There are no actual confirmed cases of the "mystery illness" in New Mexico.
There is no way to confirm it.
****It has been reported***
*** It is suspected at this point.****
Researchers do not know what it is.
Therefore they do not have any idea, how to test for it yet, or the best treatment.
They are still trying to figure out if its bacterial or viral.
All they can do is rule out known illnesses, before suspecting it to be the mystery illness.
There are things you can do to help protect your dogs against other known illnesses.
****Stay up to date on all vaccines.***
Rabies, Canine Annual (DHPP), Bordetella.
If possible, get the Canine influenza vaccine.
This does not mean that your dog will not get sick.
These vaccines only protect against so much, just like any other vaccine.
These will NOT protect your dogs against the, "mystery illness." But it's important to take all precautions and measures possible to protect them from any other illness.
Other measures that you can take are keeping your dogs away from highly populated areas like dog parks, boarding, grooming shops, and even vet's offices, unless it's necessary.
Don't take your dogs out of town to other populated areas.
If your dog shows any symptoms of cold, hack, or illness, call your vet. Set a appointment. Upon arrival let them meet you outside, or in a designated quarantined area, unless told otherwise.
If your dog is sick, keep your dog home! Don't take your sick dogs out. Even it's it's mild, just don't.
Bark n buds, will continue operations.
Vaccines required: Rabies, Dhpp, Bordetella and Canine Influenza.
Proof must be provided.
Grooming and Boarding are important parts of pet care.
We will continue to take all precautions, as we always have, and some extra!
We encourage everyone to get your Canine influenza vaccine, along with all the other regular required vaccinations.
As of right now there is a shortage of Canine Influenza vaccines, in Carlsbad.
There has never been any canine influenza cases in NM.
I've spoken to every vet's office in town.
They are all in the process of ordering it.
Be kind, be patient.
Remember this is not going to protect your dog against the "mystery illness".
It's just another protective measure to see if it helps, And to protect against the risk of Canine influenza, in the event that it becomes an issue.
In the meantime if your dog shows any symptoms, please keep them home.
If you want to be extra safe, keep them home.
Keep in mind that just because your dog is vaccinated, does not mean that everybody else's dogs are vaccinated at public places, like parks.
Your dog can have all vaccines and still get sick.
Vaccines typically help fight the illness if they do get sick, while vaccinated.
My team and I, will continue to care for the animals in the community of Carlsbad, because this is what we do.
We do it as safely as possible, And we do it with love.
If you choose not to bring your dogs in, we understand, and we respect that. .
Christmas deposits will be refunded to anyone who cancels.
(Also for the love of BaGeezus, please don't start buying up all the toilet paper. )
We offer Dog Boarding and Grooming services! Call us today!