Back in stock by the end of this week but you can order now :). My manufacturer got it done as soon as they could after a supply chain delay, and they did it in record time. Nothing is fast with all of the FDA hoops that have to be jumped as well as any herbs won't do, we need the highest quality possible for you and your fur and feathered babies. Toilet grade doesn't cut it and that of course is easy to obtain. All herb blends tested for identity , purity. Microbes, yeasts, e coli, salmonella and heavy metals. It also take time premixing and post to get thru the lap work giving u an excellent product.
You can order it now, orders co training it will be held until the warehouse finishes with receiving and has it on the shelf.
www.firmeadowllc.com. Click on the products tab, animal mixes and then scroll down to GiSoother and your other favorite products. Thank you for your patience and be blessed:). Katherine