One of my wonderful students ( you are all wonderful!) brought me a wonderful basket of food. Over the last few months I have received generous offering of garden produce, grocery items, apple cider and butternut squash, fresh from the garden. My neighbor Connie has also generously shared her garden harvest with me as well.
My life drastically changed when I lost Redline and my home. I humbly found this old farm house with a kennel, near my old church and knew this is where I needed to be…. Needed to heal.
The people I thought were my friends when I had the fancy training place, turned in their heels and I have never heard from them again. Sometimes God cleans our house!
I am so grateful to be able to watch agility videos and share in the joy of posts of success and failure.
I wish I was able to afford entry fees and show my girls off, Spright and Sol are doing so well!
Hunger takes your mind off of the things I want to do, and changes them to the things I need to do for myself and the dogs and God.
Thank you to the faithful friends and students that hung in there with me, thank you to Ralph who paid my League fees so I could still play agility, just a little.
I am just grateful for this loving community and that I landed where I did.
What blesses one, blesses all. I am sure one day, I will be able to pay it forward.