Gigi's Behavior Services

Gigi's Behavior Services Gigi's Behavior Services provides behavior support to pet dogs. We offer in person and remote behavior consultations, classes and seminars.


Are you and your dog ready to brush up their behavior skills? Gigi's Behavior Services has new classes starting June 5 and 8! Learn more and register for our upcoming Skills and Manners series and Puppy Preschool ➡️ 🐾

Now is the time to get your pet ready for the 4th of July festivities! 💊 If your dog has anti-anxiety medications, check...

Now is the time to get your pet ready for the 4th of July festivities!

💊 If your dog has anti-anxiety medications, check their Rx and call your vet today to refill if needed.
⏰ Give your pup their meds before the fireworks start.
🌜Avoid letting your dog out after dark, and consider taking them out on a leash when fireworks are likely.
🎆 If you're going to a fireworks display, leave your pup at home.
🥓 Provide your dog with a safe space in a quiet area of the house with a white noise machine or calming music (like Through a Dog's Ear) and a yummy food-based activity for distraction.
🐶 Make sure your pet is microchipped and their chip is registered to your current address. Double-check your dog's collar fits well and has a valid license and tags with your number.

It is Dog Bite Prevention week!  We unfortunately see dogs after a bite more often than not.  All dogs can bite, and som...

It is Dog Bite Prevention week! We unfortunately see dogs after a bite more often than not. All dogs can bite, and some do when we do things that make them uncomfortable or put them in situations where they are feeling fearful, angry or frustrated. Luckily, the majority of dog bites cause little to no injury, but they are still scary. Heed a dog's warnings - moving away, growling and snarling are some of the ways a dog may ask for space. Punishing these behaviors by forcing a dog to stay in the situation, correcting or punishing them can cause these behaviors to deteriorate and then dogs can escalate to biting more quickly when they are uncomfortable. Move away or remove your dog from the situation, they get to decide what makes them uncomfortable. If the behavior is elicited by 'normal' things that happen in their world, we can help you manage those situations and teach your dog to be more comfortable! Here is one of our favorite videos to help kids learn how to be polite with dogs, to keep themselves safe. The pat, pet, pause method works when adults greet dogs too! Not all dogs like to be pet and by giving them choice, people can avoid triggering a dog to feel uncomfortable in the first place! Try it with your dog too.

How do we teach kids how to greet a dog?

It’s National Puppy Day! Not only does Gigi’s have a variety of puppies available for adoption, but we also provide reso...

It’s National Puppy Day! Not only does Gigi’s have a variety of puppies available for adoption, but we also provide resources for families with newly adopted puppies or for people who are considering getting a puppy in the future. Puppies are cute, cuddly and lots of fun! Adding that adorable new family member can also come with challenges, but we are here to offer tips and help you through those first few months.

Puppies are little sponges, constantly soaking up information about the world around them. It is our job to provide them with positive socialization experiences, ensure that they receive proper medical care, as well as to teach them desirable behaviors. When it comes to socialization, controlled exposure to people, dogs and environments is key. Your puppy doesn’t have to directly interact with strangers and other dogs in order to create positive associations- simply being able to observe humans and other dogs from a safe distance while eating tasty treats will go a long way to helping your puppy become a well-rounded, social adult. Arranging for supervised play dates with adult dogs that you know will be an appropriate match for your puppy is a wonderful option for allowing your puppy to practice their play skills.

Enrolling your puppy in a class specially designed to help you learn how to teach them the basics and expose them to husbandry tasks is also beneficial. Knowledgeable instructors can help answer questions and guide you through the challenges of puppy biting, house training and adjusting to the crate. We encourage you to look for trainers and organizations that focus on reward-based training and creating positive associations.

It is always so exciting to bring home a new member of the family and we share in that excitement with you! If you are interested in more information about our current puppy class offerings, please visit


Tug of War can be a wonderful way to play with your pup and encourage bonding, cooperation, and confidence building. It's also a great way to work out extra energy or redirect sharp puppy teeth! In honor of International , here are some tricks from our experts for optimal tugging with your pup at home!

⏰ Tug of War does not cause aggression, but it’s important to play safely and monitor your pup for signs of getting overexcited. Train a reliable ‘drop it’ cue and occasionally ask the dog to give up the toy during play. If they can’t respond, they may be getting overly excited and ready for a break.

👍 Let the dog do most of the work and keep the toy low so their neck is aligned properly. Focus more on side-to-side motions, rather than up and down. This helps prevent injuries to the dog’s neck and spine.

🧸 Use a special tug toy and keep it out of reach until it's time to play. This helps make the toy special and signals to your dog when it's go time.

🦷 If teeth touch human skin, the game ends and the toy gets put away - no exceptions. Try again when your pup is calmer. If this happens frequently, you may need to use a longer toy so that there is more distance between hands and teeth.

⚠️ Play on a surface that your dog will not slip on, such as carpet, grass or other soft flooring. Dogs can slip easily during tug and could become injured if playing on hard, slippery floors.

💪 Let your dog win sometimes. No one likes to lose every time, pups included.

🐶 Incorporate fetch and training into your tug sessions, making it even more fun! Try asking your dog to ‘drop’ and then throwing the toy so that they have to bring it back to play. Or, ask them for an easy behavior and reward them with a few seconds of tug.

What are your dog's favorite things?  A quiet walk where they get to sniff as much as they want, a romp with friends or ...

What are your dog's favorite things? A quiet walk where they get to sniff as much as they want, a romp with friends or undistracted snuggle time with you? Bringing joy to our dog's lives is not about giving them more walks, it is recognizing what they, as an individual, enjoy most and giving them opportunities to do those things when possible.

When we focus on making dogs happy, it’s better for them and us.

Using toys that you can fill with your dog's meal is a great way to add variety to their daily routine.  We love using K...

Using toys that you can fill with your dog's meal is a great way to add variety to their daily routine. We love using Kongs and Toppl toys. Check out this pro hack! Batch fill cavity toys so you don't have to make each one fresh. Using mostly kibble and wet food keeps calories in check and your dog will spend more time enjoying their meal.

Stuffed Kongs are a great pacifier. We love to use them for the shelter dogs at Gigi's. Batch filling and freezing Kongs is a great way to have them on han...


We invite you to celebrate Train Your Dog month with our team here at Gigi's! Teach fun tricks to build your relationship with your dog. Share your dog doing this 'spin' trick in the comments.

We would love to help you brush up before the holidays!

We would love to help you brush up before the holidays!

We've got a few spots left in our final adult dog training classes of the year! Let our Gigi's Behavior Services team help you and your pet build new skills, brush up on doggie manners, and address common behavior challenges. ➡️ Visit to register for either of our upcoming series of classes, which begin Sat, 11/5 and Weds, 11/9.


We'd like to officially introduce... Gigi's Behavior Services! 👏 Our talented team of trainers and behavior pros is growing and now offering more services!
• Group Skills and Manners training sessions
• Puppy classes and Puppy Passports program
• Private behavior modification
• Remote consultations
We'll teach you how to utilize positive reinforcement techniques and family-friendly training methods to help you and your dog thrive! Learn more and register for training classes at!

Are you Fireworks ready?  Many dogs develop a sensitivity to fireworks as they get older!  Be cautious even if your dog ...

Are you Fireworks ready? Many dogs develop a sensitivity to fireworks as they get older! Be cautious even if your dog has been ok with them in the past. Have a safe and happy holiday weekend everyone.

📣 PSA from Gigi's board-certified Veterinary Behaviorist Dr. Meghan Herron: Get your pup ready for the holiday weekend festivities! 🇺🇸 More pets are reported missing over the 4th of July weekend than any other time of year.

🎆 If your dog has anti-anxiety medications, check their Rx and call your vet to refill if needed.

🐶 Make sure your pet is microchipped and their chip is registered to your current address.

🐾 Double check your dog's collar fits well and has a valid license and tags with your number.

🌳 If you have a fenced yard, check for holes, potential climbing spots, and broken latches.

Need something fun to do with your dog this summer? We would love to see you in class!

Need something fun to do with your dog this summer? We would love to see you in class!

Secure your spot for our next training class! Our experienced staff will help you and your pup build new skills, address common concerns, and gain a deeper understanding of dog behavior. Learn more about our upcoming puppy classes and adult dog skills and manners series, and register by tapping "Schedule" 👉

This   is back with his adopter for some training and support with our Behavior Services team! Chip and his mom are lear...

This is back with his adopter for some training and support with our Behavior Services team! Chip and his mom are learning to politely pass other dogs while out on walks, and he's making great progress. In honor of , learn how our expert trainers can help hone your pup's behavior skills 👉

As the winter season sets in, it can feel challenging to provide enough enrichment to satisfy even the easiest dog's nee...

As the winter season sets in, it can feel challenging to provide enough enrichment to satisfy even the easiest dog's needs. Did you know, it is ok to replace walks with other enrichment? Play some fetch or tug, work on a new trick, play hide and seek games, add some new food puzzles. When you meet a dog's needs for physical, mental and social stimulation, they will be able to relax and settle easily. Need help with an enrichment plan for your dog? Reach out, we can help you!

Adolescent dogs can be challenging.  Often, it feels like they are being naughty on purpose.  We promise, they aren't!  ...

Adolescent dogs can be challenging. Often, it feels like they are being naughty on purpose. We promise, they aren't! They are just busy growing and developing, and sometimes that will show up as behavior changes and set backs. The best way to work through it is consistent, rewards based training. If you need help with your adolescent dog, you can check out our services at

When people get a new dog, everyone talks about puppyhood, the does and don’ts, how to deal with specific puppy issues. People will prepare themselves for the first few challenging months with a puppy.

The mess, chaos and sleepless nights are generally overshadowed by the cute fluffy cuddles and the expectation that it won’t last for too long. Your eager little puppy will start to master toilet training, sleeping through the night, basic skills and even recall, but then adolescence hits.

For some it hits like a bus, but very few people talk about adolescence.

Adolescence is a really hard and trying time for both dog and owner. For owners, it can be really frustrating, as your puppy that was making loads of progress can suddenly stop, and even regress in some areas. Some of the behaviours that were adorable as a tiny puppy, become annoying and rude by a dog who is a lot bigger. With the largest number of dogs being placed into rescue during adolescence.

From roughly 5-6 months until around 18-24 months, your puppy is no longer a puppy, but rather a teenager. This can look very different in different dogs. Some may become more anxious, or fearful, some more reactive to things, others over confident, and for some lucky owners their dog will remain easy going and steady.

For the dog, adolescence is a really difficult period to navigate through, there are so many changes with hormones, genetic drives, even the brain structure and a second fear period, all happening simultaneously.

Hormones play a bit part into the development and sexual maturity of a dog. For female this may be a season and potential subsequent phantom pregnancy, this may result in dramatic behaviour changes. For males, they have the highest level of testosterone in their body, than at any other time in their life, even adulthood, and you may find your adolescent male starts to become more aggressive particularly toward other entire male dogs.

You may find that certain innate behaviours get “switched on” and become more easily triggered. So with Collies you may find that your dog starts to herd more things, and becomes more reactive to things.

Your dogs behaviour may also change, there are a number of behaviours associated with adolescence such as:
- Increased independence, some may label this stubbornness.
- Decreased responsiveness to trained cues
- Increased impulsivity
- Increase in energy
- Gender specific behaviours (i.e scent marking)
- Exacerbation of existing patterns (i.e Destructive behaviour, reactivity, fear based behaviours, excessive barking, compulsive behaviours etc)

During adolescence the brain structure changes and develops into a mature brain. New neural pathways are made, and others are lost, even ones that you use regularly, infuriatingly. Your dog may become more reactive, the reason for this is that the inhibitory neurons of the amygdala don’t fully mature until the end of adolescence, these help to dampen down emotional responses. You may find that they become more sensitive to things, and remember negative things more than previously, this is because extinction memory is impaired during this period, which means your dog is more likely to create fear memories due to a bad experience. The training you do with your dog may feel like you’re taking one step forward, but two steps back, this is because there is a decrease in the communication between the frontal cortex and amygdala, this is a key component for skills training.

It is important to try have patience and compassion, for both your dog and yourselves, as you guide and support your dog through this sensitive developmental period.

It's Friday!!! Are you as excited as Puggy Brewster, a   who's available for adoption 's, for the weekend? Our trainers ...

It's Friday!!! Are you as excited as Puggy Brewster, a who's available for adoption 's, for the weekend? Our trainers are excited for our two Skills and Manners Part 1 group classes being taught on Saturday and our Puppy Support Group Class on Sunday. What fun plans do you have with your four-legged friends?

Here are some good tips to help keep your dogs happy and safe over the holidays.  Patricia McConnell has a great blog!

Here are some good tips to help keep your dogs happy and safe over the holidays. Patricia McConnell has a great blog!

(This is a post from a few years ago, but it is so important that I thought it was worth posting again. I’d write a new one, but, well, everything I want to say is here, so I’ve posted it again. I’d love your feedback, stories, etc., on what works (or doesn’t work), for you.) […]

The most simple way to make a dog comfortable in a social interaction is to ask for consent. What does that look like? 1...

The most simple way to make a dog comfortable in a social interaction is to ask for consent. What does that look like?

1. Let the dog approach and make first contact.

2. Put your hand down after the have had a chance to approach and sniff. Let them choose to put their body in your hands! Dogs that like to be pet usually offer the area of their body where they enjoy petting most.

3. Take your hands away after a few seconds and see if the dog solicits more petting by moving into you.

4. If a dog avoids approaching or leaves an interaction, respect their 'no thank you' and move on!

Try it with your dog! Then practice with dogs you meet. Teach your kids, friends and family. ✋🤚

New comic on Tinyview! Consent! Full comic and bonus here:

Austri finished Skills and Manners Part 1 and is now taking Part 2! He is learning all sorts of fun and useful skills li...

Austri finished Skills and Manners Part 1 and is now taking Part 2! He is learning all sorts of fun and useful skills like an emergency stop, stay, and learning how to make sure those skills work when there are real life distractions. Class is a fun way to practice behaviors with your dog in a new environment with other dogs and people. Our instructors create a safe and fun space to learn. They help troubleshoot and then celebrate success with you! We would love for you to join us. Sign up for class through our website

Kikopup is a great YouTube channel for tips and tricks on dog training.  Check out Emily's tips for things to focus on w...

Kikopup is a great YouTube channel for tips and tricks on dog training. Check out Emily's tips for things to focus on with adolescent dogs. It is never to early or late to start working on training with your dog.

The adolescence phase in dogs can be an overwhelming and frustrating time for not only dogs but the guardians who take care of them. Emily Larlham talks on f...

Missy, a  , and Ohana are currently taking   Skills and Manners Part 1. Last week they learned the foundations for loose...

Missy, a , and Ohana are currently taking Skills and Manners Part 1. Last week they learned the foundations for loose leash walking and this week we added in distractions and practiced polite approaches with people.

It is more fun to walk with a dog when they are polite on leash. If loose leash walking is a skill you would like to learn, join us in class! We build loose leash walking during our Skills and Manners Part 1 and 2 Classes.

Go to to learn about classes and register!

We are thankful for our happy, healthy dogs!   Worried about keeping your pup out of mischief with all of the family and...

We are thankful for our happy, healthy dogs! Worried about keeping your pup out of mischief with all of the family and food? We have a few easy management tips for you:

*Use a baby gate to keep your dog out of the room when tempting items are within reach

*Leash your dog and keep them with you when you can't follow them to actively supervise

*Use a crate or pen to give your dog a safe retreat, offer a food stuffed toy like a Kong or chew to keep them busy and happy (a dog resting in the crate or pen should be off limits to guests)

Delighted Dog Training is now Gigi's Behavior Services.  We are offering in person behavior consultations and group clas...

Delighted Dog Training is now Gigi's Behavior Services. We are offering in person behavior consultations and group classes again! See our new website at


6175 Wright Road
Canal Wi******er, OH

Opening Hours

Monday 12pm - 8pm
Tuesday 12pm - 8pm
Wednesday 12pm - 8pm
Thursday 12pm - 8pm
Sunday 12pm - 8pm


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