Important changes for all farm family and friends to acknowledge!!!!
Lelak Farms will be transitioning into the program a new lead instructor. Brittani will be moving locations and furthering her nonprofit project at another facility.
Boarders will be made aware of any changes this might mean for you, but at this time there will be none.
Students with packages:
If you’ve paid for a package lessoning with Brittani, your package will be fulfilled with Brittani still as your instructor. This also applies to anyone who may have prepaid for their lessons.
This will be a slow transition and everyone will get to know our new instructor through the next 30-60 days. We think you all will love her! Brittani may also give occasional lessons at her other facility.
All classes will remain the same in terms of teaching style, expectations, and discipline of choice.
Our schedule may change slightly to fit our new instructors availability, but we will notify everyone individually if this affects you as well as post our new availability on Facebook, our website and Calendly.
You’re going to love our newest member!
If you have any questions, please text Brittani directly!