I love our Hillside Tribe!
I had a conversation the other day with some young kids at the barn, and I thought maybe others needed to hear this also.
Dear horse (cow) agriculture-based kid:
It is ok to be you!
It is ok to be a little different than other kids in your school...If you have some hay in your hair, and are seen outside of school, in a store that way, don't worry, it will be ok!
Spending time at the barn, riding, cleaning, being around animals is a great way to grow up!
If you choose to buy a new halter for your horse, instead of makeup or a ball, that is a great choice do it!
You may think you are alone in this adventure, rest assured you are not, you will find your forever 'tribe' at the barn!
Don't think twice about wearing your boots, jeans, belt and buckle to school, that 'outfit' has more historical notoriety than any ball uniform.
If you go into a restaurant, store, establishment after you have been in the barn, don't worry, we have all done that, your $ is as good as the next persons.
Don't be bothered or worried if someone calls you "cowboy"(girl), that identity is something to be proud of, you have worked at a skill /lifestyle that will serve you well forever
If you enjoy spending time with your horse/cow more than going to the 'beach' or mall, that compassion will get your further in life than the other will.
If you come out of an arena with a dirt 'mustache', a lite tan sand colored complexation, from a dusty arena, it is money well spent and a natural facial! Keep smiling!
The work ethic, compassion, commitment, time management spent with animals is a blessing not a curse, so don't ever be ashamed! Find your tribe, keep going to the barn, keep loving on that horse/cow, which ever animal you choose. You be you, and I am proud of it!