Now is a great time to maximize your return on investment in pregnancy checking your beef herd. Call and schedule today!
Want to make $150 more on your cull cows? Sell your open or late bred cows sooner rather than later!
Historical trends show about a 10% decrease in price of cull cows sold in early October compared to December – January. So, if you haven’t already, get those cows preg checked!
Here are some considerations when making a game plan for capturing the most value when marketing cull cows and bulls.
1️⃣ Assess feed availability. While there is value in adding weight to cows with poor body condition, the feed bill expense associated with keeping those animals around might not be worth it.
2️⃣ Improve efficiency. If feeding, look for opportunities to reduce feed waste, improve weight gain by introducing grains, and limiting days on feed. IBC benchmark data demonstrates feed conversions under 15 lbs per head during the first few weeks on feed of dry cows fed a total mixed ration, but feed conversions quickly increase after 60-75 days on feed.
3️⃣ Consider alternative marketing. While late bred females might not fit within your desired calving window, there may be value in selling those females by the head rather than the pound with the current markets.