I wanted to get a head count again and update the trail info for our benefit ride on October 20th at 10:30 am.
If you've already RSVPd you don't need to again. If you've added anyone to your party please let me know and if you know which ride you want to do, I've described them below.
If you have not, please pm me with your name, phone number for that day and size of your trailer. If you know which ride you want to do let me know that as well. (I've described them below.
We have 24 riders committed so far. We have about 8 parking spaces left at the farm.
There is additional parking 1/8th of a mile away behind the community center that we can utilize. Probably room for 10 more 2 to 3 horse trailers. We have plenty of hitching rail space at the farm for those riders that may need to park down the hill. Plus some turnout areas for the lunch and awards get together after the ride.
Shortest trail approximately 6 miles. A loop around jugtown forest in mostly sandy trails. The access trail for all rides can be rocky and steep in places but for short periods.
The Nuns Farm Loop approximately 8 to 9 miles. Half rocky, longer hills and water crossings, the other half many trails in jugtown. Anyone wanting to do closer to 15 miles can fork off in another direction partway through to add miles.
The Quaker Ridge Ride. I just rode this trail for the first time with some friends and their mules from Florida. This trail is like riding a dry riverbed for about 1/3 or the way. Definitely want boots or shoes. There are several bridge crossings. The spacing is safe for size one shoes but smaller hooves might be difficult unless your horse is a rock over bridges. One bridge cannot get around but I'm hoping to place more boards across if any prefers to do this ride. When I go out I'll take pictures. I have taken many inexperienced riders on these rides but my horses are confident. So you'll have to be the judge of your own horses skills. This is an out and back approx 14 miles about 4 hrs.
If you plan to participate in any of the contests please let me know that as well, if you can.
4R Animal Shelter does a horse head wreath fund raiser every year, so....
$100 donations or more
We are offering a horse head wreath gift certificate to anyone who brings $100 or more of sponsorships to the ride.
Largest Single Business Sponsor ($100 or more)
Any rider who brings the largest business sponsor over $100 will get a horse head wreath and the business will get advertising on all of the affiliated social media pages after the ride, with photos of the ride and the winners.
Participant With The Most Sponsors
If anyone wants to get multiple sponsors we will also do a gift basket with 4R swag, a horse head wreath and other fun prizes for the person who brings the biggest number or individual sponsors. These can be private or business sponsors. We just want to award you for your work.
Costume Contest!
And, since its almost Halloween, lets do a costume contest! We'll have prizes for the best horse and rider costume, the best horse only costume and the best rider only costume.
Looking forward to riding with everyone!!