We want to thank everyone who has been concerned and those who have reached out to us to ask if we needed help during this time of the Point fire.
We have spoken with the battalion commander of Phoenix Metro, who was out in our area today, spoken with numerous rangers and town officials, and witnessed hotshots and other efforts going on, and at this time, there is no eminent threat to us at our location. We have been assured that if anyone senses anything about to change, they would notify us, but we are also keeping our eyes on everything with 24 hour a day surveillance and staff presence.
We have an evacuation plan in place and a location to bring our animals if needed
Should something change and we do need to evacuate we may be reaching out to some of you who have offered for help with trailers to get the herd out in conjunction with our trailers.
Let’s just continue to pray that things stay this way, and let’s pray for the safety of all of those that are working so heroically to bring this under control. And from the bottom of our hearts, thank you again for all of your prayers and concern 🙏