Let’s try this one again … Cheyenne and He’s Reckless bringing home Champion in the Jumpers! So happy to see him back in the show ring. #weloveledges
Cheyenne and He’s Reckless coming out as Champion in the Baby Green Jumpers at Ledges last week. So happy to have him back in the show ring! #weloveledges
Cheyenne and Lady In Red getting it done in the Baby Green Jumpers at Ledges last week. #weloveledges
Hailey and Barahona competing in their first jumper course baby green jumpers Friday at ledges. She had very nice rides and had a good time. #weloveledges
Ruby competing at the .95 meter jumpers at Minnesota Harvest Show.
Lady Sierra and Cheyenne in the 2 foot Green Division! She is learning quickly! Janey Adams
Bentley and Hailey competing in the Limit Class! They had fabulous rounds! New Vocation Racehorse Adoption program
Ms Katie and CocoMon doing the crossrails as well.
Mimi and Finley in their first show together! She just purchased him the end of April! New Vocation Racehorse Adoption program
Had a great time horse showing this past weekend! Lots of laughs and memories made! Bo and Ms Violet competed in the ground pole classes.