🐣 Stop scrolling if you’re getting chicks this spring! 🐥✨
March is here, which means we're leaping into chick season and SPRING! Whether it’s your first time raising baby chicks or you just need a quick refresher, our collaborator @purelychicksn has you covered with everything you need to know about feeding your little fluffballs.
Make sure to bookmark this post so you can refer back to it when your chicks arrive! And don’t forget to click the link in our bio to grab your Starter Bundle—everything you need to raise strong, healthy chicks on organic from day one! 🛒✨
#scratchandpeck #scratchandpeckfeeds #raisingchickens #ducklings #raisingducks
#ChickSeason #BabyChicks #BackyardChickens #ScratchAndPeck #OrganicFeed #HealthyFlock #ChickenKeeping
🌱❄️ Spring is almost here… but winter isn’t over yet...
The days are getting longer, but for much of the country, cold weather is still sticking around. Now’s the time to give your flock a late-winter nutrition boost to keep them happy and healthy as we transition into spring.
Here are 5 ways to support your flock right now:
1️⃣ Sprout our Organic Peas or Barley to give your birds some much-needed greens and encourage foraging before plants start popping up outside. 🌿
2️⃣ Boost their protein with our 18% protein Organic Layer Pellets or Layer Mash—perfect for cold-weather nutrition. 🥚
3️⃣ Toss your flock some GRUBS for an extra protein boost (and to remind them how much they love you!). ❤️
4️⃣ Don't forget the ducks! Our feeds and treats are great for both chickens AND ducks. 🦆
5️⃣ Spring is right around the corner! Before you know it, you’ll be soaking up the sunshine with your flock instead of bundling up to keep them warm. ☀️
Stock up on essentials now! Click the link in bio to shop and keep your flock nourished through the last stretch of winter. 🛒
How are you keeping your flock happy during these last cold weeks? Drop your tips in the comments! ⬇️
#BackyardChickens #WinterChickenCare #ScratchAndPeckFeeds #OrganicFeed #HealthyFlock #ChickenKeeping #FlockCare
🦆✨ Happy Ducks Start with High-Quality Nutrition! ✨🐔
Did you know that Scratch and Peck organic feed is formulated for both chickens AND ducks? Our organic, non-GMO feed supports:
✔️ Strong, healthy ducks
✔️ Optimal nutrition for growth & egg production
✔️ Beautiful, glossy feathers
Give your ducks the best feed possible—because healthy nutrition = happy birds! 💛 Click the link in bio to order yours now! 🛒
Have you noticed a difference in your ducks' health or feather quality with our feed? Drop a comment below! ⬇️
#HappyDucks #DuckCare #OrganicFeed #ScratchAndPeck #BackyardDucks #HealthyFlock #DucksOfInstagram
❄️Snow day fun for your flock! Try tossing Scratch our whole grain mash feed into the snow for your flock -- it isn't just a snack, it's enrichment! Scattering feed encourages natural foraging, keeps your chickens active, and helps beat winter boredom. ❄️🐓
Who else loves watching their flock dig through the snow for treats? Drop a ❄️ in the comments if you're trying this today!
#ScratchAndPeck #ScratchAndPeckFeeds #WinterChickenCare #FlockEnrichment #SnowDayFun #winterchickenkeeping #winteronthefarm #backyardchickens #backyardhens #backyardducks #organicfarm
The moment we’ve all been waiting for… CHICK SEASON is here! 🐣🎉
Will you be celebrating by adding new fluffballs to your flock, or just reminiscing about the chaos (and cuteness) of chick days past? 😂🐥 Let us know in the comments! ⬇️
#ChickSeason #FlockGoals #ChickenMath #BackyardChickens #ScratchAndPeck #ScratchAndPeckFeeds
Have you seen the viral frozen egg trend? ❄️🥚 Freeze eggs, slice them up, and cook for the cutest mini eggs—plus, you get yolk in every bite! We put a Valentine’s twist on it by cooking little heart-shaped yolks, and we have to say this trend is fun! 💘🍳 Would you try it? Let us know in the comments! 👇
#ScratchAndPeck #ScratchAndPeckFeeds #FrozenEggTrend #EggLover #BackyardChickens #FarmFreshEggs #CookingHacks #FoodTrends #EggsForDays #HomesteadingLife #HappyHens
Chickens might not actually make you a millionaire (although with egg prices the way they are, maybe!) but they’ll certainly make you FEEL like a King or Queen. 😂👑🐓
Drop us a note and tell us which breeds you want to add to your flock this year!
#scratchandpeck #ChickenMemes
With Spring Chick Season around the corner and egg prices on everyone’s mind, now is the perfect time to think ahead about flock planning. Whether you're starting fresh with baby chicks or expanding an existing flock, what you feed your birds matters—not just for their health, but for the quality of the eggs they lay.
A well-fed flock produces strong, nutrient-rich eggs, and that starts with organic, Non-GMO feed made from the highest quality ingredients. By choosing a complete, wholesome diet, you're investing in healthier birds, better eggs, and a more sustainable future.
As you gear up for the season, make sure your flock gets the best from the start. Link in bio to shop Certified Organic, Non-GMO feed that’s made with care right here in North America. 🛒🐓
💬 Tell us in the comments: What breeds are you adding to your flock this season? Or if you’re not adding, what’s your dream chicken breed? 🐥👇
#ScratchAndPeck #ScratchAndPeckFeeds #SpringChickSeason #FlockPlanning #OrganicFeed #HappyHens #RaisingChickens #BackyardChickens #HealthyFlock #KnowYourFarmer #SustainableFarming #NonGMO #ChickensOfInstagram #FarmFreshEggs #HensOfInstagram #HomesteadingLife
🌱🐓 Pea shoots may be small, but they deliver BIG benefits for your feathered friends! These nutrient-dense microgreens are packed with vitamins, essential amino acids, minerals, and protein, making them a fantastic supplement to your flock’s diet. While hens are omnivores, pea and bean sprouts offer a great source of plant-based protein to keep them thriving.
How to Grow Pea Shoots for Your Flock:
1️⃣ Soak 1 part our Organic Sprouting Peas in 2 parts water for 12 hours in a mason jar. This removes the protective outer coating, making the peas more digestible and releasing their nutrients.
2️⃣ Drain & Plant – Spread the hydrated peas over moist potting soil in a container (tip: an old feed bag works great when rolled down!). Gently press them in and cover with plastic wrap.
3️⃣ Grow & Feed – Once the peas sprout, move them to a sunny spot and water as needed. In a few days, you’ll have pea shoots 3-4 inches tall—perfect for a nutritious snack!
💡 Reminder: This is a supplemental treat and should not replace a complete chicken feed.
Want to treat your flock to organic goodness? Shop Certified Organic, Non-GMO feed, treats, and scratch—grown in North America and shipped straight to your door. Link in bio to shop. 🛒✨
#ScratchAndPeck #ScratchAndPeckFeeds #OrganicFeed #MicrogreensForChickens #HappyHens #BackyardChickens #chickensofinstagram #happychickens #chickenlady #backyardchickens #backyardducks #homesteadchickens #raisingchickens #diychickencoop #diychickentreats #organicfarm
How good is your flock's recall? Free-ranging is great for chickens, but having a reliable way to call them back to the coop is essential—especially in case of an emergency. 🦅🦝
One of the easiest and most effective recall methods? Shaking a can of irresistible treats. But here’s the key: the treat has to be better than whatever they’re finding while foraging. That’s why our Grubs work. Packed with protein and naturally delicious, they bring the whole flock running—every time.
The early bird gets the grub! 🐛 Ready to stock up? Link in bio to order now.
#ScratchAndPeck #ScratchAndPeckFeeds #GrubsForChickens #HappyHens #FlockCare #BackyardChickens #treatsforchickens #treatsforducks #backyardchickens #chickens #ducks
In case you missed it....we lowered our prices!
Yep, you read that right—we’ve lowered prices on EVERYTHING. 🎉 But not because we’re cutting corners. Thanks to increased efficiencies at our Nebraska mill and expanded storage, we’re saving on the highest quality, North American-grown organic grains—and passing those savings directly to YOU and your flock! 🐔
We love our retailers and love seeing Scratch and Peck on the shelves of local feed stores. But for those who can’t make it into a store, we’ve got you covered with FREE shipping straight to your door! ✨
Click the link in our bio to get your flock’s feed delivered today! 🐓📦
#ScratchAndPeck #ScratchAndPeckFeeds #OrganicFeed #NonGMO #LowerPrices #FreeShipping #HappyFlock #backyardchickens #happychickens #ilovechickens #backyardducks #ducks #ducksofinstagram #rooster
What are you feeding your ducks? 🦆 Did you know our organic, non-GMO, corn and soy free feeds are formulated to nourish your ducks, too? 🌱 Made with grains grown right here in North America, you can trust that your flock is getting the high-quality nutrition they deserve. ✨
Click the link in our bio to shop our feeds now!
#ScratchAndPeck #OrganicFeed #HappyFlock #DucksOfInstagram #ChickensOfInstagram #poultry #raisingpoultry #homesteading #backyardducks #urbanducks #duckcoop #chickencoop