⭐️ With so many wonderful employees, it made choosing just one employee of the year extremely difficult. So, we'd like to highlight another one of our runners-up.
🐾 Meet Tim. He has a passion for transforming the dental health of our patients. He loves assisting with teeth cleanings and dental procedures, not only because of the physical change, but because he truly understands the impact of good oral hygiene on long-term pet health.
🐈 Tim is a devoted cat parent to Janice, a 2-year-old tabby. Janice's favorite pastime? Flopping down for endless back and head rubs from her loving human.
When he's not delivering top-notch veterinary care, Tim immerses himself in the virtual realm, excelling in the mobile game State of Survival. As part of the 3rd-ranked Alliance VIP globally, he's gearing up to conquer their 3rd league championship this spring.
Join us in celebrating Tim, a pet dental health advocate, devoted cat parent, and gaming enthusiast who enriches our team with his diverse talents! 🎉🐾
🌟🐾 🐾🌟