It’s our Pop-Up Kitty Cafe! You heard that right. Coffee and Kittens #yespurrlease, our cup overfloweth, we thought we’d share the purrks! Join us tomorrow 2/2 from 10am to 1pm at The Hideout @ WECO, 118 State St, West Columbia, SC. No reservation needed, though a $5 donation will be required for entry (feel free to increase your donation and don’t forget to tip your cat.) As always, all donations go directly to the kitties! Get your petting hands ready and come on out to fall in love with our purrballs, you don’t wanna miss it!
#popupkittycafe #catsandcoffee #getCATeinated #whatcouldbebetter #kittieskittieskitties
We got KITTENS!!! Plot Twist, they are NOT from our pregnant momma…
#kittenseasonstartedearly #orreallyneverstopped #herewegoagain #nosleeptiltheyreweaned #becauseofafoster #thisisrescue #CatAroundTown
When Drain-O won’t do the trick, have we got a cat for you!
#Driveway #purrfectplumber #catgotyourdrain #pluglife #noplugleftbehind #draingamestrong #meowntenancecrew #supurrvisor #CatAroundTown
Just a friendly reminder that the Purrfect man does exist!
#adoptyourpurrfectmantoday #swiperight #stopaskingSanta #askusinstead #Hamm #treenotincluded #bowtieoptional #CatAroundTown
Love Cats? Love Brunch? To all my kitty and food lovers, have we got a treat for you…Meowl at the Hoot! You heard that right. We are headed to the Hoot #yespurrlease Join us Sunday, December 15th from 12pm to 2pm at The Hoot, 2910 Rosewood Dr. Ste 1 Columbia, SC. There are no reservations needed for this outdoor family friendly event though we do ask that you tip your cat! #itshiptobetipped #seewhatididthere As always, all donations go directly to the kitties! We will also have some CAT swag! So get your petting hands ready and come on out to fall in love with our purrballs, you don’t wanna miss it!
#meowlatthehoot #catsandbrunch #whatcouldbebetter #kittieskittieskitties #CatAroundTown
Forget downward dog, how about Cat Pose! We are so excited to offer our Kitty Yoga Class! What is Kitty Yoga? Exactly what you’re thinking yoga and kitties combined, it’s gonna be Purrfect!
When: Sunday December 8th from 11-12pm and 12:30-1:30pm
Where: FIT Columbia
2121 College St.
Columbia, SC 29205
We have limited spots available, so book on vagaro today to reserve yours!
#stretch #kittyyoga #CatAroundTown
Ever wondered what your generosity can accomplish? Stay tuned all day as we get up close and purrsonal for what your giving can do...
Community cats are a problem in every part of the county, left unaddressed, these cats can create significant challenges to the animal welfare system and to the community at large.
Trying to resolve these problems may seem like a daunting task, but there is a viable solution, TNR. TNR or trap-neuter-return is the humane practice of trapping community cats who cannot be domesticated and brought inside as pets, spaying or neutering them and returning them, vaccinating them, ear-tipping them and returning to their original colony. A female cat can get pregnant when she is less than half a year old and will continue having litters of kittens until she is fixed.
While having the cats gone might seem most convenient for everyone, it is a shortsighted and unrealistic solution for several reasons. When cats are removed from any location, whether they are relocated or eradicated, new cats soon move in to take over the vacated area and available food source (garbage, rodents, insects, etc.). In just a few months two intact cats can repopulate the area. A stabilized cat colony on the property site will deter other new cats from moving into the area.
We will never effectively solve the problem of overpopulation on the outside, if we don't go to the root of the problem. By changing the culture in our community…the problem with overpopulation is that you have to go to the source of the problem...breeding pets in our community instead of trying to play catchup with the ones that come into our shelter.
TNR and low cost spay/neuter options hold the realistic opportunity for a permanent, long-term solution to pet overpopulation.
#justkeepwatching #GivingTuesday #ThankYou #CatAroundTown
TNR (Trap, Neuter, Return) - Cat Around Town Project
Donation Links
Venmo: @cataroundtownproject
Cash App: $cataroundtownproject
Love Cats? Love Brunch? To all my kitty and food lovers, have we got a treat for you…Meowl at the Hoot! You heard that right. We are headed to the Hoot #yespurrlease Join us Sunday, October 13th from 12pm to 2pm at The Hoot, 2910 Rosewood Dr. Ste 1 Columbia, SC. There are no reservations needed for this outdoor family friendly event though we do ask that you tip your cat! #itshiptobetipped #seewhatididthere As always, all donations go directly to the kitties! We will also have some CAT swag! So get your petting hands ready and come on out to fall in love with our purrballs, you don’t wanna miss it!
#meowlatthehoot #catsandbrunch #whatcouldbebetter #kittieskittieskitties #CatAroundTown
When you have VERY strong opinions on having your picture taken #nopaparazzi #iwillnotsmile #oropenmyeyes #practicingfortheyearbook #cataroundtown
*stay tuned to see the whole class*
When you have VERY strong opinions on having your picture taken #nopaparazzi #iwillnotsmile #oropenmyeyes #practicingfortheyearbook #cataroundtown