Update on Leon ❤️
Last week, Leon had his follow up X-rays. What we originally thought was 5 broken ribs is actually 6. He also has two separated ribs that will never fully heal. 😔
Even so, Leon has made progress! He finally graduated to an Expen from a dog crate and he was able to attend our Romp & Spa last weekend in his own private suite. Leon LOVES to eat and seems very interested in the other buns at his fosters' home.
We have a few big thank yous to make:
To Leon's fosters, Kimberly Joy and Tim Bob Cottontail
Thank you for giving Leon so much of your love, time, and strength. We know rehabbing and re-socializing him has been really hard and we (and Leon) couldn't be more grateful.
To Valley View Pet Hospital,
Thank you for fighting for each and every one of our buns, especially our little Leon. You have been an AMAZING partner vet and we're so grateful for everyone on the staff!
Leon's prognosis, although not perfect, is still more positive than we once thought it would be. Please continue to send him love and well wishes. Leon is a fighter and we are fighting right alongside him.