This is Charlie, his owner was told by another trainer that he was untrainable. He was reactive with dogs and people. He now works off leash with other dogs and people around. Charlie’s owner trains him, is consistent, and understood what Charlie needed to be successful and now no more anxiety and fear.
Great job Charlie and Charlie’s mom❣
What do you do if you have a stubborn, reactive dog? If you are lucky enough to have an owner like Louie they will train you. Louie is now a Therapy Dog with Dogs With A Purpose. Louie can work off leash with other dogs around from a distance without reacting. Am I proud of this team, you bet❣️
Prudence aka Pru is only on her 7th agility class and is already working off leash!!! 😲😲 Pru came to us shy, easily overstimulated, and could not settle. Since her first class, she has gained so much confidence, is continuing to perfect loose leash walking, getting better at quickly self settling, and is learning to focus on her mom and dad 🐶 Pru has come such a long way in a short time, so a huge round of applause to her parents for putting in the time, effort, and dedication👏👏 Pru is doing amazing and we can’t wait to watch her progress 😍
Pru was adopted from @secondchancencpets where there are more sweet and loving dogs🥰 For adoptable furry friends, head over to their website!!
#beginneragilitydog #adopt #jackiesbasicsandbeyond
Sophie at the Canes game. Desensitize your dog because you never know when someone is going to blow a horn next to them. She is such a wonderful gentle soul, trust me to make sure she is safe❣️