These sweet babies say HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!
Sadly we have lost 2 beautiful souls. 2 more are struggling but getting around the clock care. Please send up some good vibes for us. Mom was at the vet this morning with mastitis and on antibiotics. All is well with the other babies and they're beautiful.
We are at 11 right now! 6 boys, 5 girls!! All healthy and loud! Mama is a trooper! Had her first one at 1:43am and still at it!!
That's not even half of them😭😭😭😭
Puppy watch officially has begun!!!
They are just too cute
#bigdog #protector #youknowyouwantone #CaneCorso #iccfcanecorso #Iccf #impresakennels #impresagang
#bigdog #protector #youknowyouwantone #CaneCorso #iccfcanecorso #Iccf #impresakennels #impresagang
#bigdog #protector #youknowyouwantone #CaneCorso #iccfcanecorso #Iccf #impresakennels #impresagang
Tug o war girl against girl!!!
Tug o war girl against boy!!!
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