Here’s to the women…
The ones who lift each other up. Who shout “good luck” to the next rider in, who lend a hand to the lorry next door and who clap, even when they don’t win.
The ones who work really damn hard. The ones who juggle work, children, life and everything it throws at them, but still find the time to give their horses the care and attention they deserve.
The ones who are brave. The ones who don’t blink twice at galloping towards solid objects and the ones who overcome demons by just putting their foot in the stirrup.
The ones who are strong. The ones who throw hay bales, lift feed bags, carry water and don’t blink twice at piloting 600kgs of power and muscle with it’s own mind.
The ones who are kind. The ones who look out for other riders, who encourage their friends and strangers alike, and get a genuine good feeling when someone else does well.
The ones who are resilient. The ones who have looked despair and heartbreak right in the eye and carried on. The ones who refuse to let setbacks be their downfall and simply refuse to give up.
Here’s to you; equestrian women.
You are exceptional… and don’t let anyone ever tell you any different.