Sharing this insanely charismatic boy and his weird pig behavior.
FFAC Havoc came home from Indiana with some snot bubbles so we were treating him for a cold, he's fully recovered and awaiting re-introduction to the teen boy herd. He does this all day long. If he hears me come into the caviary this is how he reacts until I feed him something. He has food and water. He has destroyed almost all my bottle holders now, so it's down to new bale twine every day. He doesn't really squeak he just does this crazy routine until he gets a snack. He's adorable.
Getting a serenade while finishing the show
"Hell hath no fury like..."well I guess if you have A Fury, that's different
Here is the updated video today of that same baby pig with the light form of entropian. You can see he is fully healed and not longer needs skin training. He can see fully out of both eyes now.
This post is about babies with Entropian. Entropian can come in varying degrees of severity. Sometimes it's birth trauma, injury, or congential. It can be severe, or light with or with out hair on eyelids. Many times it's noticeable at birth when the babies dry out their eyes will have white film over them. This baby was lucky. He had only minor folds in both eyelids, a little bit of hair. I had to "train" the eyelid several times a day and put Veteracyn opthamalic gel in as well. It took about 2 weeks to clear them up. So don't give up hope if your babies are born with this. Some Entropian can not be fixed with out surgical prevention. So this is a light case.
Tootie ended up passing away last night despite efforts to pull through. I am happy to say PF Dixie has taken them in.
Figure I'll post cute things today.
Lil Viv is a talker. She is spicy and sweet. She's been doing well with her little 5 drops of milk every few hours. Leonis ended up with ANOTHER DOA pup in her cage this afternoon. It was about Viv's size. Just so weird. She still seems perfectly fine health and mood wise.
Pig cam alerted me that some babies are being born.
Poochie has started birthing what seems to be a very large litter.
Two out and probably 2 to 3 more to go.
JH Alypius has got two kids already sporting his signature half and half face.
The glamorous life of a guinea pig farmer. We are supplementing Ms Bee twice a day with crushed tums/chewable C/juice/and baby food bananas. She starting seizing about a week into feeding her large litter and having neuro pain in her hind legs. This yummy gruel just really boosts C and Calcium plus other very needed vitamins. We load her up with a cup of fruit and veggies mix a day too. She is doing very well and absolutely enjoys being spoon fed. Me not so much.
It's been a long time since I've been able to blend this many young grow-out sows together without them biting each other's eyes out (sarcasm). Our really big community pen is full of retiree's so they got the next size big cage. The males young-ins tend not to fight as much so this is a treat. Opened up a lot of other cages for breeding.
Came home to Tomayo working on #4. Possibly one more in there yet. Will post when clean and bonded.