From the Heart Animal Rescue

From the Heart Animal Rescue Our mission is to serve the underserved -- the abandoned, orphaned, abused, injured and special needs

With unbounded love and an intense dedication to those unwanted by others, FTH works hard to give chances to dogs which other rescues and humane societies do not. Dogs are given individual attention in a loving foster home while recovering physically or emotionally from their previous lives. Our volunteers then work diligently to find a loving, thoroughly screened forever home, where they will get

the second chance they deserve, enhacing both their lives and those of their new humans. There are many rescues and humane societies which take adoptable animals … but so many times, animals are left behind because they may need extra care (medical or emotional) before they become adoptable. That’s where From The Heart comes in … From The Heart is a coalition of experienced volunteers, dedicated to caring for the hurt and frightened victims of accident, disease, cruelty and neglect. We provide life-saving surgeries, medications and special care that other organizations are not able or willing to give. Once restored to health, we then work diligently to find each animal a permanent loving home.

Paws high for Javalina!This sweet senior lady was adopted and is doing well with her new family. She now has 2 young one...

Paws high for Javalina!

This sweet senior lady was adopted and is doing well with her new family. She now has 2 young ones to follow around and a furry friend to enjoy lounging around the house with.

Javalina was picked up as a stray and taken to the shelter with her sister. Another local rescue had spoken to her owner's husband about intaking the girls after his wife had passed but apparently the 3–4-day wait did not work with his timeline. So, he instead he let them loose on the street. Seniors being our specialty, we were able to secure 2 foster spots.

Javalina was with her foster family for almost 2 years before she found her happily ever after. When thinking about adopting, please don't pass up the senior pups. They still have a lot of love to give and are usually just needing a good place to nap. 🥰

With temperatures reaching new highs and people taking their pups with them to enjoy the great outdoors, we wanted to pu...

With temperatures reaching new highs and people taking their pups with them to enjoy the great outdoors, we wanted to put out a reminder that snakes are also now out and about. We have already heard of several pups that have been bit.

Below are the protocols for proper treatment in case of a bite from a pit viper- rattle snake, copperhead, or cotton mouth/water moccasin (although in our area the last one is rare).

If you suspect a bite, first remove your pet's collar so their airway is not compromised in case of swelling. Second, GET TO A VET. Do not delay. Antivenom is the ONLY thing that neutralizes the venom.

What is outlined below is not only things for you to do as an owner but also to help your vet staff with proper treatment. At one point in time treating snake bites was pretty much a guessing game but a lot of research has been done and there are now standard protocols that are known to work. You can politely share this information with your vet to help with treating your pet. While this is something we would hope all vets would know how to do, not every vet has the ability to read every research paper that is put out. And just like the rest of us humans, it is impossible for vets to know all the things.

Through the years we have heard many harrowing tales of dogs that survived snake bites without antivenom. To be clear, sucking the venom out will not work. Squeezing the venom out will not work. Making your pet drink garlic and milk will not work. Putting a tourniquet to slow the spread does not and will not work. In truth if your pet survived, it was because the snake did not deposit enough venom to do harm. Which can happen but it is not something you should risk.

Also be aware that while the rattlesnake vaccine is safe for your dog to get, studies have shown that in many instances dogs that have received the vaccine have a worse reaction to a bite. Rattlesnake avoidance class is the best way to help your dog avoid being bit. You can also be prepared by calling your local vet to see if they regularly stock antivenom. Not all clinics do due the costs (this is also true in human medicine).

If you would like to learn more, including protocols for humans, we recommend joining "National Snakebite Support" page. They share so much information.

Fospice Friday!Everyone say Hello to Angel!This sweet and gentle dog came into the shelter as a stray. Once they saw the...

Fospice Friday!

Everyone say Hello to Angel!

This sweet and gentle dog came into the shelter as a stray. Once they saw the condition of her eyes, shelter staff immediately reach out to us. It looked like there was a HIGH likelihood that she would need both eyes removed. That would take a very special foster home as she would probably be a hospice dog. But she is only 7 so there is the possibility that she could live for another 10 years. A lot to ask of someone. To our surprise, one of our fantastic foster mommas said she and her family would be up to the task.

While at the vet we discovered that not only did Angel experience some kind of trauma to her eyes, most likely an untreated cornea scratches but she also had painful glaucoma in both eyes. We were correct, both eyes needed to come out so she could live pain-free. Our director went to visit Angel at the clinic and even in so much pain, Angel only wanted to be loved on. And made herself comfortable in our director's lap.

Angel has adjusted to her new life in exceptional fashion. She uses the doggie door to go outside and come back in. Angel even taught herself how to use the doggy stairs to get on the couch. She has figured out the landscape of the house and as long as no one moves the furniture, she doesn't bump into things. Dogs are so resilient, and Angel is a perfect example!

Look at these cuties, all looking for their forever home. Please go to our website to read more about them. One of them ...

Look at these cuties, all looking for their forever home. Please go to our website to read more about them. One of them may be your perfect match!

Fospice Friday!Say hi to Flower!Flower has been with us for a year. When the shelter reached out to us to see if we had ...

Fospice Friday!

Say hi to Flower!

Flower has been with us for a year. When the shelter reached out to us to see if we had space, it was oblivious that she was dealing with some very serious skin problems. Her skin was thick and crusty. It reminded us of elephant skin.

Turns out like Rocky, Flower had untreated allergies. Once we were able to get her on daily medication and antibiotics for the secondary skin infections that happen when a dog is scratching so much, they cause themselves to bleed, Flower began to blossom!

She loves to patrol the backyard making sure the birds know who's boss back there. Flower also loves snuggle time watching TV. And of course, making sure the dishes are as clean as possible before they are washed.

But just when we thought she ready for adoption, she had a spell of turning blue and acting faint. We rushed her to the vet and discovered she has some very serious heart issues. One of the flaps in her heart doesn't work the way it's supposed to so when she gets excited her blood doesn't circulate enough.

We have Flower on several heart medications right now and are keeping a close watch on her. Flower is living the best life she can and getting all the love in her foster home.

Happy 4th of July!Stay safe and keep your pets safe.

Happy 4th of July!

Stay safe and keep your pets safe.

If you did not get your pet microchipped prior to today, please at least make sure they are wearing a collar with your n...

If you did not get your pet microchipped prior to today, please at least make sure they are wearing a collar with your name and phone number on it. The 4th of July is the day that more pets go missing than any other time of year.

Secure your gates and doors so your pet cannot slip out if spooked by the fireworks. If fireworks are popping and you must take your dog outside, put a leash on them. Even in your own fenced in backyard. When dogs are scared, they can do amazing things like jump fences and walls when they've never done that before.

Remember that just because your pet wasn't scared last year, doesn't mean they won't be scared this year.

If you are local to El Paso or in San Antonio, stop by your local Pets Barn. They are again handing out Calming chews for free.

If you know your pet gets stressed out over fireworks, walk them earlier in the day. Feed them earlier than normal. When a pet is scared, they may not eat. If they take medication to deal with the fireworks, make sure it is taken at least an hour before it's needed so it's already starting to work. Set up an area in your home where your pet is least likely to hear the fireworks. An interior room or closet. Pick up a box fan or white noise machine that you can turn on to help cover the noise.

We knew they would be popular but due to overwhelming response, we are pausing accepting applications for the bobblehead...

We knew they would be popular but due to overwhelming response, we are pausing accepting applications for the bobbleheads.

We will work our way through the applications we have received and if we do not find a match for the puppies, we will open applications again.

Everyone say hello to Marley!Marley was found taking a walk all alone. A very kind person stopped to help him out. He wa...

Everyone say hello to Marley!

Marley was found taking a walk all alone. A very kind person stopped to help him out. He was not microchipped and was not wearing a collar. No one answered the found dog posts. So now Marley is about to start looking for his next adventure with someone by his side.

Marley is a senior fellow. Probably around 12 years old. He does have a pretty big cataract in one eye, but the other eye is good. He was in desperate need of a dental and he lost 13 teeth! He feels so much better.

Being a senior, Marley is a pretty chill dog that loves to relax, but he also LOVES to go on walks and catch up on all the sniffs around the neighborhood. He would do best in a home with at least one other older dog so he can have some company.

4th of July is this Thursday! If you have not yet had your pet microchipped, make plans to take advantage of this free "...

4th of July is this Thursday! If you have not yet had your pet microchipped, make plans to take advantage of this free "Chip Your Pet Day" from the city. If your pet is chipped used today to find out their chip number and double check that the information is correct.

The bobbleheads are accepting applications.We do not adopt on a first come, first serve basis. We will look at each of t...

The bobbleheads are accepting applications.

We do not adopt on a first come, first serve basis. We will look at each of the applications to see which home is the best fit for these pups. They are fixed, microchipped, and have age-appropriate vaccines. Adoptions will not be completed until proof they have received their rabies vaccine at 16 weeks, as required by law.

These dogs are still puppies. They are only 12 weeks old, that's 3 months. They are NOT potty trained and there WILL be accidents in your house. Probably a lot of them. Are you ready to clean up p*e and p**p several times a day? Every day until they are trained. They will go through a chewing phase that may not be a phase. This makes ANYTHING on the floor fair game. Are you ready to puppy proof your house? Leaving nothing on the floor that you would be upset if it got chewed on. They have very tiny bladders so they cannot be kenneled for hours. Best practice says 1 hour for every month old. Will you be able to take them outside every 3 hours? They are puppies and there will be upset tummies and other accidents that will require vet visits. Do you have the means to drop $500 at the vet in one shot? Are you ready to COMMIT to the next 12-15 years of your life to a puppy that will grow into an adult dog?

They would do best in a home with another young dog as they LOVE to play, and they may bother an older pup with their energy. If you have an older pup, please think about if your current pup would want a puppy in their space chewing on and pouncing on them.

We DO NOT adopt littermates into the same home. Google littermate syndrome.

If we have not scared you off of wanting to bring a puppy into your home, please fill out an adoption application on our website.

Oh my goodness, the week was so busy we forgot Fospice Friday!So today meet Stella!Stella and her sister Chiquita were s...

Oh my goodness, the week was so busy we forgot Fospice Friday!

So today meet Stella!

Stella and her sister Chiquita were surrendered to the shelter after their owner passed away. Both girls had a good intake exam though Stella's bloodwork showed slightly elevated kidney values but nothing requiring medicine or treatment. Stella was p*eing everywhere, so she was started on antibiotics to treat an UTI. Chiquita was ready for adoption, but we wanted to be sure Stella was healthy before adopting her out.

After being in a wonderful foster home for a couple of weeks Stella was making improvements with her medicine. Stella's foster mom gave us a call one afternoon saying something wasn't right with Stella. She let us know Stella had been lethargic all day and when she woke her up to go outside Stella was having trouble walking. We had her go right to the vet.

Stella's bloodwork showed ALL 3 kidney values were so high they were unreadable by the machine. We immediately started her on IV fluids. Your kidneys do very important things for your body. Most importantly, they filter all the toxic waste products your body makes from digesting food. When your kidneys are no longer able to filter those toxins, the levels in the bloodstream rise causing problems. Signs of kidney issues can include drinking more water and going to the bathroom more often. As the toxins build, they can cause lethargy, nausea, lack of appetite, and diarrhea. In humans we would do dialysis or even a kidney transplant. Unfortunately, these treatments haven't been adapted successfully in dogs. So, most treatment for kidney failure is palliative-treating the symptoms and keeping the pet comfortable.

Most often you give a dog 3 days of IV fluids and recheck their kidney values. If they have improved, great! Hopefully with the right medicines to treat the symptoms the dog can have a mostly normal life. But if their values don't improve, it's time to start thinking about difficult decisions. By day 3, of the three kidney values, 2 of them were now readable. We decided to give her another day or 2 of fluids and see what happened. After being off fluids for 2 days we rechecked her values and they were almost unreadable again.

But Stella was eating and seeking attention and wanting to be out of her kennel in the pack. After talking with our vet, we decided to treat the dog and not the test. In other words, as long as Stella was still having a quality of life, we were gonna let her. And that is how Stella being a fospice pup. We know she won't be with us long so we will make sure whatever time she has left will filled with love and care.

Stella enjoys snuggles and car rides. She is able to go to work with her foster mom most days. And even runs to the door on the weekends to go to work.

To whoever sent us the Chewy gift card, thank you so much!

To whoever sent us the Chewy gift card, thank you so much!

We pulled Kissy from the shelter when she was still a pup. She was adopted very quickly and was living her best life as ...

We pulled Kissy from the shelter when she was still a pup. She was adopted very quickly and was living her best life as the center of her dad's world. Then her dad got sick and had to go into assisted living and there was no family to care for Kissy. So, she came back to us.

On our soapbox for just a minute, if you have pets, PLEASE have a plan in place for them in case something were to happen to you. None of us are promised tomorrow. Make sure your pets have someone to take of them if you no longer can. A lot of the senior pups we pull have been surrendered either by owners going into assisted living or by their extended families when the owner is no longer able to provide.

Now because Kissy was the center of her dad's world she didn't get socialized properly and everyone besides her dad was "stranger danger" at full volume. It took us a long time to earn her trust. Because of this we consider Kissy "socially awkward" and unable to integrate into another home.

Kissy loves to play catch and running around her backyard. And the world stops for a good chewy.

4 more chances to get your pet chipped for FREE!We know we've been posting a lot about microchips but that's because eve...

4 more chances to get your pet chipped for FREE!

We know we've been posting a lot about microchips but that's because every year we receive call after call about lost and found pets. A microchip WITH up-to-date information is the fastest and easiest way to get your pet back to you when they are found.

Tomorrow's event is in Canutillo, Gallegos Park between 10am-1pm.

Look at this beautiful pup!Her name is Coco and she is ready for her next adventure. She is fixed, chipped, and vaccinat...

Look at this beautiful pup!

Her name is Coco and she is ready for her next adventure. She is fixed, chipped, and vaccinated and ready to mingle.

Coco was up for adoption at the shelter and had a lot of families interested but there was a medical note saying she would most likely need surgery to fix her luxating patella, where the kneecap slips to the side and sometimes takes a minute to go back into place. When the families heard that there may be an immediate expense after adoption, they backed out.

The shelter reached out to us to see if we could get her knee fixed so she could find her furever family. We took her on knowing that surgery was a possibility. Our vet felt that it wasn't her kneecap that was causing her pain but her CCL, same as the ACL in humans. So, we got her an appointment with a dr. who could fix it and he determined that her CCL was not ruptured but had a tear in it. His recommendation was anti-inflammatory meds and rest.

We have had Coco on crate rest for a while now and she is feeling much better. She had made the perfect work from home partner for her foster dad. She loves to be hugged on and being the center of attention. But she willing to share the spotlight with other doggie friends.

Do you think pup would the perfect match for your family? Visit our website and fill out an adoption application.

Have you chipped your pet yet?Now is the time to make that appointment with your vet. The close we get to the holiday, t...

Have you chipped your pet yet?

Now is the time to make that appointment with your vet. The close we get to the holiday, the busier the vet will be.

Give your pet their best chance at getting home. Better safe than sorry.

Happy Father's Day to all the dads, especially those special dog Dads. Thank you for all you do!

Happy Father's Day to all the dads, especially those special dog Dads. Thank you for all you do!

Fospice Friday!Introducing Pudsey!This guy is one of the funniest dogs we've ever met. He caught our volunteer's eye at ...

Fospice Friday!

Introducing Pudsey!

This guy is one of the funniest dogs we've ever met. He caught our volunteer's eye at the shelter when he ran to get his stuffed toy and brought it her to play. He loves his stuffies and even takes his favorite outside for walks.

Pudsey was adopted into wonderful family for 3 years and then they had a baby. Can anyone guess where this story is going?? Yep, because no boundaries were instilled between toddler and dog, Pudsey got tired of the baby bothering him and defended his self the only way a dog knows how, with growl and a snap. No contact was made but Pudsey's family felt it was easier to send Pudsey back than work at teaching proper interactions to the toddler.

We will use this post to get on our soapbox for just a minute. Dogs and babies should never be left alone together. Every dog is different and has a different tolerance level to being touched by little grabby fingers. In most of these cases the dog gave warning after warning to the "adult" in the situation and they were ignored because "the baby's being so cute with the dog". Dogs will show signs of stress IF you pay attention. It is VERY rare for a dog to snap "out of nowhere". Dogs will try to move away. They will look to the adult to see if you will protect them. They will lick their lips, lay their ears back, open their eyes very wide in what is called whale eyed. They will avoid eye contact with the thing bothering them and they will growl. It is up to the adult to notice the signs and fix the situation.

Puds is an older gentleman that likes to snuggle and is quick with a happy smile to brighten your day. He thinks anything you are doing is going to be fun and he should be involved. He spends his retirement playing with his stuffies and laying in the sun.

COURTESY LOST DOG POST! Please be on the lookout for Ursula. She's 12 years old and her family misses her terribly.


Please be on the lookout for Ursula. She's 12 years old and her family misses her terribly.

Look who's accepting applications to start their next adventure-Sol (blonde male) and Audra (brindle female) have comple...

Look who's accepting applications to start their next adventure-

Sol (blonde male) and Audra (brindle female) have completed their vetting. They are fixed, chipped, and vaccinated and ready to mingle.

We are guessing they are about a year old. This is only a guess; they may be younger. We just can't convince these pups to carry their birth certificates these days. So, this may be as big as they get, or they could grow a bit. Our best guess is that they are terrier/pug mixes.

They will be adopted out separately. These are great, funny dogs that love to play. And they are young, so they have energy. If you are looking for a couch potato to hang out and sit with you to binge watch your newest tv obsession all day, these are not the pups for you. These 2 are going to need walks and toys and training.

If you are ready to commit to one of these pups joining your family, please visit our website and fill out an adoption application

Your weekly reminder to get your pets microchipped before the 4th.Also, if you know your pet gets freaked out over firew...

Your weekly reminder to get your pets microchipped before the 4th.

Also, if you know your pet gets freaked out over fireworks, now is the time to get with your vet and see if there is a medication you can try to help stay calm. It is best to get the medicine early so you have a chance to give it a try and make sure it will work. Not every medication will work for every pet. You don't want to find out July 4th that your pet won't be helped.

So, this past week has been absolutely heartbreaking. It took us a couple of days to be able to write about it. This wee...

So, this past week has been absolutely heartbreaking. It took us a couple of days to be able to write about it. This week we lost 2 of our pups to unforeseen illness.

Vieja was suddenly tired and had lost her sass. The vet determined that she was in Diabetic ketoacidosis. DKA can be survival, but it is an extremely serious illness. Even though she was hospitalized, her little body simply could no longer compensate for the damage done to her body. As fast as she went downhill, we believe she was covering up not feeling well for a few days before letting us know something was wrong.

And same night we lost Vieja, Cosita's foster called to let us know she was on her way to the ER, Cosita had had a seizure and wasn't recovering. Once at the hospital the vet believes in addition to the seizure or maybe because of it that she had also had a stroke. Cosita was having trouble breathing and seemed to be in pain even after meds were given.

While we will fight to the end for our dogs, we will not put them through treatment that will only cause more pain and stress. So, we had to make the hardest decision any pet owner will ever make and let these 2 sweet girls cross the Bridge. We take in a lot of senior dogs, and we understand that most of them are here for a good time and mostly likely not a long time but knowing that doesn't erase the pain that comes from saying good-bye. Both of these girls had only been with us for a short time, but they made their presence known and they will be greatly missed.

Fospice Friday!Say hi to Esther!Esther was picked up by one of our rescue partners from the shelter after seeing the hor...

Fospice Friday!

Say hi to Esther!

Esther was picked up by one of our rescue partners from the shelter after seeing the horrible condition she was in. She knew she couldn't just leave Esther there.

Although Esther looked as though she had mange, her skin scrape was negative. But after a vet visit, it was discovered that she simply had untreated allergies and all of the scratching had caused secondary skin infections. Now if you have had a dog with allergies, you know how hard they can be to treat. Not every treatment works on every dog so there's a lot of trial and error and a lot of vet visits.

But Esther was a trooper through it all. You can see in the pictures just how far she has come. She's beautiful!

We moved Esther to fospice care after spending so much effort getting her well. The slightest upset in her routine or diet can invite the itchies right back. She is comfortable in her foster home and her foster just loves her to pieces.

Fourth of July is just around the corner. Please get your pets microchipped. More pets go missing during July 4th holida...

Fourth of July is just around the corner. Please get your pets microchipped. More pets go missing during July 4th holiday than any other time of year.

Don't let your pet end up at the shelter without a way to get home. Our shelters are euthanizing for space every week. There simply is not enough places to put all the stray pets.

If your pets are chipped, call and double check the information is correct.

Saturday Pop Quiz-Raise your hand if you love your dog.Raise your hand if you would devastated if your dog was lost.If y...

Saturday Pop Quiz-

Raise your hand if you love your dog.

Raise your hand if you would devastated if your dog was lost.

If you raised your hand, is your dog microchipped? Have you checked to be sure the information is not only up to date, but correct?

We are one month from Fourth of July, the time when the most dogs go missing. If your dog is not chipped, go visit your vet and have it done. If your dog is chipped, call the company and make sure your information is correct and up to date.

We get numerous calls about found dogs that are chipped but the information is no longer correct, or the chip was never even registered. Many vet clinics automatically register your dog's chip, but many do not and leave that up to the owner. You need to check.

To help you out, El Paso Animal Welfare has set up a series of FREE microchip clinics around the county throughout the month. There are 5 more before the Fourth.

Fospice Friday!Meet Zaliha. Her name means "Pure" in Arabic.3 years ago, we were alerted to a hoarding situation in the ...

Fospice Friday!

Meet Zaliha. Her name means "Pure" in Arabic.

3 years ago, we were alerted to a hoarding situation in the far eastside of town. There were about 20 dogs basically fending for themselves. Joining with our rescue friends, we were able to bring 6 of the littles under From the Heart. The other 5 have all moved on to their adoptive homes and are living their best lives.

Zaliha was the oldest of the dogs and you could tell she had lived a rough life. Her coat was crunchy from being in the sun and her teeth were rotten. Before we could get her to the vet, she and the others needed a bit of time to decompress and learn that humans can be kind. The other 5 came around pretty quickly but Zaliha remained standoffish. We moved her into a foster home where it was quieter, and she could get more one on one attention.

It became clear pretty quickly that Zaliha has anxiety. She really likes her routine. Even something as simple as being put in the car can cause her distress. She prefers to spend her days lounging in the backyard, keeping an eye on the neighborhood birds, and sunning herself. So, it was decided that her foster home was home for Zaliha where she is most comfortable.

Gemma just checking to make sure you made it back to work.Gemma is looking for her forever home. She is 10 years old but...

Gemma just checking to make sure you made it back to work.

Gemma is looking for her forever home. She is 10 years old but don't call this girl old, she is still spunky and playful. She would do best in a home with another respectful dog to play with. She can be talkative so if a sassy dog isn't for you, please take a look at our other adoptables. She likes to make sure everyone is up in the mornings and will let you know if you're taking too long getting treats.

While many see this as the official start to summer, today is about remembering our military members who served and made...

While many see this as the official start to summer, today is about remembering our military members who served and made the greatest sacrifice.

Originally known as Decoration Day, it originated in the years following the Civil War and became an official federal holiday in 1971. Memorial Day, observed on the last Monday of May, is a day to honor members of the military who were killed in service, both during deployments overseas or in training and service in the U.S.

So today while summer maybe starting, take a moment to remember those that gave all for our country.

As we head into Summer and temperatures rise, please remember to check the pavement before walking your dogs. Before wal...

As we head into Summer and temperatures rise, please remember to check the pavement before walking your dogs. Before walking on pavement, place the palm of your hand on the pavement for 10 seconds. If it is warm to you, it will be warm to your pup. And your pup has to walk on it longer than you had your hand there.

Try to walk pups in the early morning or after the sun has started to go down. We understand that some dogs need that mid-day break so look for spots in the shade or stay in the grass as much as possible. Remember sand gets hot too.

Make sure your pups have access to clean, fresh water throughout the day.


PO Box 56
Canutillo, TX





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