Our Mastiffs, our babies
We have had mastiffs for over 20 years. We have lost them to old age but we can’t be sad because they taught us so much about unconditional love. They are the perfect house dog, if you like BIG dogs. :) They lay around 80% of the time but will play too. Some say they slobber. Well.....yes, they do. They get it everywhere! But we just keep drool rags around and it’s no problem. Buy stock in Magic Erasers for cleaning walls too. lol.
We have Teoc Bloodhounds as well. I guess we like BIG, SLOBBERY dogs. The rewards of these breeds are what makes us do what we do. Sweet, loving and precious. Mastiffs are easier to handle, not nearly as stubborn, but are much larger. We are told we aren’t very good trainers as they get on our furniture, in bed with us and do just about anything they want.
who couldn’t love these babies?!! I mean look at that face. :) We would love for you to be part of our Teoc family. Stay tuned as we are a work in progress.