage rider limb length differences.

In some cases, when riderā€™s ride on one rein they may feel more symmetrical than when riding on the other rein. On the rein where they feel less symmetrical, the rider would usually feedback that their seat/hips are consistently slipping out to one side. From a visual observation, when the rider is riding towards you, it may appear that the stirrups look equal and when riding towards you on the opposite rein, the outside stirrup may appear longer. This observation will generally coincide with the riderā€™s feedback that their seat/hips are displacing to the outside. At first glance, it may seem that the rider is putting increased weight in the outside stirrup due to it being ā€œlongerā€ which is causing the riders seat/hips to displace towards the side with the longer stirrup. Therefore, based on this visual observation, riders (and trainers) shorten the stirrup to make them appear visually ā€œsymmetricalā€.

The key word used here is ā€œappearā€. What needs to be considered here is the position of the saddle. We (1) and others (2, 3) have demonstrated that saddle slip generally occurs on one rein as a result of the horseā€™s locomotor system. As saddle slip generally occurs on one rein, this will have a significant effect on the riderā€™s position. In the above scenario, with the saddle slipping to the outside, this will change the position of the stirrup bar (relative to the horse) which will give the appearance that the stirrup is longer on the side that the saddle has slipped towards, and the rider will follow the saddle causing them to displace their seat/hips (Image: Left rein). When on the other rein, as the saddle is ā€œstraightā€ the position will be improved (Image: Right rein).

In the above scenario (saddle slip right, right stirrup appears longer and riders seat displaced to the right), if the right stirrup is shortened this will compound the issue further as an element of rider asymmetry will be induced into the horse-rider system as a function of different stirrup lengths (4). When assessing stirrup length dynamically, it is important to assess the position of the saddle relative to the horse. This observation must be made from a rear viewpoint, with the horse/rider going away and must be performed on both the left and right rein and in all gaits (if appropriate). If the stirrups ā€œappearā€ to be different because of saddle position, then initially this must be addressed with the qualified saddle fitter (and others). In the above case, riders and trainers should avoid the temptation to shorten one stirrup to resolve the issue as this is not addressing the fundamental reasoning i.e. why is the saddle slipping?

In addition to this, riders often report that they have one leg longer and then self-prescribe a plan to alter one stirrup. This will be addressed in a future blog, but caution should be taken over this, along with clarification from a specialist, confirming if the rider has an actual or functional limb length difference. In either case, it is imperative that riders seek clarification on this before altering stirrups, as for reasons outlined in previous blogs, riding with asymmetric stirrups will cause the horse to seek a locomotor compensation strategy to compensate.

So to answer the initial question, it is important that the length of the stirrup is equal and not asymmetrically altered to ā€œcorrectā€™ saddle or rider position.
Check your stirrup leathers regularly to ensure that they are symmetrical and get someone to watch you ride away from a left and right rein approach.

Please like / follow our page for more blogs and please share to raise awareness.

Dr. Russell MacKechnie-Guire
Centaur Biomechanics

1. Mackechnie-Guire R, Mackechnie-Guire, E., Fisher, M., Mathie, H., Bush, R., Pfau, T., Weller, R. Relationship between saddle and rider kinematics, horse locomotion and thoracolumbar pressures in sound horses. JEVS. 2018;69:43.52.
2. Greve L, Dyson SJ. An investigation of the relationship between hindlimb lameness and saddle slip. Equine Vet J. 2013;45(5):570-7.
3. Greve L, Dyson SJ. The interrelationship of lameness, saddle slip and back shape in the general sports horse population. Equine Vet J. 2014;46(6):687-94.
4. MacKechnie-Guire R, MacKechnie-Guire E, Fairfax V, Fisher M, Hargreaves S, Pfau T. The Effect That Induced Rider Asymmetry Has on Equine Locomotion and the Range of Motion of the Thoracolumbar Spine When Ridden in Rising Trot. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science. 2020;88:102946

CALM THE CHAOS ACTIVITY FOR YOUA GIFT FROM CHC FOR THE NEW YEAR! A lot of people seem to be experiencing post-holiday st...



A lot of people seem to be experiencing post-holiday stress so weā€™ve decided to share our Calm Chaos Activities from the Paid COMPASSIONATE HORSE CLICK Membership in the hopes of helping you enjoy your horse while getting a great start to the new year.
Weā€™ll be posting one every week for 4 weeks using the same graphic that you see below. Weā€™d love to know how these land with you. And feel free to share your experience with this group or in the comments below.
Look for this graphic each week

Week 1
The holidays evoke a lot of feelings and experiences for everyone and often can bring unexpected stress into our lives. With that in mind, I've designed a weekly activity with the intention of helping us all stay in a place of gratitude and grounded energy - a way of staying heart centered with our horses help, if you will. I think you'll find investing in a few quiet moments away from the hustle and bustle will be well worth it. And our horses are likely to appreciate the casual connection time as well.
Week 1
Spend a few minutes in the presence of your horse, how close or far, you decide. Using all your senses...
Focus on being present in your own body. Feel your feet on the ground. Feel the temperature of the air around you. Is it windy, damp, dry, humid, crisp? What do you see? How do you feel? How would you like to feel in this moment in the presence of this magnificent animal? What thoughts might you want to have to facilitate this feeling? Share your heart with your horse as the two of you relax together in the presence of one another.
And, if you want to share your experience, we'd love to hear about it in the comments below.
"Trust in the unfolding of your journey. You will receive whatever is needed for the unfolding of your consciousness," Bernadette LoguešŸ„°


Join us tonight for Book Club!
"Horses Never Lie" - by Mark Rashid
2/2/23 at 6pm EST
'Finding the Try' through 'Half a Chance'

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 859 9897 9557
Passcode: 752522

Has your horse seen it a thousand times? well not quite...

Has your horse seen it a thousand times? well not quite...

I had to share this juicy and digestible tidbit for my non reading friends out there šŸ“– šŸ“ šŸ‘€

Categorical Perception:
The natural tendency to organize sights, sound, taste, touch, and smell. The human brain categorizes different physical views into one group automatically (a door will look like a door to us in all angles). We group separate items instantly without thinking.

Equine brains donā€™t have much categorical perception. This is why they notice and spook at items that we would group in one category (hose they walk by every day, to us itā€™s just a hose but to them the way the hose hanging IS different each day).

When we say the horse has seen this a million times, he hasnā€™t. Heā€™s seen a slightly different view of the object many different times. We are the one whose brains assumes those different views all represent the same object.

Their lack of categorical perception is one of the reasons horses donā€™t need to have precise visual acuity or great hearing, their brains notice tiny differences instead which allows them to survive.
- Janet L Jones, PhD Horse Brain, Human Brain


Burgaw, NC

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 8am - 5pm
Wednesday 8am - 5pm
Thursday 8am - 5pm
Friday 8am - 8pm


(910) 471-5445


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Fulfill your Equestrian Dreams

Inspiring women to enjoy horses through compassionate training ...Victory Land D is a state of thoughtful being - a place that any rider may choose to journey with a horse. The only requirement is a heart that seeks to honor the horse above all other equestrian endeavors. We too are passionate about our relationship with each horse that we encounter. We consider it a privileged opportunity to help riders and horses find greater joy in their lives together. Like you, we know the importance of happy, sound horses, safe interactions, and kind, yet effective training for horse and rider. Riders and handlers can learn much from horses, when we are listening. We invite you to share perspectives and experiences as you journey to explore the mind, body, and soul of your horse with us. By respecting your ideas, refining your techniques and compassionately developing your horses' abilities through positive reinforcement training, you will find that your very own victory awaits.

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