THUNDERSTORM &/OR FIREWORKS ISSUES!!! A couple of times a year, I make a post on thunderstorms & fireworks. This is one of those times. We have lots of thunderstorms AND...New Year's Eve will be here before we know it. So, NOW...is the time to try & find help for your dog/s if they experience anxiety or sheer panic/terror. It is the time to check into things that can help your dog/s!!!!
PREPARE "NOW" FOR...thunderstorm issues & fireworks issues your dog has. Please take time...now, before the fact...to determine HOW to best HELP your dog/s endure upcoming thunderstorms or fireworks with the least amount of stress/anxiety as possible. First off, if you have an outside dog, PLEASE bring them indoors. Most dogs who have issues with storms or fireworks, their issues/reactions go beyond fear & panic. They experience utter, sheer TERROR!!!
All they know is they have to "get away" from what is happening. They will do anything. Chew out of a wood fence, dig under a fence, try to dig out of a concrete run bloodying their paws. If indoors & crated or fenced, they will grab at the wires with all their might & can damage their mouths & teeth. Claw at any confinement & damage their paws. Indoors...many dogs will try to escape any confinement. In their efforts to escape the noise that is causing their terror, they can hurt themselves & cause damage to the house.
For all of their physical traumas, the emotional trauma is every bit as severe or worse!! Even indoors when you are home, the dogs will often pace, pant, whine, cry. Owners know their dog can't help it...but, as it goes on & on...even the best of owners will often lose patience. This compounds the dog's trauma/terror level beyond description!! Be aware that leaving your dogs alone can also add to their terror levels.
There are "natural" approaches that can help some dogs. I have found that Melatonin is very helpful. It may take more than would normally be needed to calm your dog in other circumstances. There is no magical amount. I had a 60 # lab who only need 1/2 of a 3 mg. Melatonin. But, a 15 # Westie required 9 mg. to get any relief at all.
Some dogs are helped by Rescue Remedy. Some dogs are helped by DAP (Dog Appeasing Pheromones). Sometimes, a dog can benefit from a Thunder shirt. I have had much input about these working to some degree or a lot! All of these seem to have a range of efficacy from one dog to another. Some are not helped at all. Others, helped "some", others...are helped a lot. I know there are many things out there that can help. A newer item that can help if the dog's issues are related to the SOUNDS are "ear muffs" for dogs! The one I am familiar with is called Mutt Muffs.
Please take time to develop a multi-tiered "game plan" as to how to help your dog. The television, radio, CD volume can help mask the noises to a degree. Years ago, before all the newer approaches...it was recommended to use a bit of Mineral Oil in each ear to coat the eardrum & muffle the noises. Mineral Oil is also a natural cleaning agent.
If your dog has a very severe, extreme reaction to fireworks & thunderstorms & you have not found a more natural approach to helping them that "works"...you may want to talk with your Vet & have a Rx medication on hand to help. These can include Xanax, Diazepam (Va**um), or Ace Promazine. NOTE: If going this direction, I prefer Diazepam or Xanax. Personally, I do not like Ace but, if this is the only option, talk to your Vet about the lowest possible level to start your specific dog at & to what level you can increase it IF needed to help.
Further, when using any of these, I recommend using the med the first time when you are home so you can observe how the med. affects your dog. I like to try things the first time when the issue is NOT occurring. Just so I can observe my dog's reaction to the med without the extraneous aspect of the problem.
SILEO is a newer medication for NOISE REACTIVE DOGS. I personally know many people who reported good results. Some Vets may also prescribe Trazadone which is rather sedative for the dogs, but could possibly work if needed. Better to have the plan to help your buggers...so, start now!!!
You really need to provide help to your dog because every time they experience the "terror", it reinforces & validates their fears. Each exposure to the fear/terror inducing catalyst exacerbates their fear/terror & cause an increased response level!!