Gentle Care Animal Hospital at Ten Ten

Gentle Care Animal Hospital at Ten Ten Gentle Care Animal Hospital at Ten Ten is a 2-doctor veterinary practice located in the heart of Cary 1. Care At Your Convenience
Your time is valuable.

No Hidden Costs
Some veterinarians charge deceptively low exam fees but charge three times more for lab work, x-rays, and medications. At Creature Comforts Animal Hospital we believe in providing you the ultimate value for your money and quality care at a reasonable price with no hidden fees. We even do the comparison shopping for you and post our competitors’ local and online medication prices.

2. We offer several different options for your pet’s visit including the Hassle-Free Office Visit, Curbside Consult Visit, Virtual Vet Visit, and Comfort Care Visit. This ensures your pet can receive the best care on your schedule.

3. Reduced Pet Stress
Veterinary visits should not be stressful for your pet or your family! Our short waiting room time, Orthopedic Exercise Area, Cozy Care Room, Pain Management Consult, and Comfort Care Visit option are just a few ways we keep your pet’s veterinary encounter positive and low stress.

4. Total Family Care
Creature Comforts Animal Hospital is the only area practice dedicated to preventing the spread of Zoonotic diseases (diseases spread from pets to their families) Creature Comforts Founder and Lead Veterinarian Betsy Sigmon became passionate about researching Zoonotic diseases after experiencing one with her son. Now she is a leading advocate for educating families about prevention.

5. State-of-the-Art Surgical Facility and Diagnostic Equipment
An in-house digital x-ray, dental facility, and testing equipment reduce the time between examination and diagnosis and often eliminates the need for unnecessary travel to other testing facilities. An on-site Orthopedic Examination Area and chronological video storage allows our veterinarians to more easily diagnose orthopedic issues and track progression. Creature Comforts also features two full-service surgical areas to perform simple and complex surgery.

6. Not Just Your Average Vet School Graduates
Lead Veterinarian Dr. Betsy Sigmon and her associates at Creature Comforts are not just your basic veterinarians. Each have different areas of expertise to better care for your four-legged family member. From geriatric care to cardiology to orthopedic issues, Creature Comforts veterinarians and technicians use current research and advanced training to determine the best possible treatment for the best possible outcome.

🐱 Understanding Arthritis in Cats: Signs, Symptoms, and Care 🦴🐈Arthritis isn’t just a condition that affects humans—it c...

🐱 Understanding Arthritis in Cats: Signs, Symptoms, and Care 🦴🐈

Arthritis isn’t just a condition that affects humans—it can also impact our feline friends, especially as they age. Arthritis can cause discomfort and limit your cat’s mobility, but with the right care, you can help them live comfortably. Here’s what you need to know about arthritis in cats:

Signs and Symptoms of Arthritis in Cats:
🔹Decreased Mobility: Notice your cat having trouble jumping onto surfaces or climbing stairs? This could be a sign of arthritis.
🔹Stiffness: Arthritic cats may show signs of stiffness, especially after resting or in cold weather.
🔹Limping or Favoring a Leg: Keep an eye out for limping or favoring one leg over the other, which could indicate joint pain.
🔹Behavioral Changes: Cats in pain may become irritable or withdrawn. Changes in behavior could be a sign of discomfort.

Managing Arthritis in Cats:
🐾Consult Your Vet: If you suspect your cat has arthritis, schedule a vet visit for a thorough examination and diagnosis.
🐾Medication: Your vet may prescribe medications or supplements to help manage your cat’s pain and inflammation.
🐾Weight Management: Extra weight puts added stress on joints. Your vet can recommend a diet and exercise plan to help your cat maintain a healthy weight.
🐾Environmental Modifications: Make your home more accessible for your arthritic cat by providing ramps or steps to help them reach their favorite spots.
🐾Comfortable Bedding: Provide soft, supportive bedding to cushion your cat’s joints and make resting more comfortable.
🐾Gentle Exercise: Encourage low-impact activities like gentle play sessions or short walks to help keep your cat’s joints mobile.

Prevention and Early Intervention:
🔹Regular Vet Visits: Annual check-ups can help detect arthritis early, allowing for prompt treatment and management.
🔹Quality Nutrition: A balanced diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids and joint-supporting nutrients can help maintain joint health.
🔹Joint Supplements: Consider adding joint supplements to your cat’s diet to support joint health and mobility.

At Gentle Care, we’re here to support you and your arthritic cat. If you have any concerns or questions about arthritis management, don’t hesitate to reach out. Together, we can help your cat live their best life, free from pain and discomfort.

🐾 In Continuance of Feline Specific Medicine Month: What to Expect at Your Kitten’s first Vet Visit! 🐱Bringing home a ne...

🐾 In Continuance of Feline Specific Medicine Month: What to Expect at Your Kitten’s first Vet Visit! 🐱

Bringing home a new kitten is an exciting time, and their first veterinary visit is an essential step in setting them up for a lifetime of health and happiness. Here’s what to expect during your new kitten’s first visit to our clinic:

🐈Physical Examination: Dr. Davis or Dr. Sablotny will conduct a thorough physical exam to assess your kitten’s overall health, including checking their eyes, ears, mouth, heart, lungs, and abdomen.

🐾Weight and Growth Assessment: We’ll monitor your kitten’s growth and development to ensure they’re growing at a healthy rate.

💉Vaccinations: Your kitten will receive vaccinations to protect against common feline diseases such as feline distemper (panleukopenia), calicivirus, and herpesvirus. Depending on your kitten’s lifestyle and risk factors, additional vaccines may be recommended, such as those for feline leukemia virus (FeLV).

🪱Parasite Prevention and Deworming: Kittens are often born with intestinal parasites, so deworming medication may be prescribed to eliminate any parasites present.
🦟Flea and Tick Prevention: We’ll discuss options for flea and tick prevention to keep your kitten free from these pesky parasites.

🍼Nutrition and Diet: Our team will provide guidance on feeding schedules, portion sizes, and the best type of food for your kitten’s age and health needs.

🐈‍Socialization: We’ll discuss the importance of early socialization and provide tips for helping your kitten adjust to their new home and family members. Our team can offer advice on litter box training, scratching behavior, and other common behavioral issues.

We’ll schedule follow-up appointments for additional vaccinations, deworming, and health check-ups as needed and discuss the importance of spaying or neutering your kitten and schedule the procedure at the appropriate age. 😍

🩺 The Importance of Blood Work for Your Cat’s Health 🐱Kristina's cat Cinnamon, is here to discuss why regular blood work...

🩺 The Importance of Blood Work for Your Cat’s Health 🐱

Kristina's cat Cinnamon, is here to discuss why regular blood work is a crucial aspect of your cat's healthcare routine, providing valuable insights into their overall health and well-being. Here’s why blood work is so important for our feline friends:

Early Detection of Health Issues:
-Detecting Diseases: Blood work can uncover underlying health conditions such as kidney disease, diabetes, hyperthyroidism, and liver problems, often before symptoms appear.
- Monitoring Chronic Conditions: For cats with chronic conditions, such as diabetes or kidney disease, regular blood work helps monitor their condition and adjust treatment plans as needed.

Assessing Organ Function:
-Kidney Function: Blood work measures kidney function, vital for detecting kidney disease early when treatment is most effective.
-Liver Function: Liver enzymes in the blood can indicate liver disease or dysfunction.
-Thyroid Function: Blood tests can identify hyperthyroidism, a common condition in older cats.

Evaluating Overall Health:
-Red and White Blood Cell Counts: These provide insights into your cat’s immune system function and overall health.
-Electrolyte Levels: Imbalances can indicate dehydration, kidney disease, or other health issues.
-Blood Protein Levels: Abnormalities can indicate inflammation, infection, or certain diseases.

Importance of Wellness Blood Work:
-Preventive Care: Wellness blood work can catch early signs of illness before symptoms develop, leading to more effective treatment.
-Senior Cats: Regular blood work is especially important for senior cats to monitor for age-related conditions.

We offer comprehensive blood work services to ensure the continued health and well-being of your feline companion. Schedule a wellness exam today to discuss the importance of blood work for your cat!

🐱 Understanding Common Behavioral Problems in Cats 🐱Is your cat displaying unusual behavior? Understanding common feline...

🐱 Understanding Common Behavioral Problems in Cats 🐱

Is your cat displaying unusual behavior? Understanding common feline behavioral problems can help you address and resolve them, ensuring a happy and harmonious home.

Common Behavioral Problems:

🔹Scratching Furniture: Cats need to scratch, but it can be destructive. Provide scratching posts and pads to redirect this behavior.
🔹Litter Box Issues: Inappropriate urination or defecation can be due to medical issues, stress, or dislike of the litter box. Ensure the box is clean, well-placed, and use litter your cat prefers.
🔹Aggression: Aggression towards people or other pets can be caused by fear, territorial instincts, or medical issues. Identify the trigger and consult your vet for advice.
🔹Excessive Meowing: Cats may meow excessively due to hunger, attention-seeking, or medical problems. Ensure their needs are met and consult a vet if the behavior persists.
🔹Hiding: Cats often hide when they are stressed, scared, or unwell. Create a safe and calm environment for your cat and monitor their health.

Tips for Managing Behavioral Issues:
🐾Environmental Enrichment: Provide plenty of toys, climbing spaces, and interactive play to keep your cat mentally and physically stimulated.
🐾Routine and Stability: Maintain a consistent routine to reduce stress and anxiety in your cat.
🐾Positive Reinforcement: Reward good behavior with treats, affection, and praise. Avoid punishment, as it can increase stress and aggression.
🐾Veterinary Consultation: If behavioral issues persist, consult with us to rule out any underlying medical conditions and get tailored advice.

Our doctors and staff are here to help you understand and manage your cat's behavior. If you're experiencing any issues, don’t hesitate to reach out for professional advice and support.

📞 919-387-3435

🐱 Parasite Prevention: Protect Your Cat from Fleas, Ticks, and Worms 🐱What's the difference between an indoor cat and an...

🐱 Parasite Prevention: Protect Your Cat from Fleas, Ticks, and Worms 🐱

What's the difference between an indoor cat and an outdoor cat? To some parasites, absolutely nothing. That's why parasite prevention is essential for every cat all year long. Even inside the home, cats are exposed to the outside world in many ways. Here’s how you can protect your feline friend from fleas, ticks, and worms:

Why Parasite Prevention Matters:
• Health Risks: Parasites can cause serious health issues, including skin infections, anemia, and diseases like Lyme disease and heartworm.
• Comfort: Parasites cause itching and discomfort. Preventing them keeps your cat happy and itch-free.
• Household Safety: Some parasites can affect humans too. Protect your family by keeping your cat parasite-free.
Prevention Tips:
• Regular Vet Visits: Schedule routine check-ups to monitor and treat any signs of parasites.
• Monthly Preventatives: Use vet-recommended flea, tick, and worm preventatives. Topical treatments, oral medications, and collars are effective options.
• Clean Environment: Keep your home and yard clean. Regularly wash your cat's bedding and vacuum frequently.
• Grooming: Regularly brush your cat to check for signs of fleas and ticks, especially if they go outdoors.
• Monitor Behavior: Watch for signs of parasites such as excessive scratching, licking, or changes in appetite and energy levels.

Gentle Care Animal Hospital offers comprehensive parasite prevention and treatment options. Keep your cat healthy and happy by scheduling an appointment today 🦟

🐾 Caring for Your Senior Cat: Special Considerations for Older Felines 🐾As our beloved cats age, their needs change, and...

🐾 Caring for Your Senior Cat: Special Considerations for Older Felines 🐾

As our beloved cats age, their needs change, and they require a little extra care to ensure they remain happy and healthy. This week, we're focusing on the unique needs of senior cats and how you can help your aging feline friend live their best life.

Tips for Senior Cat Care:

- Regular Vet Visits: As cats age, they become more susceptible to health issues. Regular check-ups are crucial to catch any potential problems early. We recommend bi-annual vet visits for senior cats.
-Balanced Diet: Older cats often need a diet that supports their changing nutritional needs. Look for senior-specific cat food that supports joint health, kidney function, and maintains a healthy weight.
-Weight Management: Obesity can lead to numerous health issues in older cats, including diabetes and arthritis. Monitor your cat's weight and adjust their diet and exercise accordingly.
- Comfortable Living Environment: Provide soft, accessible resting places to ease joint pain and stiffness. Ensure your cat’s favorite spots are easy to reach.
- Joint Health: Arthritis is common in senior cats. Supplements such as glucosamine and omega-3 fatty acids can support joint health. Consult with us for recommendations.
-Dental Care: Dental health is crucial for senior cats. Regular brushing and dental check-ups can prevent painful dental diseases.
-Hydration: Older cats are prone to kidney issues. Ensure your cat has access to fresh water at all times and consider a water fountain to encourage drinking.
-Mental Stimulation: Keep your senior cat's mind active with gentle play, interactive toys, and new experiences. Mental stimulation is important for their overall well-being.
-Monitor Changes: Be vigilant about changes in your cat’s behavior, appetite, and litter box habits. Any changes could be a sign of underlying health issues that need attention.

Our staff is dedicated to providing compassionate care for cats of all ages. If you have any concerns about your senior cat or want to schedule a wellness check-up, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Let's ensure our senior feline friends enjoy their golden years to the fullest! 🐱💛

🦷 Feline Dental Health: Why It Matters! 🦷Did you know that dental disease is one of the most common health issues in cat...

🦷 Feline Dental Health: Why It Matters! 🦷

Did you know that dental disease is one of the most common health issues in cats? Just like humans, our feline friends need regular dental care to keep their teeth and gums healthy. This week, we're highlighting the importance of dental health for cats and how you can help keep their purrfect smiles in top shape!

Signs of Dental Problems in Cats:

🔹Bad breath
🔹Drooling or pawing at the mouth
🔹Difficulty eating or loss of appetite
🔹Red, swollen, or bleeding gums
🔹Loose or missing teeth

Tips for Maintaining Your Cat’s Dental Health:

🦷Regular Vet Check-Ups: Annual dental exams are essential. Our team can identify and treat any issues before they become serious.
🦷Daily Brushing: Brushing your cat's teeth can help prevent plaque buildup. Use a toothbrush and toothpaste specifically designed for cats.
🦷Dental Treats and Toys: Special treats and toys can help reduce plaque and tartar while providing fun and stimulation.
🦷Healthy Diet: Feeding your cat a balanced diet can support good oral health. Ask us about the best food options for dental care.

‼ Why It’s Important ‼

Dental disease can lead to more serious health problems, including heart, liver, and kidney issues. Keeping your cat’s teeth clean is vital for their overall health and longevity.

Our hospital offers comprehensive dental care services for your feline companions. Schedule a dental check-up today to ensure your cat’s mouth stays healthy and pain-free!

📞 919-387-3435

🌍 Happy World Environment Day! 🌍At Gentle Care, we believe that a healthy environment is essential for the well-being of...

🌍 Happy World Environment Day! 🌍

At Gentle Care, we believe that a healthy environment is essential for the well-being of all living creatures, including our beloved pets. This World Environment Day, we’re celebrating the connection between a clean environment and the health of our furry friends!

How a Healthy Environment Benefits Our Pets:

• Clean Air and Water: Pollution can harm pets just as it does humans. Clean air and water are vital for their health.
• Safe Outdoor Spaces: A healthy environment means safe, toxin-free areas for our pets to explore and play.
• Biodiversity: A balanced ecosystem supports the health of all animals. Biodiversity helps control pests and provides natural habitats for wildlife.

Tips for Eco-Friendly Pet Care:

• Sustainable Products: Choose eco-friendly pet products, such as biodegradable p**p bags, natural grooming products, and sustainable pet toys.
• Proper Waste Disposal: Always clean up after your pets and dispose of waste properly to keep our environment clean.
• Spay and Neuter: Help control the pet population and reduce the strain on local wildlife and resources.
• Recycling and Upcycling: Use recycled materials for pet toys and bedding. Upcycle household items to create fun and engaging toys for your pets.
• Energy Conservation: Save energy by washing pet bedding in cold water and drying it on a line.

By taking small steps, we can make a big difference in preserving our environment for future generations of pets and people alike.

Join us in celebrating World Environment Day by making eco-friendly choices for you and your pets. Together, we can create a healthier planet for all!

🐱 June is Feline-Specific Medicine Month! 🐱Cats have unique health needs that require special care and attention. This m...

🐱 June is Feline-Specific Medicine Month! 🐱

Cats have unique health needs that require special care and attention. This month, we’re focusing on the importance of feline-specific medicine to ensure our whiskered companions stay healthy and happy!

🐾Why Feline-Specific Medicine?

• Tailored Care: Cats are not small dogs. They have distinct physiological and medical needs that require specialized treatment.
• Preventative Health: Regular check-ups help catch potential issues early. Preventive care includes vaccinations, dental cleanings, and parasite control.
• Behavioral Understanding: Cats often hide their discomfort. Our team is trained to recognize subtle signs of illness and stress.
• Nutrition: Proper diet is crucial for your cat’s well-being. We can guide you on the best nutritional choices for different life stages.

🔑Key Areas of Focus:

• Annual Wellness Exams: Regular vet visits ensure your cat’s long-term health. We check for common issues like dental disease, obesity, and chronic conditions.
• Senior Cat Care: Older cats have specific needs. Regular screenings for arthritis, kidney disease, and hyperthyroidism can make a big difference.
• Behavioral Health: Stress and anxiety can lead to health problems. We provide solutions to ensure your cat’s mental well-being.

At Gentle Care Animal Hospital at Ten Ten Road, we are dedicated to providing the best possible care for your feline family members. Celebrate Feline-Specific Medicine Month by scheduling a wellness exam for your cat today!

📞 919.387.3435

🐾 Monthly Topic: Arthritis in Pets🐾Is your furry friend slowing down, having trouble getting up, or showing signs of sti...

🐾 Monthly Topic: Arthritis in Pets🐾

Is your furry friend slowing down, having trouble getting up, or showing signs of stiffness? These could be signs of arthritis, a common condition that affects many pets as they age. But there's good news!

Movoflex is here to help. This innovative supplement is designed to support joint health and improve mobility in dogs suffering from arthritis. Here are some reasons why Movoflex might be the right choice for your pet:

🌟 Non-GMO Ingredients: Movoflex is made with natural, non-GMO ingredients to ensure the highest quality for your pet.

🌟 Fast-Acting: Many pet owners notice improvements in their pet's mobility in as little as 7 days.

🌟 No Loading Dose Required: Unlike some supplements, Movoflex doesn't require a loading dose, making it easy to start and maintain.

🌟 Delicious Soft Chews: These soft chews are not only effective but also tasty, so your pet will look forward to their daily dose.

Keeping your pet active and comfortable is our top priority. If you think your pet might benefit from Movoflex, give us a call or stop by our clinic. Our team is here to answer any questions you might have and help you find the best solution for your pet’s joint health.

📞 Call us today at 919.387.3435

Let's help your pets move with ease and joy again! 🐕🐾❤️

How cute is this? Dr. Davis’s pup Oatie is giving Kristina’s foster kitten some sweet cuddles this morning! 💓🐾          ...

How cute is this? Dr. Davis’s pup Oatie is giving Kristina’s foster kitten some sweet cuddles this morning! 💓🐾

Come see us at Cary Dog Daze today from 10am-3pm! Lots of vendors, giveaways, and rescues 🐾             🗓️ Date: Sat, Ma...

Come see us at Cary Dog Daze today from 10am-3pm! Lots of vendors, giveaways, and rescues 🐾

🗓️ Date: Sat, May 4th, 2024
🕙 Time: 10 AM - 3 PM
📍 Location: 120 Wilkinson Ave, Cary, NC 27513

Meet Scooby, our newest heart-stealer! 🐾 Adopted and adored, this lovable Boxer mix is melting hearts one wag at a time....

Meet Scooby, our newest heart-stealer! 🐾 Adopted and adored, this lovable Boxer mix is melting hearts one wag at a time. Welcome to the Gentle Care family, Scooby! ❤️First thing first, a microchip!

🐾 Join Us at the Annual Dog Daze & Pet Expo! 🎉🗓️ Date: Sat, May 4th, 2024🕙 Time: 10 AM - 3 PM📍 Location: 120 Wilkinson A...

🐾 Join Us at the Annual Dog Daze & Pet Expo! 🎉

🗓️ Date: Sat, May 4th, 2024
🕙 Time: 10 AM - 3 PM
📍 Location: 120 Wilkinson Ave, Cary, NC 27513

🌟 Highlights:
🐶 Animal Rescues
🐾 Agility Course
🛍️ Pet Vendor Village
🍔 Food Trucks
🎓 Doggy Demonstrations

Don't miss the fun! Bring your family, friends, and furry pals for a day of excitement! Come by our booth to win a prize, have your dog's nails painted, and grab a homemade dog treat! 🐾

🐾 Happy Veterinary Appreciation Day! 🐾 Today, we want to give a big shoutout to our incredible veterinarians, Dr. Davis ...

🐾 Happy Veterinary Appreciation Day! 🐾 Today, we want to give a big shoutout to our incredible veterinarians, Dr. Davis and Dr. Sablotny! Thank you for your dedication, compassion, and expertise in keeping our pets healthy and happy. Your commitment to providing top-notch care is truly appreciated by our patients (whether they show it or not) and their human families! 🐶🐱 Let's show some love and gratitude for our amazing vets! ❤️

🎉🐾 Let's give a huge shoutout to Gerri! 🌟 As we celebrate Veterinary CSR Week, we want to recognize Gerri for her positi...

🎉🐾 Let's give a huge shoutout to Gerri! 🌟 As we celebrate Veterinary CSR Week, we want to recognize Gerri for her positivity, hard work, and dedication to ensuring every pet and pet parent receives exceptional care. Whether she's greeting clients with a smile, answering phone calls with patience and professionalism, offering support to pet parents, or connecting with people to make their experience seamless, Gerri's positive attitude shines through every interaction. Outside of work, she's a loving dog mom to her two yellow labs, Bear and Sam, showing her passion for animals extends beyond the workplace. Thank you, Gerri, for being an incredible part of our team! ❤️🐾

From kittens to horses, dogs to wildlife, and everything in between, our lead CSR Kristina makes every day an adventure ...

From kittens to horses, dogs to wildlife, and everything in between, our lead CSR Kristina makes every day an adventure in compassion and care at our animal hospital. Celebrating Veterinary Receptionist Week with Kristina, who never fails to surprise us with her dedication to all creatures great and small. Today, it's baby chicks stealing the spotlight! 🐥 How cute are these little babies?!

Let's give a round of applause for our incredible CSRs, Kristina and Gerri! 🌟 During Veterinary CSR Week, we want to tak...

Let's give a round of applause for our incredible CSRs, Kristina and Gerri! 🌟 During Veterinary CSR Week, we want to take a moment to recognize their dedication and hard work in ensuring every pet and pet parent receives the best care and service possible. From scheduling appointments to greeting our furry friends with a warm smile, Kristina and Gerri go above and beyond every day. Thank you for being the heart and soul of our animal hospital! Drop a comment below to show them some love and appreciation. ❤️🐾

Dr. Davis making furry friends one belly rub at a time! 🐾 Say hello to Honey! 🍯 This little corgi mix has such a sweet p...

Dr. Davis making furry friends one belly rub at a time! 🐾 Say hello to Honey! 🍯 This little corgi mix has such a sweet personality and loves everyone ❤️

Whether you prefer swinging by our clinic or browsing from the comfort of your couch, keeping your pet protected is just...

Whether you prefer swinging by our clinic or browsing from the comfort of your couch, keeping your pet protected is just a click or a visit away! 🐾 Stock up on flea, tick, and heartworm preventatives easily in our clinic or our online pharmacy. Stop by in-person or shop online at:

Don't wait, ensure your pet's well-being with just a few simple clicks or steps. ❤🐶🐱

Frey's first checkup with us 😍 Paws-itively purrfect at the vet! 🐾😺

Frey's first checkup with us 😍 Paws-itively purrfect at the vet! 🐾😺


🐾 Attention Pet Parents! 🐾 Are you planning to pamper your dog or cat with a grooming session soon? 🛁🐶 Don't wait until the last minute! Our groomer, Kayla, is in high demand and booking out several weeks in advance! To ensure your pet gets the VIP treatment they deserve, we highly recommend pre-booking your grooming appointments. 📅✨Give us a call today to secure your spot and keep your fluffy friend looking and feeling their best 🐾

Have you heard about our Thrive Plus Membership yet? It is tailored to give your beloved pets the VIP treatment they des...

Have you heard about our Thrive Plus Membership yet? It is tailored to give your beloved pets the VIP treatment they deserve. For just $19.99/month, take advantage of all of the perks ❤️ Give us a call if you have any questions at 919-387-3435 🐶🐱

Flea, tick, and heartworm season is quickly approaching, and here at Gentle Care, we are dedicated to keeping our furry ...

Flea, tick, and heartworm season is quickly approaching, and here at Gentle Care, we are dedicated to keeping our furry friends safe and healthy all season long. As the weather warms up, so does the activity of these unwanted critters, posing potential risks to our beloved pets. During April, we will be covering topics related to preventative care and how to keep your pets protected 🐾

Double the joy, double the woofs! Kristina’s two golden retrievers celebrating NC State's win in style 🐾 We would love t...

Double the joy, double the woofs! Kristina’s two golden retrievers celebrating NC State's win in style 🐾 We would love to see your pet in their favorite team gear!

Freshly groomed and ready to hop into spring! Flynn is all ears for Easter festivities. 🐾🌷

Freshly groomed and ready to hop into spring! Flynn is all ears for Easter festivities. 🐾🌷

As many families prepare to celebrate Easter, it’s important to keep in mind that this spring holiday may pose potential...

As many families prepare to celebrate Easter, it’s important to keep in mind that this spring holiday may pose potential hazards for our furry friends. Before you hide eggs in your yard and decorate your home, please read this list of the top five most common Easter Dangers‼️☠️🐶🐱🐾

A frequently asked question of the day‼️What are a**l glands? 🤔 A**l glands, also known as a**l sacs, are small glands l...

A frequently asked question of the day‼️What are a**l glands? 🤔

A**l glands, also known as a**l sacs, are small glands located on either side of your pet's a**s. These glands produce a strong-smelling secretion that helps with scent marking and communication in dogs and cats.

Signs that your pet may be experiencing a**l gland problems include scooting, excessive licking, or a foul odor. Seeking professional assistance ensures safe and effective expression, preventing injury or infection. During expression, professionals can identify any abnormalities or infections in the a**l gland area that may require further attention. 🐱🐶 **lglandeducation


3435 Kildaire Farm Road
Cary, NC

Opening Hours

Monday 7:30am - 5:30pm
Tuesday 7:30am - 6:30pm
Wednesday 7:30am - 5:30pm
Thursday 7:30am - 5:30pm
Friday 7:30am - 5:30pm
Saturday 9am - 1pm




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