Tell me your horses got loose without telling me your horses got loose….I’ll go first.
We hope everyone had as much fun as we did this afternoon! Loved seeing so many new faces and families joining us.
Philly and Blossom gave pony rides, we had lots of good food but the Pony v People Apple eating contest has definitely become my new favorite game! Philly even joined in this year- even though she cheated. 😂
💥Special Thank you to Miss Trista for all her hard work helping to prep for today’s activities.
So incredibly proud of these two. It has been a journey for both of them.
Moon came in about a year ago. She’d had a year off after a life on the track and needed a complete restart. She was challenging as, while never mean, she could be very high headed and forward.
Miss Trista has been a part of our farm for about 3 years now. While her consistency was hit or miss for a while(due to other obligation’s) I could tell from the start that she had the heart of a horseman. No lesson was too small and she worked so hard both on and off the horse to better herself as a rider and horseman.
Before any new horse is introduced to the lesson program, we ask for volunteers to test ride and lesson on them so we can work out issues that might pop up with non-trainer rides before they enter the program full time.
Miss Trista volunteered.
As a rider used to my lesson kids-I know Moon was a bit of a shock. Moon is hello forward in comparison.
I’ve watched this young lady rise to the challenge and pushed herself every lesson, every ride to be a better rider to be better for Moon.
While both have been trotting jumps for a while now, cantering obstacles has been a bit of sticky issue for both of them especially Moon. She would canter up to it, break and resume canter on the other side.
Yesterday we had a big beautiful breakthrough! Quiet, balanced and absolutely lovely! Best part- it wasn’t just a 1 time thing. It was consistent every time. 🥰
Beyond feeling blessed to be a part of their journey(horse and rider), it reiterates for me, again, why we don't rush basics, why we allow progress to happen naturally and why we embrace perfection in our imperfection. Thankful for every last client here who feels the same.