The 4th is fast approaching! 🇺🇸 This can be a rough time of year for our animals. Here are some of our tips for medicating your pets:
1. If you feel your pet would benefit from medications for the 4th, please call us ASAP! These are prescription medications and your pet may require an up to date annual exam. Sometimes we are booking out several days or weeks in advance so it is crucial that we schedule you right away.
2. Did you try medications last year and they did not seem to work? LET US KNOW! Often we can make adjustments such as increasing the dose, adding on an additional medication, or trying something else entirely. Give us a call so we can speak with your pet’s doctor about the best course of action for them.
3. It is always a good idea to do a trial of these medications before they are needed. Most of them have a range in their dosing and finding the most effective dose for your pet is extremely important.
4. Start the medications before the anxiety starts!! This will help them be more effective. Do you remember approximately what time last year you started hearing the fireworks around your home? Start hours or even days before that!
Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions. We hope everyone has wonderful holiday! ♥️🇺🇸