I need some advice please for my daughter's cat Eddie who is peeing all over the place 😬 he is completely indoors, been to the vet multiple times, uses pretty little and so on.. It's TOTALLY BEHAVIORAL NOT MEDICAL. The very first time he ever peed outside the box was on her and my son in law's bed when she and I were away on a mini mother daughter trip 6 months ago. After that it has been ongoing, but not all the time and in various places around the house. But now, they just recently moved from Colorado to NC and then he escaped for 3 days right after the move and now he desperately wants to go outside and he's peeing non stop all over the couches and everywhere and my poor daughter is going out of her mind and has him locked down in one room. I would love to know suggestions of things that has worked for others. Again.. TOTALLY BEHAVIORAL.. NOT A MEDICAL ISSUE. Thank you!! ❤️