A person screamed out for help as she again went under the waves of the ocean. Many people stood by, some yelling, some pointing, one standing by just watching. Then out of the crowd came one person who rushed into the ocean fighting the currents and the waves to reach this lady in distress. This person reached the woman and was able to bring her to shore safely. Others standing around clapped and cheered for the hero who saved the ladies life, but the one man who stood idly by and did nothing. He approached the hero and said “I was watching you. Your entry into the ocean was subpar. Lift you knees higher next time when running in. Also, your strokes out to reach her were incorrect and you swimming form to bring her in was horrible. You were lucky to have saved her because the way you did it should not have worked.” He continued with critique after critique offering nothing positive because his empty life had nothing positive to offer.
Don’t be this person who criticizes the actions of other’s accomplishments when you have no accomplishment to show for yourself. If you know a better way, show it. If you can do it, do it. Otherwise just continue to do what you are good at…standing by and criticizing other who dare to do.