This is Getty, our personal family dog. My 4 year old will tell anyone that will listen that she is NAUGHTY. Yes. A dog trainer’s dog is naughty.
The girl takes her sweet time coming when called, finds the deadest and smelliest carcass she can and will try to sneak it inside-in her mouth😳 or on her fur🤮and is known for finding the most comfortable spot in the house-even if that’s your warm pillow you only momentarily left 🙄.
Could I train her to go faster, leave smelly things at the door and not get on the bed? Sure. Am I ever going to? Probably not. She’s trained enough to be safe and mostly appease the neighbors and that’s enough for me. Why? Because she’s a family pet, not a working dog. Because she’s a dog, not a robot.
And that’s my philosophy with my clients as well. They don’t have to be perfect or robots or have a competition worthy heel. We just want them, and other dogs and people around them, to be safe-physically and mentally and have a high quality of life.
So to the other dogs like Getty, we see you, we get you and we would love to meet you ❤️❤️
👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻scheduling link for your free in-home consultation in the comments (serving Castle Rock, Parker and South Denver)