On days like today when the temperatures peak, the safety of our pets is critical! Here are a few tips to keep your pets safe in this heat wave:
1. Leave them at home. Dogs cool themselves by panting, which essentially exchanges hot air for cooler air. If the air around them is even warmer, they can get heatstroke. This easily happens in a hot car.
2. Plenty of water. All of that panting dehydrates them quickly, and cold water will hit the spot! Even a pool in the shade for them to cool off in, like R***r, helps.
3. Treat them like you! If it's too hot for you, it's too hot for them, especially our darker, thicker haired babies. If the pavement is too hot for your feet, it's too hot for their paws.
4. Be smart when going out for that run. Go when it's cooler (like morning and evening) and be on the look out for signs of heat stress, such as: excessive panting, increased salivation, glassy eyes, and pale gums.
5. Do you suspect heatstroke? If you think your pet has overheated, place cool (not ice cold, as this can do more harm!), wet washcloths on his head and neck, and cool compresses on his belly and under his back legs. Call your vet’s office immediately and seek their advice about next steps. Heatstroke can quickly lead to coma, cardiac arrest, and death, so don’t hesitate to seek veterinary attention as soon as possible.
On days like today, be smart and vigilant. It may be a great lake day for you, but for Fido it may be unbearable.