Aurora is a 6 month old Husky/Lab Mix. She is 37 pounds. She is very shy and nervous at first and may require several meets. Once she warms up to you, she is very playful as she is still very much a puppy. Aurora will need to be the only pet in the home.
Puck is a 1 year and 7 month old Pitbull mix. He came to Angels for Animals as a stray on July 24, 2024. When Puck came in, his face was very swollen and wounded and after examination by our vets, it was found he had a hematoma in his cheek. It was quickly address and today, Puck is all better and has really come out of his shell. He is a little nervous around new people but loves to play outside and walks on a leash very well. He even knows sit and paw. Puck will need to be the only pet in the home.
Victoria has been at Angels for Animals since June 18, 2024. She is a 2 year old Pitbull. She is 44 pounds. Victoria loves to play. At 2 years old she still very much looks like a puppy. Victoria does need to be the only pet in the home.
Dudley is a 4 year old Pitbull terrier and quite possibly part hippopotamus lol. He is good with other dogs. Cats unknown.
Jimmy has been at Angels for Animals since March 13. He’s is an almost 2 year old Pitbull. Jimmy is a character and definitely will keep any adopter laughing. Jimmy does like other dogs but has not met cats yet.