If you have a dog or dogs.... READ THIS NOW. Read it, learn from it.... stop the alpha dog stupidness.
The Alpha theory is one of the most widely believed untruths about dogs, yet some people still insist on religiously following this disproven, outdated and very harmful practice of showing their dog who's boss by being the dominant alpha. Celebrity dog trainers, one in particular, who unfortunately has a huge following, certainly doesn’t help in dispelling the notion that we need to dominate our dogs through fear, force and punishment to get them to respect us. Many TV shows and hundreds of books continually promote the disproven myth of alpha theory.
This theory originated in the 1930’s where captive wolves that had never met before were grouped together in an unnatural environment. Their behaviour was studied and observed and it was concluded that wolves fight for dominance in order to become the alpha of the pack. This study can be compared to taking a group of people who are all strangers, locking them in a room with a limited amount of food and other resources and then observing what happens. The results would certainly not be similar to what would be seen if people were allowed to interact in a natural environment.
Researchers that have studied wolf behaviour since then have all concluded that this study was incorrect and the original study was retracted as being false. Wolf packs are actually family groups, not dominant dictatorships that continually fight to maintain control and dominance.
Wolf behaviour theory aside, dogs are not wolves! Research shows that dogs and wolves genetically parted ways more than 100,000 years ago.
Dogs are not trying to dominate us and take over our family structure! Using outdated, disproven methods like punishment, fear, shock collars or similar as training tools will not create a dog that is mentally, emotionally or behaviourally stable. Focusing on modern, scientifically based, positive reinforcement, force free, reward-based methods is the way to gain respect, create bonds and form a healthy relationship with your dog.