SO fulfilling to help out at the Vaccine and Microchip clinic with Meow Mission in Warsaw today!
Spencer and Dega: private lesson: leave it
Spencer and Dega were getting in deep doo doo by biting and tearing BIG chunks of Jeep tires and truck tires to the point of having to replace several tires! So these girls have spent six weeks teaching leave it and really reliable recall. By the end of session 5 harnesses and long lines were removed, everyone left, and the dogs didn't even attempt to chase the vehicle once out of about 20 repetitions! Way to go Spencer and Dega!
Chance: on/off
Chance helped out as demo dog for a virtual session this evening! He learned "on" and "off" in less than 5 minutes!
Stay with High Distractions
Nicole and Rip in week 6 of their All Inclusive In Home Program! Rip really struggles with over-arousals especially around the calves. Check out their awesome work on stay with SUPER high distractions! What a team!
Fury dock diving session 1
We tried dock diving for the first time with my Shepherd Fury! One of my clients came and brought her dog also, we are pretty excited as our trainer said some dogs don't even swim the first time!
wait and the door- Vida
Gina and her puppy showing off "wait at the door" after only 3 sessions! Way to go Gina and Vida great work! Vida is a young puppy learning skills that will be great manners for her to have at home and in public!
Mia's Leave it: Puppy Pre-School Student
Look at Mia and all her doggy siblings working on leaving the treat! One of the basic skills I teach in puppy or beginner class@ Way to go Mia, Joannah and Katy!
With trust centered training we utilize force free methods and encourage dogs to use their cognitive (thinking) skills. Just as a human toddler knows their likes and dis likes, Beau demonstrates his ability to choose his preference of beef treats over bacon treats at the store. π
Beau LOVES fetch! We are SOOO excited for Spring to be upon us and to have solid manners so we can enjoy being off leash, going to public places, being by the water- all require great self control! Are you ready to start practicing with your pooch?